
cover art for Sarah and Stevie


Sarah and Stevie

Season 1, Ep. 4

Julia reconnects with a couple of high school friends who discuss how spirituality impacts their lives.

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  • 5. Susan and Anne

    Julia Butler chats with federal MP Susan Templeman and Step By Step Disaster Support Service founder Anne Crestani about the challenges of surviving natural disasters and the importance of community connection.
  • 3. Sonia

    Julia chats with the resilient, robust and maybe manic Sonia about surviving cancer, fires, floods and sneaky snakes.
  • 2. Tim Ferguson

    Former trauma counsellor Julia Butler chats with the hilarious comedian, artist, writer and MS ambassador Tim Ferguson about living with MS, the advantages of adult nappies and, of course, resilience.
  • 1. The Fab Four

    Former trauma counsellor Julia Butler and three current trauma counsellors dissect the concept of resilience and search for a suitable collective noun for a group of trauma counsellors.