
Relevant Fiction: Stories with a Conscience
Sept. 11th 2.0
Season 1, Ep. 2
In this episode, on this inauspicious date from our country’s history, 9/11/01, we explore three relevant items of contemporary interest in a new mystery novel, ““Dancing With Death: Who Will Die? Or Disappear?”
- A fictional story element in this new novel released today, finds its climax occurring on the very symbolic date of September eleventh. The story revolves around preventing a plausible domestic nuclear terrorist attack.
- This story also hints at the impact of artificial intelligence on fictional characters’ lives, including the rest of their world, and how that reflects in a profoundly relevant way what is happening right now in the real world we wake up to every morning.
- I explore a real-world mental disability from within a likable villain’s mind in this new story. She leverages this “handicap” to become one of the most powerful women of her time.
We also answer a profound listener question from Episode 1. You won't want to miss this.
- In future episodes of the Relevant Fiction podcast, we'll explore socially relevant issues underlying stories behind (inside) other novels, some of my own, and some from other authors; real issues that affect real people, but from within the comfortable cradle of kick-butt fiction.
- Check out and consider joining that community. Also, subscribe at
- Hosted by veteran author and writing coach, Gene Jurrens.
Remember, never forget. We ARE a sum total of our genetics and our past experiences. So let’s be careful out there, everyone, but let’s also make the most of the lives we have been granted and have made for ourselves.
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3. Lethal Trail
29:32||Season 1, Ep. 3In this third episode, GK Jurrens and Lt, Tom Kasprzak (ret) discuss abehind-the-scenes view of their latest book, LETHAL TRAIL, NO BODYIS SAFE, their second in the Sam Travis Adventure series. Life or deathstakes, emotional and physical suspense offer you an entertaining talethat subliminally explores yet another contemporary social issue all toooften encountered today.• Gene & Tom share true story insights behind their second new book together.We’ll ask Tom to describe the essence of the real-life 1989 homicide,sexual and physical abuse case that inspired this hair-raisinginvestigation.• “LT” was Gene’s collaborator in the creation of this fast-moving tale.• In future episodes of Relevant Fiction we’ll explore other stories basedon actual cases that Tom worked as a veteran law enforcement officer inWestern Massachusetts.• Real issues affecting real people, but from within the comfortable cradleof kick-ass fiction. How cool is that!• Check out and consider joining thatcommunity. Also, subscribe at• Hosted by veteran author and blogger, Gene Jurrens.1. Undercover Catching Criminals
26:36||Season 1, Ep. 1In this debut episode, GK Jurrens offers a peek at a novel that subtly explores a modern social issue while the story entertains & makes you think. Today, Gene & his guest share the true story behind their new book, Lethal Game: Bears Under Siege. Meet Lt. Tom Kasprzak (ret.), the real-life version of the book’s colorful protagonist, Undercover Officer Sam Travis. LT was Gene’s collaborator in the creation of this fast-moving tale. In future episodes, we'll tickle the underlying story behind (inside) other novels, issues like alcoholism, handicaps (both physical and emotional), technology and its effects on society (both intended and unintended, good and bad), climate impacts, and other issues that color modern or historical fiction. We'll explore real issues affecting real people, but from within the comfortable cradle of kick-butt fiction. How cool is that!Check out and consider joining that community to continue the conversation. Hosted by Gene Jurrens.Relevant Fiction
01:00|We'll explore socially conscientious fiction that’s relevant, thought-provoking, and most important, entertaining. We'll discuss the subtler aspects of such stories buried beneath the surface in select contemporary novels.Such well-written fiction can hint at or bludgeon the reader with socially relevant issues that hopefully appear as compelling backdrops to engaging tales of conflict, action, suspense, or drama; issues such as the intended and unintended consequences of technology--like artificial intelligence--that impact our daily lives, or those around us. Or alcoholism, physical and emotional handicaps, climate impacts, etc.Find the joy in exploring such real issues that affect real people, but from within the comfortable cradle of kick-ass fiction. How cool is that!