
cover art for 301. Is There a Healthy Way to Cut People Off?

Relationships Made Easy

301. Is There a Healthy Way to Cut People Off?

Season 7, Ep. 301

Parental or other familial estrangement is a real thing these days. And it’s more common than ever to block or cut off toxic friends or siblings. But is there a healthy way to cut people off so you can feel at peace with your decision and life? The short answer is, “Yes,” but you need to know the dos and don’ts. Today I’m coming at you with the three big mistakes people make when they’re cutting someone off and my five strategies for how to create healthier separations so you can find calm and ease in your relationships, even the ones you don’t keep anymore.


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Learn how to create and hold healthy, loving boundaries. Buy my newest book on Amazon, Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy

Want to feel happier and more connected in your relationship? Buy my #1 bestselling book on Amazon, Be Happily Married: Even If Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing:


Looking for past episodes of the Relationships Made Easy Podcast? Head over to and where you’ll find past episodes.

Subscribe today to get my love letter to you! This biweekly reminder will keep you on the path to creating connected, happy relationships (especially the one with yourself!).

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A great idea to stay motivated and keep your head in a positive direction is to buy some of my fabulous, inspirational merchandise. Get yourself a t-shirt, mug, tote bag or notebook with that daily reminder that you’ve got this!

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  • 303. 303. The Secret to Changing Your Unwanted Habits

    51:46||Season 7, Ep. 303
    Creating a great relationship with yourself or others is all about creating healthy habits: getting into the habit of identifying and regulating your own feelings, getting into the habit of being mindful in conversations, or getting into the habit of resisting urges that sabotage you getting to your goals (yes, put down your phone and the Oreos). Creating a great relationship with yourself or others is also about breaking bad habits such as judging, criticizing or thinking your well-being is hinged on other people acting a certain way. The research is clear on what it takes to make healthy habits and let go of destructive ones, but there’s a not-so-secret secret to doing it right. Yup. There’s one big mistake most people make when they’re trying to change a habit and it’s why they fail. So, whether you’re here to change a relationship, your eating, or some other part of your life that’s not working, today you’ll learn the secret to making new habits that stick.____________________________Full blog and show notes: The Changing Habits Quicksheet: how to create and hold healthy, loving boundaries. Buy my newest book on Amazon, Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy to feel happier and more connected in your relationship? Buy my #1 bestselling book on Amazon, Be Happily Married: Even If Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing: for past episodes of the Relationships Made Easy Podcast? Head over to and where you’ll find past episodes.Subscribe today to get my love letter to you! This biweekly reminder will keep you on the path to creating connected, happy relationships (especially the one with yourself!). https://abbymedcalf.comReady to dig deeper? Take one of my online courses (some are FREE!) or grab a workbook: great idea to stay motivated and keep your head in a positive direction is to buy some of my fabulous, inspirational merchandise. Get yourself a t-shirt, mug, tote bag or notebook with that daily reminder that you’ve got this! hello on social:Facebook:
  • 302. 302. Why You Feel Lonely (Even if You Have Friends) and Three Solutions that Work

    44:50||Season 7, Ep. 302
    Feeling lonely sucks! If you’re here with me now, you’ve likely experienced the pain of feeling lonely or isolated at some point in your life. Social connection is imperative for humans. It improves our mental well-being and our physical health. Studies have even shown that a lack of social connection can be more detrimental to your health than smoking or obesity! So, what do you do if you feel lonely (even when you’re surrounded by people)? Today we’re diving into the stigma of loneliness, the difference between being alone and being lonely, why most loneliness tips haven’t worked for you and my top three solutions to shift from feeling lonely to feeling more connected and at peace.____________________________Full blog and show notes: my FREE Meditation Starter Kit: how to create and hold healthy, loving boundaries. Buy my newest book on Amazon, Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy to feel happier and more connected in your relationship? Buy my #1 bestselling book on Amazon, Be Happily Married: Even If Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing: for past episodes of the Relationships Made Easy Podcast? Head over to and where you’ll find past episodes.Subscribe today to get my love letter to you! This biweekly reminder will keep you on the path to creating connected, happy relationships (especially the one with yourself!). https://abbymedcalf.comFor more quick tips, subscribe to my YouTube channel: to dig deeper? Take one of my online courses (some are FREE!) or grab a workbook: great idea to stay motivated and keep your head in a positive direction is to buy some of my fabulous, inspirational merchandise. Get yourself a t-shirt, mug, tote bag or notebook with that daily reminder that you’ve got this! hello on social:Facebook:
  • 300. 300. Three Simple Habits to Structure and Plan Your Day so You Can Be Effective, Productive and Calm

    01:28:40||Season 7, Ep. 300
    In my 40 years of experience, I’ve worked with bus drivers, billionaires, movie stars, and stay-at-home parents. I’ve worked with people who are depressed, anxious and have ADHD. And I can tell you that the one thing everyone has in common is that they often struggle with feeling ineffective in their day-to-day life. I always say that the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself. When you don’t feel effective in your day, you beat yourself up, resulting in lowered self-esteem. Let’s change all that! Today I’m teaching you three simple habits to structure and plan your day so you can be effective, productive and calm. Get ready for a whole new way of thinking about your day so you can kick some ass! Full blog and show notes: my FREE Mindfulness Starter Kit: how to create and hold healthy, loving boundaries. Buy my newest book on Amazon, Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy to feel happier and more connected in your relationship? Buy my #1 bestselling book on Amazon, Be Happily Married: Even If Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing: for past episodes of the Relationships Made Easy Podcast? Head over to and where you’ll find past episodes.Subscribe today to get my love letter to you! This biweekly reminder will keep you on the path to creating connected, happy relationships (especially the one with yourself!). https://abbymedcalf.comFor more quick tips, subscribe to my YouTube channel: great idea to stay motivated and keep your head in a positive direction is to buy some of my fabulous, inspirational merchandise. Get yourself a t-shirt, mug, tote bag or notebook with that daily reminder that you’ve got this! hello on social:Facebook:
  • 299. 299. How to Deal with Someone Being Mad at You: The Four Things You Can Do

    43:59||Season 7, Ep. 299
    One of the toughest parts of being human is dealing with others being angry or disappointed in us. You might react by being angry back, people pleasing or avoiding that person altogether. But no matter what you do, your brain likely keeps coming back to this person who’s angry at you, and you end up feeling anxious, fearful, resentful or drained. Why can’t you just let it go, and what can you do to make it better? Today I’ll teach you the four things you can do to ease your anger and anxiety when someone is mad at you and find some internal peace.____________________________Full blog and show notes: my FREE Mindfulness Starter Kit: how to create and hold healthy, loving boundaries. Buy my newest book on Amazon, Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy to feel happier and more connected in your relationship? Buy my #1 bestselling book on Amazon, Be Happily Married: Even If Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing: for past episodes of the Relationships Made Easy Podcast? Head over to and where you’ll find past episodes.Subscribe today to get my love letter to you! This biweekly reminder will keep you on the path to creating connected, happy relationships (especially the one with yourself!). https://abbymedcalf.comFor more quick tips, subscribe to my YouTube channel: to dig deeper? Take one of my online courses (some are FREE!) or grab a workbook: great idea to stay motivated and keep your head in a positive direction is to buy some of my fabulous, inspirational merchandise. Get yourself a t-shirt, mug, tote bag or notebook with that daily reminder that you’ve got this! hello on social:Facebook:
  • 298. 298. How to Overcome Social Anxiety: My Top Five Tips for Creating a More Relaxed and Connected Life

    01:05:46||Season 7, Ep. 298
    Do you feel self-conscious in social situations? Are you often afraid that others are judging you? Do everyday interactions cause you significant anxiety or embarrassment? And has this fear gotten in the way of living your life? If you have social anxiety, you might feel hopeless that things will ever change, but you’re wrong. Social anxiety is treatable and today you’ll learn my top five tips for creating a more relaxed and connected life.____________________________Full blog and show notes: Download my FREE Grounding Exercises: Learn how to create and hold healthy, loving boundaries. Buy my newest book on Amazon, Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy Want to feel happier and more connected in your relationship? Buy my #1 bestselling book on Amazon, Be Happily Married: Even If Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing: Looking for past episodes of the Relationships Made Easy Podcast? Head over to and where you’ll find past episodes. Subscribe today to get my love letter to you! This biweekly reminder will keep you on the path to creating connected, happy relationships (especially the one with yourself!). For more quick tips, subscribe to my YouTube channel: Ready to dig deeper? Take one of my online courses (some are FREE!) or grab a workbook: A great idea to stay motivated and keep your head in a positive direction is to buy some of my fabulous, inspirational merchandise. Get yourself a t-shirt, mug, tote bag or notebook with that daily reminder that you’ve got this! Say hello on social:Facebook:
  • 297. 297. How to Stop Feeling Frustrated and Angry in Your Relationships

    47:13||Season 7, Ep. 297
    It’s healthy and normal to get frustrated or angry from time to time. However, it’s not healthy or normal to feel frustration and anger on a daily basis. This means your frustration tolerance is too low and it’s time to develop some much-needed skills so you can feel more peaceful and connected with yourself and those around you. Today I’m teaching you my top five strategies to stop feeling frustrated and angry in all your relationships. ____________________________Full blog and show notes: my FREE List of Collaborative Questions: how to create and hold healthy, loving boundaries. Buy my newest book on Amazon, Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy to feel happier and more connected in your relationship? Buy my #1 bestselling book on Amazon, Be Happily Married: Even If Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing: for past episodes of the Relationships Made Easy Podcast? Head over to and where you’ll find past episodes.Subscribe today to get my love letter to you! This biweekly reminder will keep you on the path to creating connected, happy relationships (especially the one with yourself!). https://abbymedcalf.comFor more quick tips, subscribe to my YouTube channel: to dig deeper? Take one of my online courses (some are FREE!) or grab a workbook: great idea to stay motivated and keep your head in a positive direction is to buy some of my fabulous, inspirational merchandise. Get yourself a t-shirt, mug, tote bag or notebook with that daily reminder that you’ve got this! hello on social:Facebook:
  • 296. 296. How Do You Know if You’re in a Healthy Relationship? Five Signs to Look for

    42:47||Season 6, Ep. 296
    Because so many of us come from dysfunctional families, it can be hard to know if we’re in a healthy relationship or just repeating the screwed up stuff we saw growing up with that seemed normal because it’s all we knew. With a career spanning 40 years, in multiple states and countries, and having worked in every environment you can imagine, I’ve learned a lot about what it means to truly be in a healthy relationship. Today I’m sharing the top five things to look for to know whether or not you’re in a healthy relationship or to at least identify what you need to work on. ____________________________Full blog and show notes: this loving kindness meditation to develop feelings of compassion, love, kindness and warmth towards yourself and other people. how to create and hold healthy, loving boundaries. Buy my newest book on Amazon, Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy to feel happier and more connected in your relationship? Buy my #1 bestselling book on Amazon, Be Happily Married: Even If Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing: for past episodes of the Relationships Made Easy Podcast? Head over to and where you’ll find past episodes.Subscribe today to get my love letter to you! This biweekly reminder will keep you on the path to creating connected, happy relationships (especially the one with yourself!). https://abbymedcalf.comFor more quick tips, subscribe to my YouTube channel: to dig deeper? Take one of my online courses (some are FREE!) or grab a workbook: great idea to stay motivated and keep your head in a positive direction is to buy some of my fabulous, inspirational merchandise. Get yourself a t-shirt, mug, tote bag or notebook with that daily reminder that you’ve got this! hello on social:Facebook:
  • 295. 295. The Three Surprising Reasons Why Relationships Fail

    55:58||Season 6, Ep. 295
    Why do relationships fail? When I ask people, “What’s the biggest issue in your relationship?” they almost always answer, “We don’t communicate.” That’s wrong (yes, I said it). And that wrong answer has you working on the wrong things. You try out all those communication tools to improve your relationship, but they don’t work! And you know why? Because you’re not treating the cancer, you’re treating a symptom, which means you don’t get to the root, so the problems keep coming back and, ultimately, your relationship fails. Today I’ll explain the top three reasons relationships fail and, as always, tips to help you create lasting connection, ease and joy in your relationship. ____________________________Full blog and show notes: my FREE list of Collaborative Questions: how to create and hold healthy, loving boundaries. Buy my newest book on Amazon, Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy to feel happier and more connected in your relationship? Buy my #1 bestselling book on Amazon, Be Happily Married: Even If Your Partner Won’t Do a Thing: for past episodes of the Relationships Made Easy Podcast? Head over to and where you’ll find past episodes.Subscribe today to get my love letter to you! This biweekly reminder will keep you on the path to creating connected, happy relationships (especially the one with yourself!). https://abbymedcalf.comFor more quick tips, subscribe to my YouTube channel: to dig deeper? Take one of my online courses (some are FREE!) or grab a workbook: great idea to stay motivated and keep your head in a positive direction is to buy some of my fabulous, inspirational merchandise. Get yourself a t-shirt, mug, tote bag or notebook with that daily reminder that you’ve got this! hello on social:Facebook: