
cover art for Recovery From Topical Steroid Withdrawal

Recovery From Anything

Recovery From Topical Steroid Withdrawal

Ep. 1

Growing up with clear skin and only occasional struggles with eczema, Amy's life took an unexpected turn when she moved to Germany from Canada and began working as a housekeeper in a hotel. Regular exposure to harsh cleaning chemicals triggered rashes all over her skin, leading her to seek medical help. Little did she know that the prescribed topical steroid creams would set her on a path filled with darkness and uncertainty.

In this episode, Amy bravely opens up about her experiences with Topical Steroid Withdrawal, sharing the challenges she faced and the toll it took on her physical and emotional well-being. However, amidst the darkness, Amy discovered a glimmer of hope and solace in her garden. Through resilience, determination, and the healing power of nature, Amy found a pathway to recovery.

You can find Amy on Instagram and Tikok, If you're struggling with TSW, you can find support here.

Visit our Instagram to see pictures of Amy then and now, or check out our website for more information on the podcast.

Content/trigger warnings: topical steroid withdrawal, suicidal ideation, description of physical injury, explicit language.

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  • See you in 4 weeks!

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