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Rebinge Deep Space Nine

Re-binge Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

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  • RBDS9 000 – Intro to Rebinge DS9 Podcast (S1E0)

    01:15||Season 1
    Welcome to the first episode of our Rebinge Star Trek DS9 podcast! Welcome to our full rebinge of Star Trek DS9! We are Kim and James, big Star Trek fans who don't always agree. But we have agreed to kick off a rebinge of this classic show. James is a DS9 fanboy and loves everything about it. Kim is a little skeptical, but she's ready to give it a try. Every episode will be full of over-analysis and laughter. Tune in to hear Kim talk about how it looks for women in the future and James will tell you how amazing Sisko is. What does Rebinge DS9 mean anyway? It's like a re-watch, but more obsessive and starts from a point of love (of Sisko). James has watched and re-watched DS9 but Kim has never made it all the way to the end. So even though this is a rebinge for James, it's more of a new binge for Kim. TNG is Kim's favorite all time show, followed closely by Voyager. DS9 never made the list (will it now???). We're fun people! No matter what we disagree on during our rebinge of DS9, we will always laugh and enjoy the conversation. Nothing can ever break our love and devotion to Star Trek as a universe, but that doesn't stop us from poking fun at it. Come along on the journey with us, it'll be fun! Next time… We dig into Season 1 Episode 1 of DS9: Emissary. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!

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  • 1. RBDS9 001 – Emissary (S1E1)

    01:25:56||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: Emissary This is our first full episode rebinge of Star Trek DS9! We are starting at the beginning, of course, with the DS9 pilot entitled Emissary! We're introduced to the space station Deep Space Nine and its main characters of Sisko, Jake, Miles, Dax, Kira, Odo and Quark. We also get a view of DS9 and Kim thinks it's a bit of a dump. We do spend quite a bit of time cleaning up the place after all! James is (naturally) quite in love with the whole thing from the very beginning. This episode of DS9 touches on some heavy stuff like grief and PTSD. And it nearly convinces us that time isn't linear. The show begins to build the foundation of Sisko as a character and gives us glimpses of him at his best and at his worst. We also get a look at the Cardassians and their burdensome costumes and we know pretty quickly we don't like them. We roll our sleeves up, just like Miles, for a very deep dive into this super-sized episode of the classic show. Get ready for Cardassians, an angry woman, wormholes and a lot of inappropriate ear touching. So. Much. Ear. Touching. Kim is truly outraged by this development. And oh yeah, James gets goose bumps when we find out who the Emissary is (a thing he already knew, but he is so giddy with excitement to relearn it). You can see that even Sisko is a little suspicious of Kai Opaka. What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. Next time… We dig into Season 1 Episode 2 of DS9: Past Prologue. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!
  • 2. RBDS9 002 – Past Prologue (S1E2)

    01:01:10||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Welcome to our Rebinge of Star Trek DS9: Past Prologue This is our second full episode on our Rebinge DS9 journey! Someone from Kira's past has appeared seeking amnesty on DS9 in Past Prologue. But as usual, he's up to no good — no one just drops by this place for a simple visit. Why would they? We continue to touch on some heavy themes! Here Kira is struggling with her loyalties to the freedom fighting cause of her past and the politics of her present. She tries to explain the complications away with Sisko, but he's having none of it. He doesn't want to be harboring terrorists and he wants Kira to pick a side. Meanwhile, the Cardassians are sticking their rubbery noses into everything again. Oh yeah, and we've got some Klingons on the station ready to cause trouble. The Duras sisters have arrived and are making deals on all sides. Odo wants to throw them in the brig, of course, because he is his usual cantankerous self. This is a Kira episode We get a lot of Kira in episode 2. She waffles between being the angry woman we met in episode 1 and the good soldier she wants to be for her people. She's finding this a difficult line to walk. But one thing for sure, she is killing it with that new haircut. We dig it. Kira is questioning her own motivations in Past Prologue. What's this rebinge thing? It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. Listen to our intro episode if you want to know a little more about us. And kick off the whole thing with our rebinge of the pilot episode Emissary. Next time… We dig into Season 1 Episode 3 of DS9: A Man Alone. Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter!