
cover art for Malika Favre

Rave About Illustration with Zara Wood

Malika Favre

Season 1, Ep. 3

Malika Favre is a prolific French illustrator now based in Barcelona, after years of working in London. She works for a range of international clients on a whole host of projects.

In this special edition episode, Malika and Zara discuss the nitty gritty of the illustration business from what we should call ourselves, how we can work as a brand, looking after well-being and your work, as well as the benefits of thinking of the long game and a sustainable career.

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  • 1. Illustration?

    Illustrator, art director and educator Zara Wood introduces us to the world of illustration and sheds some light on how illustrators work.This opening episode gives listeners a useful overview of working as an illustrator and where to spot illustration, which does such a good job as part of visual communication, that it often gets overlooked
  • 2. Akemi Kawano

    This second episode features recent illustration graduate Akemi Kawano, a multi-disciplinary creative based in London. Her personal projects explore topical themes including complex subjects like identity.Akemi and Zara discuss how illustration allows us to explore and share our stories, along with the fundamentals of earning a living as a graduate in the creative industries.