Q & Abe
Bonus: Encounters with Race and Racism
Season 2
This bonus episode accompanies episode 2.2, If people saw that slavery was getting started, why didn't they stop it?
In our conversations surrounding the questions in the show, we sometimes encounter stories that don’t fit within the main episode, but are compelling enough that we don’t want to keep them to ourselves. In talking through this question, several of our guests shared with us stories about their personal experiences encountering race and the other legacies of slavery. You'll hear from Robin and Terry from Fort Monroe, and Catherine and Andre from Point Made Learning.
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Bonus: Dr. Bennett on Covid
06:09||Season 6This bonus episode accompanies episode 6.3, "When was DC its unhealthiest?"While we were talking to the inimitable Dr. Ayanna Bennett, she was very clear that the Covid experience was a moment where the interconnectedness of everyone’s health became clear. We asked her, how else did Covid affect way she and her team approach their work? www.lincolncottage.org3. When was DC its unhealthiest?
40:02||Season 6, Ep. 3For this episode, we're talking about a question we got after telling the story of Willie Lincoln's death from typhoid. Along the way we talk about the sanitary revolution - try washing your dishes!, equity in health resources across the city, and how to even measure what "healthy" means. Come along with us!Guests:Dr. Ashesh PatelDr. Jim DownsDr. Ayanna Bennettwww.lincolncottage.orgBonus: Frederick, is God dead?
05:07||Season 6This bonus episode accompanies episode 6.2, "Did Lincoln ever go to church?"John O'Brien shared more stories about the Lincoln family's life at New York Ave Presbyterian, and Dr. Corey Walker explained how Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth were grappling with how the god they believed in could let slavery happen.www.lincolncottage.org2. Did Lincoln ever go to church?
33:26||Season 6, Ep. 2For this episode, we're talking about a question we often get from visitors with a strong faith practice. On the way we talk about Mrs. Lincoln's Sunday best, the intersection of religion and politics re: slavery, and definitions of Christian nationalism. Come along with us!Guests:Richard CarwardineHolly HollmanJohn O'BrienDr. Corey D.B. Walkerwww.lincolncottage.orgBonus: Checks, Balances, and Trains
03:51||Season 6This bonus episode accompanies episode 6.1, "Does anybody know what Lincoln's next big idea was?"Kate Masur explained more about Lincoln's willingness to collaborate with Congress, and Shannon Janean Currie made an intriguing connection between his time and our own.www.lincolncottage.org1. Does anybody know what Lincoln's next big idea was?
32:27||Season 6, Ep. 1For this episode, we're talking about a question we got from a supporter of the Cottage who was thinking about what Lincoln would have done with more time. On the way we talk about what political candidates need to do to connect with voters, how historians approach uncertainty, and how to know if your idea is a good one in the first place. Come along with us!Guests: Dan BarkerShannon Janean CurrieKate Masurwww.lincolncottage.orgBonus: The Derringer
05:13||Season 5This bonus episode accompanies episode 5.3, "Why would Maryland do that?"Terry Alford told us more about Booth’s weapon, and Alex Wood encouraged us to think deeper about place(s) of memory.www.lincolncottage.org3. Why would Maryland do that?
41:39||Season 5, Ep. 3For this episode, we're talking about a question we got from a student trying to understand the reasons behind Lincoln’s assassination. Along the way we’ll encounter a troubling relationship to cats, one of history’s most dramatic moments, and resources to stop radicalization in the present. Come along with us!Guests:Terry AlfordAlex WoodBrian Hugheswww.lincolncottage.org Celebrations and Response Times
06:48||Season 5This bonus episode accompanies episode 5.2, "How fast did emancipation happen?"Greg Downs recounted other emancipation celebrations you may not have heard of, and General Blanchard ran us through how the National Guard's timeline for deployment works.