
cover art for Act 2 - Translvantic - Issue #4

Pulp Panic - A Fiasco Anthology

Act 2 - Translvantic - Issue #4

The conclusion to the nightmarish nautical adventure of Issue #4! See as Dorthy drunkenly leaves a path, Thomas is reminded of his time on the force, Alexandriene uses her new influence over the captain, and Bernard discovers the truth of the adults in his life.

Playset: Transatlantic by E. Tage Larsen

You can find or contact us on most socials all @PulpPanicPod

CW: Profanity, Depression, Sexual Content, Violence, Drugs

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  • Act 1 - The Better's Feud - Issue #11

    This month Issue is titled, The Better's Feud. A tale of generational gambling and grifts. Where rival families try to take the lead in the race for absolute control of the town, win or lose, they will risk it all. Fredrick Fillion places a bet on legacy, Alta Asgerson doubles down on her bookie in the race, and William Deema pushes his luck too far one too many times. Playset: Horse Fever By Ariele Agostini, Flavio Mortarino, Lorenzo Silva, Lorenzo Tucci SorrentinoYou can find or contact us on most socials all @PulpPanicPodCW: Profanity, Sexual Content, Violence
  • Act 2 - Losers (English Dub) - Issue #10

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  • Act 1 - Losers (English Dub) - Issue #10

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  • Bonus - Character Creation for Issue #10

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  • Bonus - Fiasco: Explanation and How To

    While we recover and recuperate from the end of last year, we figured we would still try to post a little bonus for January. In this, we try our best to explain, what Fiasco is all about and how to play through a game!Playset: Fiasco by Jason Morningstar You can find or contact us on most socials all @PulpPanicPod
  • Act 2 - March Wedding In December - Issue #9

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  • Act 1 - March Wedding In December - Issue #9

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  • Act 2- The Many Faces of Mars - Issue #8

    Curtains will fall as chaos rises! Intermission is over, it's time for Act 2! Patrica tries to pic-a place for her daughter in fame, Annie finds herself abandoned by grown ups, Red finally gets his moment with the light, and Mars gives the performance of his lifetime.Playset: Break a Leg by Megan Pederson, John KellyYou can find or contact us on most socials all @PulpPanicPodCW: Profanity, Sexual Content, Violence
  • Act 1 - The Many Faces of Mars - Issue #8

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