
cover art for Sukos - The Joy in Discomfort

Archive Prism of Torah

Sukos - The Joy in Discomfort

The sukkah, with its inherent discomforts, paradoxically symbolizes the pinnacle of joy—our Zman Simchaseinu. How can the experience of exile hold the key to true happiness when, on the surface, it seems to totally contradict the theme of happiness? What profound wisdom lies in reading Koheles, with its seemingly bleak outlook, during this joyous festival?

In this week's episode of The Prism of Torah, Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman unravels these mysteries, sharing insightful stories and teachings that will transform your perspective on every mitzvah. Join us as we explore how embracing the temporary can open doors to the eternal. Listen now and uncover hidden truths that will deepen your connection to Hashem and enrich your spiritual journey!

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