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Parshas Shlach - Your Spiritual Jackpot

Parshas Shlach -  Your Spiritual Jackpot

Why did the Jews suddenly change their hearts about entering Eretz Yisrael? What caused this dramatic shift from fear to determination? Why do mitzvos sometimes feel like a struggle? Is there a hidden purpose behind our spiritual challenges? What if the moments we find most difficult are actually our greatest opportunities for growth? Join us as we unravel the paradox of Divine commands and discover how understanding the Yetzer Hara's tactics can transform our approach to Jewish life.

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  • Parshas Shelach - Positive Attitude

    In this illuminating episode of 'The Prism of Torah', Reb Asaf delves into Parshat Shlach, unraveling the profound impact of attitude on our life's missions. Through a fascinating analysis of the spies' journey, we explore how our initial perspective shapes our outcomes. Discover the Kli Yakar's insightful interpretation of three distinct Hebrew words for 'spying', each revealing a different intention. From the optimism of Yehoshua and Calev to the skepticism of the other spies, learn how your outlook can make or break your endeavors. Plus, heartwarming stories that illustrate the transformative power of positive words and thoughts. Tune in to unlock the secret of turning challenges into opportunities and infusing your daily life with the wisdom of the
  • Parshas Behaaloscha- Trusting Hashem

    In this thought-provoking episode of "The Prism of Torah," Reb Asaf Aaron Prisman delves into the perplexing events of Parshas Behaaloscha. Why did the generation that witnessed miracles complain about the manna? What motivated their eagerness to leave Har Sinai? Uncover the deeper spiritual lessons hidden within these seemingly contradictory actions. Explore the delicate balance between living a supernatural existence and embracing life's challenges. Discover why trusting Hashem's timing is crucial for our growth, and learn valuable insights about preparing our children for the complexities of the outside world. Join us for a fascinating journey that will reshape your understanding of this parsha and provide practical wisdom for navigating your own spiritual
  • Parshas Naso - The Nazir's Mixed Messages

    In this thought-provoking episode of "The Prism of Torah," Reb Asaf Aaron Prisman delves into the fascinating paradox of the Nazir. Why does the Torah describe the Nazir as both holy and sinful? Unravel the mystery as we explore the delicate balance between physical indulgence and spiritual elevation. Through captivating stories and insightful Torah wisdom, we'll examine the different levels of holiness one can achieve in this world. Are you depriving yourself or truly elevating your existence? Discover how to transform perceived sacrifices into joyful opportunities for growth. This episode promises to challenge your perspective on pleasure, purpose, and the path to genuine spiritual fulfillment. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of your own spiritual journey and learn how to navigate the complex interplay between body and soul in Jewish
  • Parshas Behar - Bitachon in Hashem

    In this thought-provoking exploration of Parashat Behar, Reb Asaf delves into the profound concept of Bitachon - trusting in Hashem. What's the difference between those who blindly trust and those who question? Discover how our level of faith impacts the quality of blessings we receive, and why Bitachon is considered the primary conduit for Divine abundance. From the Gra's interpretation of "Bereishis" to the Chofetz Chaim's timeless wisdom, this episode unravels the power of unwavering trust in Hashem. Learn how cultivating this middah can transform your life, bringing peace and serenity even in challenging times. Prepare to be inspired by real-life examples and gain practical insights on how to strengthen your Bitachon and pass this crucial legacy to the next
  • Parshas Emor- Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize

    In this illuminating episode of "The Prism of Torah," Reb Asaf Aaron Prisman unravels the profound significance behind the Omer offering and its connection to our modern-day counting of the Omer. Why is this sacrifice uniquely named after its volume? What's the hidden link between the Omer and the manna in the desert? Discover how this mitzvah serves as a powerful reminder of our true sustenance source, even in a world where we seem to earn our living through our own efforts. Reb Prisman delves into the deeper meaning of these 49 days leading to Shavuot, challenging us to refocus on our spiritual goals amidst life's busy demands. From ancient times to current events, learn how the lessons of the Omer remain strikingly relevant. This episode offers a fresh perspective on balancing material pursuits with spiritual growth, culminating in a call to action that resonates with today's challenges. Tune in for an eye-opening exploration of keeping our eyes on the true prize in life.
  • Parshas Metzorah - Lashon Hara Hurts Your Skin

    Teaser: In this thought-provoking episode of "The Prism of Torah," Reb Asaf Aaron Prisman delves into the profound connection between lashon hara (speaking badly about others) and tzaraas (leprosy) in Parashat Metzora. Why does HaShem choose this specific punishment for those who engage in harmful speech? Discover the deeper significance behind this divine consequence and how it reflects the spiritual damage caused by negative talk. From the isolation of the metzora to the spotlight effect of tzaraas, Reb Prisman offers fascinating insights that will change your perspective on the power of words. Learn why even the Chofetz Chaim embraced his hearing difficulties as a spiritual safeguard. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to elevate their speech and deepen their understanding of this crucial mitzvah. Tune in to uncover the hidden wisdom within the punishment of tzaraas and its relevance to our daily
  • Work Hard, Rest Harder

    Ever wonder why we're told to work for six days when there's no mitzvah to do so? What's the connection between Shabbos and building the Mishkan? Is working harder really the key to earning more? Discover the hidden wisdom in the passive voice of "work will be done." Could your perspective on work be holding you back from true abundance? Join us as we unravel the profound message behind "Work Hard, Rest Harder." Learn why the Chofetz Chaim believed one verse could make or break a business. Explore how embracing Shabbos might be the secret to unlocking your weekday success. Ready to transform your view on work, rest, and divine providence? Tune in for a mind-shifting journey through Parshas Vayakhel!
  • Parshas Behaaloscha- Elevate Yourself

    Why did the cloud hover over the Mishkan? Why did the cloud symbolize Hashem's message to remain in our current location? What can it teach us about navigating the ups and downs of our spiritual journey? Uncover the hidden depths of life's challenges in this week's Prism of Torah.Reb Prisman shares profound insights from the Nesivos Shalom that will change the way you view your struggles and help you find the strength to persevere. Also, he presents a powerful parable from his Rebbe about a trip to the dentist that will make you rethink the purpose of pain in your life. Listen now to discover how you can harness the challenges in your life to reach new heights in your relationship with Hashem.Always on