
cover art for Parshas Korach - Give & Take or the World's At Stake

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Parshas Korach - Give & Take or the World's At Stake

Parshas Korach - Give & Take or the World's At Stake

In this week's Parsha, Korach's rebellion raises profound questions about the nature of holiness and leadership. But beneath the surface lies a deeper exploration of the very fabric of creation. What if the world is designed as an intricate symphony, with each of us playing a crucial role? Reb Asaf Prisman unravels the mystical concept of mashpia and mushpa (influencing vs being influenced), revealing how this divine dance of giving and receiving permeates every aspect of our lives. From the sun and moon to our daily interactions, discover how understanding your unique position in this cosmic orchestra can unlock abundant blessings.

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  • Purim - The Power Behind

    What's the true key to success in our spiritual and material endeavors? How does our relationship with Hashem and our fellow Jews impact our lives in ways we might not realize? Reb Asaf Aaron Prisman shares a powerful mashal that illuminates the hidden dynamics of divine providence. Learn why our efforts sometimes fall short and discover the secret to aligning ourselves with Hashem's will. Gain practical insights into improving your middos and deepening your connection to Hashem, unlocking blessings in all areas of life.
  • Purim - Messages We Ignore

    What can we learn from Achashverosh's failure to change? How do we ensure we don't miss the messages Hashem sends us? Reb Asaf Aaron Prisman examines the surprising lessons hidden within Achashverosh's character. Discover the two key factors that can lead to genuine teshuvah and why even exposure to tzaddikim isn't always enough. Uncover the deeper connections between Achashverosh's behavior and the essence of Purim, and learn how to become more receptive to Hashem's guidance in your own life.
  • Purim - Emunah & Bitachon

    Why is Purim called the "end of all miracles"? How can we cultivate true emunah and bitachon in our daily lives? Join Reb Asaf Aaron Prisman as he unravels the deeper meanings behind Purim's hidden miracles. Learn how Klal Yisrael's acceptance of the Torah during Purim differs from Matan Torah, and discover practical ways to strengthen your faith in Hashem's constant guidance. Explore the power of seeing Hashem's hand in nature and how it can transform your avodas Hashem.
  • Purim - Having the Right Perspective on Life

    How can we find Hashem's hand in a world of hester panim? What lessons can we learn from Sarah Imeinu and Esther about maintaining faith in challenging times? Reb Asaf Aaron Prisman delves into the hidden miracles of Purim, revealing how this Yom Tov teaches us to see Hashem's guiding presence even in seemingly ordinary events. Discover how developing the middah of malchus can transform your perspective on life's challenges and deepen your connection to Hashem.
  • Chanukah - Oil Your Potential

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  • Chanukah - Menorahs and Mezuzahs

    Is Chanukah about military victory or miraculous oil? Explore the fascinating duality of Chanukah's miracles and their significance in Jewish thought. Uncover the deeper meaning behind the placement of the menorah and how it relates to our identity as Jews. This illuminating Dvar Torah will challenge you to rethink your understanding of Chanukah and inspire you to embrace the uniqueness of Jewish observance in a world that often pushes for uniformity.
  • Sukkos - Uniqueness of Sukkos

    Why does Sukkos stand out as the epitome of joy among all Jewish holidays? Delve into the multi-faceted nature of Sukkos as we unravel its unique position in the Jewish calendar. From its connection to the High Holidays to its agricultural significance, discover how Sukkos serves as a powerful culmination of spiritual processes. This eye-opening Dvar Torah will transform your understanding of Sukkos and its pivotal role in Jewish life and spirituality.
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