
cover art for Parshas Eikev - Short-Term Thirst, Long-Term Growth

Archive Prism of Torah

Parshas Eikev - Short-Term Thirst, Long-Term Growth

Why did Hashem allow enemies in Eretz Yisrael to be stronger than Klal Yisrael? What deeper meaning lies behind drinking water? How can challenges bring us closer to Hashem? In this episode of Prism of Torah, Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman explores Parshas Eikev, revealing hidden blessings within our struggles. Discover how basic needs contain the key to unlocking a deeper Divine connection. Explore the wisdom behind Hashem's tests and how they help us grow in emunah. Whether facing personal trials or seeking meaning in the mundane, this episode will open your eyes to the beauty of Hashem's plan. Tune in for an inspiring experience!

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