
cover art for A.I. Pedophiles

Politics & Psychology

A.I. Pedophiles

Season 3, Ep. 42

Listen-in and hear how artificial intelligence (A.I.) is being abused to sexually exploit children. From copying the pictures of children you post on social media, to generating fake images of graphic scenes of abuse, A.I. is creating massive amounts of real and edited sexual abuse material to feed the appetites of pedophiles.


Hear how ChatGPT, all social media platforms, “undressing” apps, and other forms of A.I. are using algorithms to create customized Child Sexual Abuse Material – and doing nothing to protect children from these online and digital exploitations.


In Science & Love,

~ Dr. Renee’ Carr

#AIpedophile #CSAM #ArtificialIntelligence #ChildSafety #antitrafficking #ChildExploitation #EARNITact #EARNit #aiCSAM



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🔗Select Research & Good Reads*

AI-Generated CSAM: The Call for Proactive Action


The EARN IT Act, S. 1207, 118th Cong. §5(6)(B)-(C) (2023).

The bill establishes the National Commission on Online Child Sexual Exploitation Prevention. The commission must develop best practices for interactive computer services providers (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) to prevent, reduce, and respond to the online sexual exploitation of children.,online%20sexual%20exploitation%20of%20children



Additionally, the bill requires large (based on specified revenue, employment, or user criteria) websites, internet applications, and search engines (including social network sites) to meet certain requirements before using algorithms that prioritize information furnished to the user based on user-specific data. For example, such platforms must (1) provide users with notice that the website uses such algorithms, and (2) make available a version of the platform that uses algorithms that do not prioritize information based on user data.


*Free library/institution access might be required for some of these publications.

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  • 56. Holocaust… Not Slavery

    In many states, legislation and school policies are pushing for a legal requirement to teach the history of the Holocaust but simultaneously illegal to teach the history of slavery. What is the reason for this dual approach?Listen-in to hear how local school policies can influence national legislation and the economy; And how allowing a dual approach will make it easier to pass similar legislation based on religion, body type, income level, or other individual demographics.📘Please listen, share, and educate others. In Science & Love, ~ Dr. Renee’ Carr ____________________________🗣️SHARE YOUR THOUGHTSInstagram: @PoliticsAndPsychologyFacebook: @PoliticsAndPsychologyPodcastX/Twitter: @DrReneeCarr#TeachingHIstory #holocaust #slavery #SchoolBoard #HR6090 #PoliticalUnity #SocialEquality____________________________🔗Research & Related LinksH.R.6090 - Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 BOOTSTRAPS: Where “old money” really comes from
  • 55. Sexual Narcissism & Love

    ὑπερηφανία, ας, ἡ (hoop-er-ay-fan-ee'-ah) is the phonetic spelling of the original Greek word for “pride”.By the middle of the 12th century, the Old English definition referred to the noun “priden” and defined as  "to congratulate (oneself), be proud, indulge in self-esteem;" "be arrogant, act haughtily”.When we think of sexual narcissism, it is an individual or group’s unnecessary promotion of their sexual preferences and behaviors. This is the basis for the month of June being celebrated as "pride month".In this rewind from June 2023, episode 25, “Love is Not Love”, I share how love is psychological, biological, and behavioral. Yet, it is often used to promote hypersexuality, premature sexual behaviors, and the promotion of psychological disorders rather than the encouragement of healing.Tonight, listen-in to hear about sexual narcissism as well as what love is and what love is not.In Science & Love,~ Dr. Renee’ Carr  #WhatIsLove#Psychology#HumanSexuality____________________________🗣️LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!Instagram:        @PoliticsAndPsychologyFacebook:         @PoliticsAndPsychologyPodcastX / Twitter:       @DrReneeCarr
  • 53. Making The Bible Illegal

    A new bill will soon make the teachings of the Bible illegal. Specifically, it will be a hate crime and antisemitic if it is taught that Jesus was killed by Jews.H.R. 6090 – The Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 has already passed in the House of Representatives and was sent to the Senate in May 2024. Those in Congress who support this bill say it is to stop college protests and avoid hatred enacted against Jewish persons. 550 rabbis have already sent a letter to President Biden, urging him to make it illegal to spread “conspiracy theories” as well as “allegations” regarding Jewish association with Jesus’ death.Listen-in to hear how Congress is seeking to re-write history and remove religious freedoms for ALL citizens and religions. In Science & Love, ~ Dr. Renee’ Carr ____________________________🗣️LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!Instagram:         @PoliticsAndPsychologyFacebook:          @PoliticsAndPsychologyPodcastX / Twitter:        @DrReneeCarr#HR6090 #BibleBan #ReligionAndPolitics #PoliticsAndPsychology ____________________________🔗Related Link & InformationH.R.6090 - Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) The IHRA working defition of antisemitism How did your U.S. Representative vote?1.   click link:   select your state
  • 53. Your Birth Order, Career Choice & Life Purpose

    Your personality traits, behaviors, and life choices can be predicted from psychological studies on birth order. Not only does birth order influence your career choice, self-confidence, and mindset, but it also affects your relationship choices, aspirations, and beliefs about success. Whether or not you believe in life purpose, your birth order remains a strong predictor of the career path you will be most attracted to and fulfilled by; And helps explain why you think and act in the ways that you do. From who is more likely to be President of The United States, a famous actor, or pastor, learn how birth order has a high accuracy on which siblings will do what with their lives. Listen-in and hear how your birth order has subconsciously and consciously affected your own life choices and happiness; And if your mindset has limited your ability to live the life you desire. In Science & Love, ~ Dr. Renee’ Carr ____________________________🗣️LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!Instagram:         @PoliticsAndPsychologyFacebook:          @PoliticsAndPsychologyPodcastX / Twitter:        @DrReneeCarr#BirthOrder #siblings #SocialImpact #psychology #LifePurpose #success #happiness____________________________🔗Related link:Episode 52: Your Life Purpose
  • 52. Your Life Purpose

    Are you successful but unfulfilled? Have you suppressed a childhood dream because of life challenges, lack of resources, someone else’s insecurities? If you have a feeling that you were created to do more…be more…grab your paper and pen and listen-in as I walk you through the “5 Steps to Know Your Purpose”; And how to identify and remove limiting mindsets and behaviors. In Science & Love, ~ Dr. Renee’ Carr ____________________________🗣️LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!Instagram:         @PoliticsAndPsychologyFacebook:          @PoliticsAndPsychologyPodcastX / Twitter:        @DrReneeCarr#LifePurpose #purpose #PsychologyOfPurpose #LiveAbundantly
  • 51. Hologram Husbands & Sex with Robots

    With the increased use of Artificial Intelligence, some people are also using the technology for artificial relationships.From hologram husbands, to A.I. sex dolls, technology is being used to encourage sexual proclivities and social dysfunction.  Listen-in as we discuss hologram husbands and sex with robots; And the implications for society, individual mental health, and mutual marital sexual pleasure and happiness. In Science & Love, ~ Dr. Renee’ Carr Artwork credit for robot: “Sexy Robot” by Hajime Sorayama____________________________🗣️LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!Instagram:         @PoliticsAndPsychologyFacebook:          @PoliticsAndPsychologyPodcastX / Twitter:        @DrReneeCarr#HologramHusband #AIgirfriends #AIcompanions #ArtificialLove #VirtualGirfriends #WifeRobots #SexyRobot #Replika #fictosexual #digisexual____________________________🔗Links, Research & InformationHajime Sorayama, The Master of Sexy Robotics Alicia Framis (woman who “married” hologram) Instagram videos: Replika Ai Companion app Episodes:A.I. Pedophiles ChatGPT = lazy, less educated, less creativity Fetishes, Preferences & Pleasures
  • 50. BOOTSTRAPS: Where “old money” really comes from

    “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” has become a political phrase and often in the messaging of individuals and businesses that are considered “old money”. Listen-in to hear how the words “bootstrap” and “old money” originated, who has old money, and where their old money really comes from. In Science & Love, ~ Dr. Renee’ Carr ____________________________🗣️LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!Instagram:         @PoliticsAndPsychologyFacebook:          @PoliticsAndPsychologyPodcastX / Twitter:        @DrReneeCarr#OldMoney #Bootstraps #WealthMobility
  • 49. Judge the Judges

    The Justices of the Supreme Court have received over 1,309 luxury vacations, yacht and private jet travel, and other expensive gifts – including real estate and private school tuition for their relatives. The majority of these gifts are from companies and individuals who have had court cases presented before the Justice to whom they gave a gift. It is time to judge the judges – and hold them accountable for their unethical, bad behavior. Yet, in 2006 and 2023 when Congress presented SCOTUS with the intention to provide legal oversight over the Justices’ acceptance of gifts, SCOTUS refused to agree to abide by any code of ethics or external oversight. Listen-in and hear how SCOTUS is impeachable and what you can do to avoid their unethical conduct resulting in favors and laws that will hurt you family or community.  In Science & Love, ~ Dr. Renee’ Carr ____________________________🗣️LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!Instagram:         @PoliticsAndPsychologyFacebook:          @PoliticsAndPsychologyPodcastX / Twitter:        @DrReneeCarr#SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #Impeach #PoliticsAndPsychology ____________________________🔗Research & Information* Supreme Connections{database search for organizations and people that have paid the justices, reimbursed them for travel, given them gifts, and more} Our Government: The Constitution Raoul Berger, Impeachment of Judges and “Good Behavior” Tenure, 79 Yale L.J. 1475 (1970). Federal Impeachment Introduction To The Federal Court System
  • 48. Gaslighting Slavery

    In the past 3 years, there has been a significant increase in legislation that gaslights the history of slavery in our country. Since 2021, there has been a deliberate giving of false information about the history of slavery and the current, long-term effects of slavery. Moreover, there is a deliberate denial of how oppressive laws and behaviors that existed during slavery are now being adapted and implemented in the year of 2024.Join this intellectual discussion of slavery and systemic racism from the social scientific understanding and with love for all persons.Hear how progress can be made without blame but with courageous compassion. In Science & Love, ~ Dr. Renee’ Carr  #IntelligentConversations #gaslighting #slavery #HB7 #equity #compassion____________________________🗣️LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!Instagram:         @PoliticsAndPsychologyFacebook:          @PoliticsAndPsychologyPodcastX / Twitter:        @DrReneeCarr