Pokéballs of Steelix

  • 1. Pokésode Plaid

    52:32||Ep. 1
    Embark with us on an adventure into the ball tossin’, animal fightin’ world of Pokémon! It’s a full house in the Nerdy Show studio- Join Cap, Hex, Mike, Tony, Brandon, and Jonna for a serious Pokésode. The six of us take part in a rousing Pokémon Tabletop RPG! Hex is our game master and the rest of us are a rag-tag group of Pokémon trainers in-training. If you love Dungeons & Doritos, Pokémon, both, or possibly neither – you might be totally into this! 
  • 2. Smell Ya Later

    01:40:16||Ep. 2
    Our heroes say, “smell ya later” to the life they knew. Forty some odd years after Pokémon Red & Blue, Ash Ketchum (aka Red) runs a Pokémon Training Academy. Following some strange events with a sinister new Pokémon, Professor Ketchum has enlisted five unlikely would-be Pokémon trainers on a mysterious quest: adventure into the world of Pokémon in the care of a legendary egg! Darin challenges his professor to a gym battle, Jamesy has a vision, Marty gets injured, Jumanji gets sick, and Tark… Tark causes a lot of trouble. Embark on a new adventure!
  • 3. On The Road To Pewter Citay

    01:36:49||Ep. 3
    Just like Jamesy sang it, “We’re on the road to Pewter Citay!” Martin, Jamesy, Jumanji and Tark are headed into Viridian Forest after their “pal” Darren who rushed ahead. But calamity has struck – Darren has been abducted! The young all-star trainer will be eating Crobat, when next he meets his friends. …It’s uh, a Poké-idiom… Look it up! Things go from bad to worse when the crew stumbled upon a pair of well-dressed mystery men in the woods and their first real Poké-battle ensues! Join Brandon, Cap, Jonna, Tony, game master Hex, and intrepid anthropologist, Percy Pokéwitz on another densely-wooded adventure in the world of Pokémon. HalleLUGIA!
  • 4. Kanto We All Just Get Along?

    01:00:00||Ep. 4
     When last we joined our crew of would-be Pokémasters, they were on the road to Pewter City, and now… they’ve arrived! But as usual, everything’s gone to Muk. The townsfolk are being shady, and the party’s friend Darin Kobe, who has the egg that Professor Ketchum left them, is still kidnapped! Upon checking into the local Poké Center, the always hungry ex-Ranger, Jumanji, Gary Oak enthusiast, Martin, 30-something delinquent, Jamesy, and Tark – the boy raised by Totodiles are at odds. Will they be able to pull it together to find their friend? Kanto we all just get along?
  • 5. Between A Rattata & A Hard Place

    01:36:55||Ep. 5
    Panic in Pewter City! When we last left our Pokémaniacs things had gone horribly, horribly wrong. Pewter City has been taken over by criminals, Officer Jenny is down, and strange things are afoot in the museum! Just another day in the Kanto region if you’ve got Pokéballs of Steelix! Join the ever-deranged 30-something Jamesy, the increasingly desperate would-be Pokémaster Martin, the consummate nervous eater Jumanji, and the ever-lovable wildboy, Tark as they stumble their way into their most dangerous adventure yet! 
  • 6. All Washed Up!

    01:25:00||Ep. 6
    Our Pokétrainers have cleaned up Pewter City, and now Pewter City is going to expunge the last piece of trash soiling up its fair streets: our Pokétrainers! After a nightmarish and near-fatal encounter with organized Pokécrime, the team are in need of some TLC whether they like it or not! Return to Kanto with troubled teen Martin, the irritable Jumanji, Tark the wildboy, and the filth-caked Jamesy. Their quest is unclear, their companion lost, but there’s a 1/8192 chance of this story having a shiny lining. New Pokémon, some unexpected advice from an unlikely source, and the secret of Professor Ketchum’s egg revealed!
  • Pokéballs of Steelix Bulletin :: The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program

    An important message from Percy Pokéwitz!Listen to Call of Cthulhu here: http://nerdyshow.com/cthulhu/ The Nerdy Show Network Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nerdyshow Check out Nerdy Show Theatre: http://nerdyshow.com/theatre/