
cover art for Episode 010: Sam Pond on his Personal Transformation, Healing the Inner Nice Guy and Thoughts on Love

ByMaros Podcast

Episode 010: Sam Pond on his Personal Transformation, Healing the Inner Nice Guy and Thoughts on Love

Ep. 10

Sam is a Men's Coach.

He has been a Shakespearean actor, an award-winning writer, and director in advertising. If you're familiar with the tagline "Never Stop Exploring" of the brand North Face - Sam is its author!

Sam was married for 15 years and has a 21-year-old son. He traveled over 50 countries, hiked and climbed mountains all over the world, fly-fished big rivers.

Today, he brings all of these experiences to his true passion - helping set men free.

We talked about:

- Sam's personal journey from art to business to coaching

- his body completely shutting down at a certain point in his life and the transformation it triggered

- Nice Guy Syndrome and how childhood experiences shape the NG psyche

- the feeling of Love and practical thoughts on how to feel more love in one's life

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    52:48||Ep. 8
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