
cover art for The Wind: Only Seen By Who It Moves

Pleasure Studies

The Wind: Only Seen By Who It Moves

Season 1, Ep. 6

Though it’s invisible and formless, the wind is one of the most formidable forces in the universe. In this episode, three guests reflect on their life-changing experience with the wind, inviting a new sense of awe for the natural world. A professional storm-chaser known as “the tornado hunter,” Greg Johnson recalls the terror and wonder of getting caught in one of the most monstrous tornados ever recorded. Sailor/adventurer Sara Hastreiter looks back on competing in a nine-month-long race across the planet, and on living at the mercy of the wind’s erratic temperament. And in a poignant merging of story and song, Ojibwe teacher Jacqui Lavalley reveals how the increasingly catastrophic storms of recent years are the Earth’s way of responding to the damage humans have done to our environment.

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    22:16||Season 1, Ep. 1
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