
cover art for Ep124: How Angela Rayner wants to shake up planning committee decision-making

Room 106

Ep124: How Angela Rayner wants to shake up planning committee decision-making

Season 2024, Ep. 124

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The housing secretary this week announcing radical changes to planning committee decision-making;
  • The prime minister making the government’s national housing target and a promise to speed up major infrastructure consents one of its six parliamentary milestones in its Plan for Change;
  • The government cutting its local authority planning performance assessment period for speed of decision-making from 24 to 12 months.

Key planning news, and why it’s important, brought to you by the team behind Planning magazine, the leading source of independent intelligence for planning professionals for more than 50 years. Find the latest planning news at and @planningMag 

Room 106 was the Professional Publishers Association’s Podcast of the Year 2023/24. It was also highly commended in the Best Use of Audio category in the Association of Online Publishers’ Digital Publishing Awards 2024.  

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  • 117. Ep117: What draft NPPF changes on green belt mean for decision-makers, plus the impact of ministerial efforts to speed up plan examinations

    24:30||Season 2024, Ep. 117
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