
cover art for EP60 - The F1 Argument For & Against Practice

Pitlane Life Lessons With Marc Priestley

EP60 - The F1 Argument For & Against Practice

Season 6, Ep. 60

In this week's episode, the last of Season 6, we explore the dilemma that F1 teams face, just like many of us, in deciding when we're prepared enough, as close to perfection as can be, versus the alternate view of just launching the car or project as soon as is viable and learning more rapidly in the 'real world feedback loop'. I'd love any feedback on the podcast too ahead of Season 7, so please let me know what you like or otherwise. Enjoy.

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  • 59. EP59 - Chasing F1 Perfection & Racing Driver Relationships

    This week, I'm looking at the way F1 teams manage the relationships between drivers, particularly when things get tense in the heat of a championship and what we can learn from it. Plus, With Red Bull having what many describe as the 'perfect' F1 car, I'm questioning the very concept of perfection in F1 or anywhere in life. Enjoy.Follow me on Twitter: Insta: on YouTube: our new SeedStream App for all your F1 news & content: my F1 book, The Mechanic, in all formats here:
  • 58. EP58 - Learn To Be A Better Listener Through F1

    This week, I'm sharing some of the skills of being a good communicator that F1 teams use to debrief drivers , to help you form and grow strong relationships in business and personal life. Enjoy.Follow me on Twitter: Insta: on YouTube: our new SeedStream App for all your F1 news & content: my F1 book, The Mechanic, in all formats here:
  • 57. EP57 - Using F1 Strategy In Your Life

    Sometimes even the best laid plans don't quite work out as we expect and that even happens to F1 teams. But when it does go that way, what do those F1 teams do about it? Thinking about strategy and how we adapt it could be the key to turning failure into success. Enjoy.Follow me on Twitter: Insta: on YouTube: our new SeedStream App for all your F1 news & content: my F1 book, The Mechanic, in all formats here:
  • 56. EP56 - How Understanding McLaren's F1 Problems Could Help Us all

    This week, I'm looking at the way an F1 team like McLaren gets to the root cause of its car problems to find a fix, rather than simply just treating the symptoms that show up on the surface and how we should all do the same. Enjoy.Follow me on Twitter: Insta: on YouTube: our new SeedStream App for all your F1 news & content: my F1 book, The Mechanic, in all formats here:
  • 55. EP55 - The Power Of Understanding F1 Body Language

    This week, we look at F1 testing and I share some insights into what we can learn from understanding the body language and other layers of communication that lie behind the official press releases and interviews. Studying and interpreting things like the subconscious language our bodies give off in difficult moments can give a fascinating extra dimension to what's going on behind the messages we receive, but also how we think about the messages we want to send out in our businesses and lives. Enjoy.Follow me on Twitter: Insta: on YouTube: our new SeedStream App for all your F1 news & content: my F1 book, The Mechanic, in all formats here:
  • 54. EP54 - Overcoming Nerves & How To Get What You Want In Life

    In this week's episode I've got some useful tips for getting closer to whatever you want out of life. I'm looking at F1 race strategy as a model for building your own strategy for navigating the path from where you are now, to where you want to be. Plus, in part two, I'm reflecting on my own experience of debilitating nerves during pitstops and giving you some tips on how to overcome your own in those big moments. Enjoy.Follow me on Twitter: Insta: on YouTube: our new SeedStream App for all your F1 news & content: my F1 book, The Mechanic, in all formats here:
  • 53. EP53 - How To Bring The Right People Into Your Life

    This week, I'm looking at how we bring the right people into our businesses and lives to help us achieve success and I propose a radical take on the traditional recruitment process that we could all benefit from. Also, during F1 'launch season', I'm asking, is it actually the right decision for teams to launch a 'fake' car to the public in this day and age?Enjoy.Follow me on Twitter: Insta: on YouTube: our new SeedStream App for all your F1 news & content: my F1 book, The Mechanic, in all formats here:
  • 52. EP52 - Making The Right Choices & Managing Time More Effectively

    This week I'm looking to the world of F1 to help us to become more intentional about the many decisions we make every day that feed into the success or failure we see further down the line. Plus, as time management and efficiency become even more critical in today's Formula One, what can we learn to help ourselves manage our own busy diaries? Enjoy and please let me know what you think.Follow me on Twitter: Insta: on YouTube: our new SeedStream App for all your F1 news & content: my F1 book, The Mechanic, in all formats here: