
The podcast about those who would never rule.
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3. The Sons of Suleiman the Magnificent, Part Three
31:23||Season 6, Ep. 3This week we see off both of this series' Passed and I enjoy a thought experiment or two. I hope you will join me for this episode.
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2. The Sons of Suleiman the Magnificent, Part Two
29:25||Season 6, Ep. 2Welcome back to the second part of Suleiman the Magnificent's series. His sons, who are, in theory, the stars of the show, start to make appearances here.1. The Sons of Suleiman the Magnificent, Part One
27:42||Season 6, Ep. 1The sons of Suleiman the Magnificent, part one. Welcome back, this week I begin the story of two of the sons of Suleiman the Magnificent. For this episode I will be covering a lot of Suleiman's life first, since it is the overarching narrative of this story. I will cover two of his sons, Mustafa and Bayezid in the next two weeks. Sources:Atcil, Zahit, Why Did Süleyman the Magnificent Execute His Son Şehzade Mustafa in 1553?, Seda, Repercussions of a Murder: The Death of Sehzade MustafaPeirce, Leslie P. (1993). The imperial harem : women and sovereignty in the Ottoman EmpireTuran, Ebru (2009). "The Marriage of Ibrahim Pasha (ca. 1495-1536): The Rise of Sultan Süleyman's Favorite to the Grand Vizierate and the Politics of the Elites in the Early Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Empire". Turcica. 41: 5–6., A.Ç., Turgut, Y.B. & Turgut, M. Murder of Şehzade Mustafa as an ordinary but very painful event in terms of the Ottoman history. Childs Nerv Syst 32, 1345–1348 (2016). (downloadable link:, Galina, Roxolana: “The Greatest Empresse of the East”, David (1983). Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300-1774.Veinstein, Gilles. “On the Ottoman Janissaries (Fourteenth-Nineteenth Centuries).” Fighting for a Living: A Comparative Study of Military Labour 1500-2000, edited by Erik-Jan Zürcher, Amsterdam University Press, 2013, pp. 115–34. JSTOR, Accessed 5 April 2024.1. Hector of Troy
27:36||Season 6, Ep. 1Just a one-off episode about one of the earliest Passed, Hector of Troy. Sources:, S. “THE CHARACTER OF HECTOR IN THE ‘ILIAD.’” Acta Classica, vol. 21, 1978, pp. 39–57. JSTOR, Accessed 14 Mar. 2024. is the podcast about those who would never rule. I'm Veronica Fortune and I explore the almost kings and queens of history. Show notes, sources, and transcripts can be found at you prefer to listen to Passed on YouTube please visit: you like what you're hearing and you want to hear more please visit my Patreon, I have patron only episodes and other rewards there. The link is: small way to support the show is to use my affiliate link when shopping at Please use the following link: free to contact me at or visit my Instagram and Facebook.11. Wardships
05:44||Season 100, Ep. 11Remember when you think you've posted something by you've completely forgotten, that is this episode. Please accept my apologies for this. Here is This Too Shall Passed, Wardships.17. Charles of Valois, Part Three
32:32||Season 5, Ep. 17And now the conclusion, well, of Charles of Valois' story. This week we will see how close he came to being king, of France at least.16. Charles of Valois, Part Two
27:09||Season 5, Ep. 16This week I'll be looking at Charles' middle years. It's interesting seeing his life divided up into three parts, mainly due to how long the reign of his brother was compared to the reigns of his nephews. I hope you'll join me for this episode. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Passed is the podcast about those who would never rule. I'm Veronica Fortune and I explore the almost kings and queens of history. Show notes, sources, and transcripts can be found at you prefer to listen to Passed on YouTube please visit: you like what you're hearing and you want to hear more please visit my Patreon, I have patron only episodes and other rewards there. The link is: small way to support the show is to use my affiliate link when shopping at Please use the following link: free to contact me at or visit my Instagram and Facebook.