
cover art for PSP 388: Helping Our College Kids with Anxiety or OCD

AT Parenting Survival Podcast: Parenting | Child Anxiety | Child OCD | Kids & Family

PSP 388: Helping Our College Kids with Anxiety or OCD

It is hard enough supporting our kids with anxiety or OCD, but what happens when they go away to college? We still need to support our kids, but our relationship and physical proximity has changed. 

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival podcast I explore the many ways in which our mindset and role shifts when our kids go off to college. We’ll discuss effective ways to support them and foster independence.

🎉 To celebrate OCD Awareness Week families can get 50% off all my online courses on anxiety and OCD. Just use the coupon code OCDAWARENESSWEEK2024 when checking out. You can go to to explore our library of classes for parents and kids. This offer ends October 19, 2024.



This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to

This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

Parents, do you need more support?  

🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️

Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:

Join the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):

Take one of my FREE webinars:

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  • PSP 408: How to Use Mel Robbins’ Let Them Theory with Kids with Anxiety or OCD

    I quickly fell in love with Mel Robbins’ book The Let Them Theory. It is such a simple, and yet powerful approach to living your life. Throughout the book I thought about how the Let Them Theory could be adapted to parents, and in particular, those of us raising kids with anxiety or OCD.I started to implement this approach with my kids in a child friendly way. It made a huge impact on how I showed up for their anxiety and OCD struggles. It also helped me let go of what I cannot control. In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I talk about how to implement elements of the Let Them Theory with our kids with anxiety and OCD.🌸 Want to supercharge your child, teen or young adult’s OCD skills? Get my OCD card deck, where each day they pull a card and build a skill! Go to to check them out!***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my books:🌸 Other social places I hang out:
  • PSP 407: Helping Kids with OCD and Magical Thinking

    OCD can convince our kids that they have control over the uncontrollable. That is at the heart of magical thinking OCD compulsions. Magical thinking is when OCD convinces a person that if they do or don’t do something - they can prevent something from happening. That something could be literally anything related to their theme. They might be preventing themselves from throwing up. They might be saving your life. They might be preventing a health issue. It is different for each person, but the compulsion is the same - do this (or don’t do this) or ELSE.In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I’m exploring how magical thinking shows up in OCD and how you can help your kids overcome it.YouTube videos discussed in episode:When OCD Tells You to Do Something or Something Bad Will HappenOffense and Defense for OCD🌸 Want to supercharge your child, teen or young adult’s OCD skills? Get my OCD card deck, where each day they pull a card and build a skill! Go to to check them out!***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my books:🌸 Other social places I hang out:
  • PSP 406: How to Handle Tourettic OCD with Dr. John Piacentini

    Not every OCD theme is about a fear, sometimes it is about a feeling. That is the case with Tourettic OCD. Tourettic OCD is not triggered by an intrusive thought, but rather a somatic urge. Compulsions can include sudden, repetitive movements or vocalizations.It can be tricky to figure out what is a tic and what is tourettic OCD. That is why I invited Dr. John Piacentini to the show. Dr. John Piacentini is a Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the UCLA School of Medicine and Director of the Child OCD, Anxiety, and Tic Disorders Program at the UCLA Semel Institute and the UCLA Center for Child Anxiety, Resilience, Education and Support (UCLA CARES) In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast Dr. Piacentini breaks down the difference between Tourette’s, tics and OCD - and helps clarify what Tourettic OCD is and how it is treated.To learn more about Dr. Piacentini and The Child OCD, Anxiety, and Tic Disorders Program at the UCLA Semel Institute click here.***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my books:🌸 Other social places I hang out:
  • PSP 405: How to Improve Communication when Dealing with Your Child’s OCD or Anxiety

    Effective communication is one of the most essential aspects of parenting a child with OCD or anxiety. When communication breaks down, our ability to support them directly becomes limited.The way we communicate, the words we choose, and our ability to read our child’s cues while respecting their pace all play a crucial role in how effective that communication will be.In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I’ll explore some important strategies for fostering effective communication and share practical tips to help you overcome any barriers that may be hindering your connection with your child.🛟 Want in-depth ongoing support? Join the AT Parenting Community where you can get guidance on tap, get my advice and be supported by hundreds of other parents just like you! Doors to the community close on Thursday, Feb 13th, 2025, so join now at***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my books:🌸 Other social places I hang out:🌸 Check out a list of other OCD podcasts from Feedspot here
  • PSP 404: How Your Childhood Impacts How You Handle Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD

    We don’t just leave our childhood in the past. It comes with us, altering our lens of how we view life. This includes how we view and interact with our child’s anxiety or OCD.When we learn to identify the “smudges” our childhood is adding to our lens, we are better able to separate out our issues from our child’s issues, becoming more present and intentional in the moment.In this episode of the AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I will help you explore the 5 main categories where our childhood impacts how we parent our kids with anxiety or OCD, as well as what to do about it!⚓️ Want some free in-depth support on this topic? We are talking all about this in my brand new FREE series, How to Be an Effective Anchor for Your Child with Anxiety or OCD. Just register at***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my books:🌸 Other social places I hang out:
  • PSP 403: Parents at Odds: How Disagreements Impact Progress with Anxiety and OCD

    When parents disagree on how to approach their child’s anxiety or OCD, they do more than irritate each other, it impacts their child’s progress with anxiety or OCD.In this week’s episode of the AT Parenting Survival Podcast I dive into the top 5 topics parents often disagree on when it comes to their child’s OCD or anxiety. We’ll also dive into why these are such common topics for disagreement as well as ways parents can mitigate the impact it has on their child’s anxiety or OCD.🌸 Learn how to be an effective anchor for your child with anxiety or OCD. Register for my FREE series at***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my books:🌸 Other social places I hang out:
  • PSP: 402: Knowing When to Step Back: Supporting Your Child with OCD or Anxiety Without Overpushing

    Trying to help a child with OCD or anxiety is not an easy task. One reason for that is because we are not steering the ship. This is not our battle. This is not our struggle. Although trust me, I know we have our own struggles on this journey raising a child with OCD or anxiety.But, we don’t get to override our child’s autonomy to smooth things out. I wish we could.The single hardest part about raising children with OCD or anxiety is we have to follow their pace. We have to follow their level of engagement. If we overstep, over push or over cheerlead, we risk shutting them down.In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I talk about how to know when to step back and how to support your child while their foot is firmly on the brake.🌸 Learn how to be an effective anchor for your child with anxiety or OCD. Register for my FREE series at***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my books:🌸 Other social places I hang out:
  • PSP 401: Are We Inadvertently Contributing to Our Child’s Helplessness?

    We all want our kids with anxiety or OCD to believe in themselves. We want them to try hard things. We want them to push through their fears. But we only have so much control on how motivated they are to do those things to help themselves.We do, however, have control over how we show up to our child’s battle with anxiety or OCD. When we over accommodate, over enable and cocoon our kids from all discomfort and failure, we rob them of the opportunity to develop resilience.It is a balancing act and it looks different for each child.In this week’s episode of the AT Parenting Survival Podcast I talk about how to find the sweet spot of empowering our kids to face their anxiety or OCD, while not pushing them over the edge.💪 Want more support? Register for my FREE parenting series on how to help our kids with anxiety or OCD coming out in a few weeks. Register at***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my books:🌸 Other social places I hang out:
  • PSP: 400: The Difference Between Reframing Anxiety Thoughts vs OCD Thoughts

    How we reframe anxious thoughts vs OCD thoughts are vastly different. Understanding the nuances of how we talk to these two disorders differently is crucial for any parent trying to help their child.In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I explore the differences between anxiety and OCD and how we would coach our kids through anxious thoughts versus OCD thoughts.🌸 Want in-depth support helping your child with anxiety or OCD? Get on the waitlist to join the AT Parenting Community.***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my books:🌸 Other social places I hang out: