
cover art for PSP 369: Incorrect Assumptions About ERP and OCD Exposure Work

AT Parenting Survival Podcast: Parenting | Child Anxiety | Child OCD | Kids & Family

PSP 369: Incorrect Assumptions About ERP and OCD Exposure Work

There are many assumptions about ERP, Exposure Response Prevention, the go-to approach to treat OCD in kids. Some parents (and therapists) don’t understand how ERP is supposed to work, how it is done and what one should expect.

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I explore the most common assumptions about ERP that are incorrect.

🌸 Get in-depth support to help your child with OCD in my online courses at AT Parenting Survival School.


This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to

This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

Parents, do you need more support?  

🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️

Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:

Join the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):

Take one of my FREE webinars:

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    It can take so much energy to find a qualified OCD specialist to finally assess and diagnose your child with OCD. But what are you to do when your child rejects the OCD diagnosis? In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I talk about some common reasons why a child might reject an OCD diagnosis and where to go from there.🌸 Get in-depth support to help your child with OCD in my online courses at AT Parenting Survival School.***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my🌸 Other social places I hang out:
  • PSP 371: Boosting Self-Esteem During Anxiety and OCD Struggles

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  • PSP 370: We are Your Anxious Kids All Grown Up | Conversation with Amanda Stern

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  • PSP 368: Why OCD Can Get Worse with the Wrong Therapist

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  • PSP 367: If Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD Returns are You Starting Over?

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  • PSP 366: Helping a Child with Separation Anxiety

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  • PSP 365: Why Does My Child’s Anxiety or OCD Show Up More For ME?!

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  • PSP 364: How Our Parenting Styles Impact the Anxiety & OCD Journey

    Our parenting style directly impacts how we approach our child’s anxiety or OCD. How do you feel about setting boundaries? What emotions do you feel when your child is in distress? How do you feel when you pull back your accommodations around anxiety or OCD?Our parenting style plays a role in these questions. Your parenting style wasn’t developed out of thin air. We are a mix of our childhood experiences, our feelings around how we were parented and our hopes for our own kids.In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I help you take a deeper dive into your parenting style, where it came from and how it plays a role in your child’s anxiety or OCD journey.🌸 Get in home support with my new book, Crushing OCD Workbook for Kids***This podcast episode is sponsored by NOCD. NOCD provides online OCD therapy in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. To schedule your free 15 minute consultation to see if NOCD is a right fit for you and your child, go to podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.Parents, do you need more support?  🌸 Here’s are resources I offer parents 👇🏻❤️Online classes for parents raising kids with anxiety and OCD:https://atparentingsurvivalschool.comJoin the AT Parenting Community (A membership designed to support parents raising kids with anxiety or OCD):https://atparentingcommunity.comTake one of my FREE out my🌸 Other social places I hang out: