
Palestine: History, Music and Context
3 archival audio documentaries - mixing words about the history of oppression, revolution and solidarity, with songs, music and poetry of Palestinian struggle
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Episode 1: The historical belonging of Palestine to global anti-colonial struggle
02:00:34|Episode 1: The historical belonging of Palestine to global anti-colonial struggle Episode 1 mixes resistance music and poetry, with the words of Legal Scholar and Associate Professor Noura Erekat on the history of the Palestinian revolution and its relations to other struggles against colonialism, imperialism and white/Judeo supremacy across Africa, Asia and North America.SpeakersNoura ErakatNyle FortImage ByMohamed Sabaaneh - "Portrait of Naji al-Ali" (2015)Poetry Muthafarr al-Nawab June JordanMusic ByAl FunounLe Trio JoubranRamallah UndergroundRim BannaKatibe 5Sheikh ImamMarcel KhalifeSana MoussaJaafar ToufarOsloub
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Episode 2: BDS – Boycott, Divest and Sanction
01:59:47|Episode 2: BDS – Boycott, Divest and SanctionEpisode 2 focuses on the BDS movement, mixing music and poetry with the perspectives of BDS organiser Omar Barghouti, and the educational solidarity of different organisers from the South African movement against apartheid in Palestine.SpeakersOmar BarghoutiKwariki KanaSoraya DadooZanele MatebulaSolly MapailaKim NaidooPoetryJune JordanMusic By:Al ZareefNai BarghoutiThe Palestine National OrchestraShadia Mansour, Rami GB and Khaled GhanemShadia Mansour and Mk from Dead PrezJaafar Toufar, Osloub, Amin Gharbie, Amer al TaherLost Songs of Palestine AlbumKamilya JubranNaissam Jalal and Rhythms of ResistanceReem KelaniAhmad QaabourMusic of the First Intifada CompilationJaafar Toufar, Osloub and Naissam JalalShadia Mansour and M1 from Dead PrezFairouzEpisode 3: Literature and Existence, or Land and Love
02:00:29|Episode 3: Literature and Existence, or Land and Love Episode 3 takes refuge in the earth, and weaves the words of Waanyi writer Alexis Wright and Noongar writer Kim Scott with Palestinian songs of the valleys, trees, water springs and wells, the harvests, and the seasons - using different musical and vocal forms that Palestinians and other people of the region have practiced for thousands of years. The program also features the story of revolutionary cartoonist Naji el Ali, and ends with a depiction of the continuous apartheid against the Palestinians of the Naqab in Southern Palestine.SpeakersProfessor Alexis WrightProfessor Kim ScottKhalid Al-AliElias NasrallahDr Karma NabulsiRafaat Abou AishMusicSana MoussaLe Trio Joubran (music) and Mahmoud Darwish (poetry)Al FunounRamallah UndergroundReem KelaniMusic of the Intifadah 1989SabreenKamilya Jubran and Werner HasslerRim Banna