
cover art for "Over the Top!" The official Trench Crusade podcast

"Over the Top!" The official Trench Crusade podcast

Welcome to the Trenches.

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  • 1. Episode 1. "Hello"

    01:08:03||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Welcome to the trenches, soldier! The cast from OTT podcast welcomes you to our very first episode....and boy do we have a lot to learn still.We talk Trench Crusade, our brand new (new) passion. In the future, we will talk strategy, events, lore, and news straight from the developers mouths. You can't get any closer to them than this podcast.This episode is all about who we are and why we are doing this. Chaotic and jumbled.Again, more structure to come. We promise.Fred

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  • 8. Episode 8: "Satans little helpers."

    01:09:31||Season 1, Ep. 8
    Episode 8..Disclaimer: Due to the fact that 2 of us are morons, we forgot to shut of our speakers, resulting in sub-optimal sound. Daniel tried to salvage what he could with his sound powers but it's a tough listen at point. We are very very sorry and it will not happen again....we hope.We are doing a deepdive again. Last time when we did the Pilgrims, we kind of winged it using the TC manual and added some personal oohs and aahs in it. This time we have some more stuff to use. A member of the “Legion of X”, a group of veterans working alongside with us on the OTT tactics guide, wrote a large piece on the court. Since that person is a veteran Court user, and we are not, we might take that manual and pass it through our noobish hands. Let’s see what comes out of it.We also have some SCOOOOOP (you'll get it) about some court rule changes, straight from the prophets mouth. You hear it here FIRST!Shoutouts:The legion of X (Grawr, Ced23Ric, Darkloser, furmer, koolkiwi, Nonsequitur, Platapotomas, Pyromaniacal, Vayl) for their uncanny and passionate support on all things tactics.The Ring of Content Creators ( The Sniper Troll: , Scannerbarkly: , Trench Talk: and Feel no Paint Studio: Do check them out!The great Eliwood Tachi (also known as the Bastard El) for his amazing COURT guide, and the fact that we were free to use it.My great podcast crew on OTT.Also an extra shoutout to Feel no paint studio for colabbing on a GREAT court painting project: a beginners guide to painting pit locusts! of the week: Yes, we have two! The people at Game Night took our playbook and ran with it. Buzz lightyear, the Ultimate warrior..they all dive in the trenches. Great work guys and great fun!AND...a great entry by Primeor Prime Nine, who goes biblical on all our butts. :)Sons of Cain"We sow seeds of fear in the heart of the enemy, like our forefather sow grain"~High Captain EnochThe Sons of Cain wander the seas, in their Behemoth class ship Enoch, in reference to the wandering Cain did after his branding by god. Their insignia is the Mark of Cain. Since the bible doesn't say how it looked I chose the 1st letter in the Hebrew alphabet, aleph. Due to restrictions, we can not supply the full list here..but when interested mail us or send Primeor Prime Nine a DM on Discord!See you all for episode 9, where we open the OTT painting studio and explore TC kitbashing and painting.
  • 7. Episode 7: "Toilet Trenchers UNITE!"

    01:07:05||Season 1, Ep. 7
    Episode 7 "Toilet Trenchers UNITE!"This episode, after a small hiatus due to sick hosts and audio wizards, will revolve around the art of going to the smallest of chambers and not coming back until your legs stop working. Yes, we are doing a deepdive on our favorite warband builder. The trench Crusade compendium. https://trenchcompendium.netlify.appOur guest: The ever-creative Bob The Seagull King, whom we forced to get out of bed at 06.00 to record this.Shout out to Robert Legat for writing a cool Lore piece for us, we will get that on the page when it upgrades, SOON. :)See you in the Trenches,The OTT crew
  • 6. Episode 6: "LORECOPTR!"

    58:56||Season 1, Ep. 6
    Episode 6: Lorecoptr!In the trenches: Daniel, Jamie and special guest : Tuomas Pirinen!Synopsis: From before episode one, you have been crying out for one thing and one thing only. LORE! give us LORE! Well, this episode you will receive. The fact that it took so long is because we wanted to give you the best content possible, straight from the man who wrote most of the stuff. Tuomas Pirinen. Enjoy!22:20 Community questions51:30 WARBAND OF THE EPISODE! ....THE FOOD COURT! (by Adam Russel)In the year 1914 the Lord of Gluttony senses imminent demise. His seat on the Court is unstable due to the losses he has sustained over the last century. In one last desperate attempt to solidify his hunger for power, he glimpses into the future, but that future is not his own. Instead he glimpses a world where the crusaders did not blaspheme. The unholy war has not happened and much has changed. He sees a symbol of a fallen empire, once prosperous now only a fleeting memory. He sees a king.He sees his mightiest general.But these images do not make sense. These avatars seem...childish? But yet he knows they are claiming thousands of lives in his name every day. And so he pulls them from our world into his hoping that the insatiable hunger they have unleashed will turn the tides in his favor.....Big boy = Desecrated saintRonald = PraetorBurger king = SorcererGrimace & The Noid = yoke fiendsAnd a poor chunky wretchedSpawn of the Preserve | The Court of the Seven-Headed Serpent[ DUCATS ] Total : 700 | Spent : 699 (0 Lost) | Available : 1[ GLORY ] Total : 0 | Spent : 0 (0 Lost) | Available : 0[ ELITE MEMBERS ] The Great Prince | Praetor | 265 ducats 0 glory ---Belly of the Beast 5 DucatsEaters of Flesh 25 Ducats[ EQUIPMENT ]-Malbranche Sword (50 ducats)-Gas Grenades (10 ducats)-Gas Mask (5 ducats)-Combat Helmet (5 ducats)-Trench Shield (10 ducats)-Reinforced Armour (40 ducats)The Fallen King | Hell Knight | 145 ducats 0 glory ---[ EQUIPMENT ]-Infernal Iron Armour (0 ducats)-Trench Shield (10 ducats)-Combat Helmet (5 ducats)-Gas Mask (5 ducats)-Hellblade (15 ducats)-Gas Grenades (10 ducats)[ INFANTRY ] Big Boy | Desecrated Saint | 179 ducats 0 glory ---[ EQUIPMENT ]-Hellblade (15 ducats)-Head Taker (15 ducats)-Sword (4 ducats) The Grimmace | Yoke Fiend | 49 ducats 0 glory ---[ EQUIPMENT ]-Sword/Axe (4 ducats)-Musical Instrument (15 ducats) The Noid | Yoke Fiend | 38 ducats 0 glory ---[ EQUIPMENT ]-Torture Instrument (8 ducats) Obesity | Wretched | 23 ducats 0 glory ---[ EQUIPMENT ]-Trench Club (3 ducats55:00 SHOUTOUTS from the crew.THE awesome TT wargaming podcast. (In german) TALK: A great place for Youtube TC content:
  • 5. Episode 5: "Trench Pilgrim faction deepdive"

    01:08:41||Season 1, Ep. 5
    Episode 5: Our first deep dive into a TC faction. We decided on starting with the "good" guys (ahem..) The Trench Pilgrims!Crew: Jamie, Daniel, and Fred.Winner of the Creative award of the episode: Arturo Sanchez Antunez" 'The First time I ever assisted into an alchemical ritual, was in the creation of a Lion of Jabir... The whole ritual seemed like that of a dream: The Will to combine the elements from the Ether to host what seemed to be new Life, and the subsequent creation of the creature known as a Lion Jabir was... Abhorrent. Magnificent, but, Abhorrent at the same time. The Creature seemed to feel unconformable with itself, but was still graceful, and deadly on the battlefield... I decided then and there that my creations would be more on the Kitāb al-Ḥiyāl, than upon the Masāʾil Khālid li-Maryānus al-rāhib... The scholars upon the House of Wisdom seemed not puzzled, or angry, but curious upon how my creations would serve... Fortunately, they were eager and even sent willing aides to help me. The Creation is just as hard, but the creature, or, well, thing, is less... In pain... It is still deadly, so that will work...' Geppetto"Awesome work there!The OTT podcast can be reached on the original TC Discord: and by mail at:
  • 4. Episode 4: "Print damn you! PRINT!"

    01:08:03||Season 1, Ep. 4
    Episode 4: "Print damn you! PRINT!"On this episode we discuss the process from goo to epic battles. How does this printing thing work?Crew: Daniel, Fred and special guest from ATLAS3Dss: MONKEY.59:40 ULTIMATE 3 PRINTING TIPSImportant Links:Our esteemed partners in printing:
  • 3. Episode 3: "Give Belgium a go."

    01:04:06||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Welcome to the third episode of the Over The Top! podcast, the official TC podcast.Crew: Jamie, Daniel, Fred and introducing, straight from the trenches, the amazing LXPoints of interest59:45 HUGE NEWS FOR EUROPE AS WE SCOOP THE FIRST EVER INTERNATIONAL TC TOURNAMENT!1:02 Shoutouts: Black magic craft , Discord TC crew, My Mini factory team! , Battle for Crete Campaign, Fred's toilet Trenchers.See you guys in the trenches!
  • 2. Episode 2: "Prophet approved...actually."

    58:42||Season 1, Ep. 2
    On this episode we ask our special guest to dissect Daniel's first-ever Warband.The warband has been offered by our Discord heretic trooper legion, and one has been chosen.Congratulations to Rethall!!Shownotes: This week in the trenches: 1.35 mSince we don’t have to introduce ourselves this week, we can talk about our 14 days in the trenches. What have we done this week pertaining to TC? (Kickstart news, TVA gift, Fred's demo gameMAIN TOPIC: 12.01 mOn Tuomas’ advice we asked the Discord community to form a Heretic Warband. The winning warband will be subjected to the Prophet’s scrutiny LIVE on air and be presented to Daniel as his gift to our new(ish) wargamer.What are the tools of the trade in Warband construction? Bob, the seagull king: https://trenchcompendium.netlify.appPossible competitive scene?Start of the WARBAND list:: 25:00 mShoutouts: 55.53Ryan (Discord Hero)Cast Dice podcast: Talk Youtube Channel: Trench Crew:Fred Colman, Daniel Ruschkowski and special guest star: The one and only Tuomas Pirinen.