
cover art for Female Health with Professor Dr. Christian Braymann

One Thirty Biohacks

Female Health with Professor Dr. Christian Braymann

Season 3, Ep. 12

Episode in English. 

The increase in lifespan over the past century has had significant impacts on women's lives. Delayed childbearing has resulted in issues related to fertility and women now spend a greater portion of their lives post-menopause, which makes managing and understanding hormonal changes throughout all phases of life even more important. 

Tune in to an insightful episode about female Health. Christian shares his extensive experience within the field and how menopause and other symptoms of hormonal imbalances are often closely related to other deficiencies in the body like for example Iron and vitamin D.

We dive into his holistic approach to optimising female health through all phases of life, and why diagnostics and a thorough understanding of other symptoms, issues and conditions is so important in order to ensure the best and most sustainable results for the individual woman. 

Christian Braymann is a Professor of obstetrics and gynaecology based in Zurich, Switzerland. Besides his normal clinical work, Christian is very focused on healthy ageing, hormonal changes and menopause in women.

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  • Tarm- og hormonelle ubalancer med Health Advisor Alberte Engsbye

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