
Operation Earth
Season 2 is here. Well sort of... A bunch of epsiodes for Season 2 were recorded at the start of 2020, more were planned, but now we are in lockdown. So we are releasing what we have...
In this episode Sunil Patel and Eshaan Akbar join Matt to talk about environmental awards and The Man In Seat 61
Find Sunil here:
Find Eshaan here:
Check out Matt here:
and his BBC Radio 4 show with Mark Watson here
The Man in Seat 61
And we're on @OpEarthPod or email
Produced, edited and all music by Daniel Drever
Art and design by ChumChi Design (Facebook) @ChumChiDesign (Twitter) @ChumChi_
Extra help from Emma Corsham
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3. Ep 10: Annie McGrath & James McNicholas
39:08||Season 2, Ep. 3In this episode Matt chats with Annie McGrath & James McNicholas about AGAs and Attribution analysis.This is the last epsiode we recorded before Covid-19 made it impossible to meet others.So consider this a mid-season 2 hiatus while we organise new epsiodes soon.Find Secret Artists podcast by Annie McGrath here: James McNicholas on Twitter: change attribution analysis examples us on Twitter at email us at opearthpod@gmail.comProduced, edited and music by the wonderful Daniel Drever. Ep 9: Jenny Bede & Stuart Laws
48:36||Season 2, Ep. 9This episode Matt chats with Jenny Bede & Stuart Laws8. #PODSTRIKE
04:19||Season 1, Ep. 8A little update and a few words about #PODSTRIKE and the Global Climate Strike https://ukscn.org7. Ep 7: FERN BRADY & ELEANOR MORTON "We've only got two feet"
45:35||Season 1, Ep. 7Fern Brady and Eleanor Morton join Matt to discuss flat feet, frozen jeans and melting pavementsSome other things mentioned in this episode Planetary Diet of having a baby and human farts don't trust companies Fern here: Eleanor here: out Matt's dates here: we're on @OpEarthPod or email operationearth@gmail.comProduced by Emma CorshamMusic by Daniel Drever and design by ChumChi Design (Facebook) @ChumChiDesign (Twitter) @ChumChi_6. Ep 6: BEN CLARK "This is like an episode of Gold Mirror"
43:28||Season 1, Ep. 6Ben Clark joins Matt and talk meat substitutes, offsetting flights and the internet*** Quck clarification.E.On are actually a German utility company and have also annouced that 100% of their electricity in the U.K. will come from renewables! Ben here:Twitter: @BenPappyClark out Matt's dates here: we're on @OpEarthPod on Twitter/FaceBook or email operationearth@gmail.comProduced by Emma CorshamMusic by Daniel Drever and design by ChumChi Design (Facebook) @ChumChiDesign (Twitter) @ChumChi_5. Ep 5: JOEL DOMMETT & STEVE DUNNE "I haven't had a shower since Wednesday"
47:22||Season 1, Ep. 5Joel Dommett and Steve Dunne join Matt and talk festivals, flying and fatherhoodFind Joel here: Steve here:Twitter: @stevedunnemusicCheck out Matt's dates here: we're on @OpEarthPod or email operationearth@gmail.comProduced by Emma CorshamMusic by Daniel Drever and design by ChumChi Design (Facebook) @ChumChiDesign (Twitter) @ChumChi_4. Ep 4: SOFIE HAGEN "Sometimes paranoia saves the planet"
44:52||Season 1, Ep. 4Sofie Hagen joins Matt to talk about living alone, stupid city citizens and failing to care about the climateFind Sofie here: @SofieHagen out Matt's dates here: we're on @OpEarthPod or email operationearth@gmail.comProduced by Emma CorshamMusic by Daniel Drever and design by ChumChi Design (Facebook) @ChumChiDesign (Twitter) @ChumChi_3. Ep 3: ANDY ZALTZMAN "Sexually adventurous turtles"
43:56||Season 1, Ep. 3Andy Zaltzman joins Matt to talk about extreme sports, extreme plastic and explore extreme new ways to stir their drinksFind Andy here: @zaltzcricket out Matt's dates here: we're on @OpEarthPod or email operationearth@gmail.comProdcued by Emma CorshamMusic by Daniel Drever and design by ChumChi Design (Facebook) @ChumChiDesign (Twitter) @ChumChi_