Once Upon A VHS - 80s and 90s Fantasy

  • 7. A Gnome Named Gnorm aka Upworld (1990) and Stan Winston Movie Magic Special

    Episode 7 is a hot mess express with a lot of love for Stan Winston, special makeup effects artist and creature creator extraordinaire, but less so for his second feature as director, a bizarre buddy comedy with a puppet gnome. Derailing from our usual format, we share our thoughts on the film in the first half (with tangents about Mr Blobby's Blobbyland and the Psammead), and in the second half we chat about Stan Winston's movie magic throughout the years, from the Reese's peanut butter cup noses of The Wiz to the killer mermaid of She Creature, with Aliens, Predator, The Thing, The Terminator and a visit to Jurassic Park along the way.Yeah, this episode is a LOT. It might even make your toes curl.Other movies briefly discussed as part of our Stan Winston special:The Wiz (1978)Heartbeeps (1981)The Thing (1982)The Terminator (1984) and Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)Aliens (1986)Predator (1987)Pumpkinhead (1988)Batman Returns (1992)Jurassic Park (1993)Tank Girl (1995)The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)Small Soldiers (1998)A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)She Creature (2001)Art by Ashleigh Jane Cosgrove. Music by Karl Casey at White Bat Audio.https://linktr.ee/onceuponavhs
  • 6. Legend (1985) and Faeries (1981)

    Well, excuuuuuuse me princess - our sixth episode is our wildest wander yet! With a tip of the hat to Brian Froud and Alan Lee's Faeries book and TV special, we find ourselves in the ridiculously glittery sets of Ridley Scott's Legend. The devilish Darkness, dancing dresses and Tom Cruise's thighs. Big nostalgic memories of the Atmosfear VHS board game and the Clarks Magic Steps shoe commercial.We share our thoughts on the film and its themes, some behind the scenes gossip, delve into the nightmarish moments and dream up some ridiculous merch. Will we get vaporised by a Sphinx? Listen and find out!Art by Ashleigh Jane Cosgrove. Music by Karl Casey at White Bat Audio.https://linktr.ee/onceuponavhs
  • 5. The Last Unicorn (1982)

    Episode 5, how she sparkles, The Last Unicorn! Melancholy mythical creatures, surprising celebrity superfans, internalised unicorniphobia and more misguided impersonations.We share our thoughts on the film and its themes, some behind the scenes gossip, delve into the nightmarish moments and dream up some ridiculous merch. Will we get vaporised by a Sphinx? Listen and find out!Art by Ashleigh Jane Cosgrove. Music by Karl Casey at White Bat Audio.https://linktr.ee/onceuponavhs
  • 4. Hook (1991)

    Bangarang! Spielberg's sequel to Peter Pan is our episode four focus. Maggie Smith's old age makeup, floating Carrie Fisher, moppet dirges and OG gay pirates. Rufio-no-they-didn't! We share our thoughts on the film and its themes, some behind the scenes gossip, delve into the nightmarish moments and dream up some ridiculous merch. Will we get vaporised by a Sphinx? Listen and find out!Art by Ashleigh Jane Cosgrove. Music by Karl Casey at White Bat Audio.https://linktr.ee/onceuponavhs
  • 3. Return to Oz (1985)

    Episode 3 - Extreme Return to Oz Appreciation Mania. Fractured identities, Fairuzaween, blinged-out Tik-Tok, the Nome Queen of Chromatica, Mombi's head complaints and more. Beware the Wheelers...We share our thoughts on the film and its themes, some behind the scenes gossip, delve into the nightmarish moments and dream up some ridiculous merch. Will we get vaporised by a Sphinx? Listen and find out!Art by Ashleigh Jane Cosgrove. Music by Karl Casey at White Bat Audio.https://linktr.ee/onceuponavhs
  • 2. The Pagemaster (1994)

    The library is open for episode 2. Power ballads, scroll beards, the McDonalds coffee lawsuit and Whoopi Goldberg as an anthropomorphic book adjusting her pantyhose.We share our thoughts on the film and its themes, some behind the scenes gossip, delve into the nightmarish moments and dream up some ridiculous merch. Will we get vaporised by a Sphinx? Listen and find out!Art by Ashleigh Jane Cosgrove. Music by Karl Casey at White Bat Audio.
  • 1. The Neverending Story (1984)

    From Falkor fur coats to Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas and a big warehouse full of fairies, join us in the magical land of Fantasia for our first episode.We share our thoughts on the film and its themes, some behind the scenes gossip, delve into the nightmarish moments and dream up some ridiculous merch. Will we get vaporised by a Sphinx? Listen and find out!Art by Ashleigh Jane Cosgrove. Music by Karl Casey at White Bat Audio.