
Omen To That
Season 2: Ep 5
In 1992 DC Comics did what many thought was impossible. After a wedding plotline was put on hold, a DC summit in 1991 saw Jerry Ordway once again make his joke that maybe they should kill the Man of Steel, only this time nobody laughed...
So began one of the most hyped events in comics history, widespread media soon picked up on news that fans around the world would witness the Death of Superman.
On this show I’m thrilled to be joined by two returning guests from our previous Art of Superman episode, both comic experts and Superfans of the Man of Steel, Stuart Mulrain and Dennis Whittle as we look at one of comics greatest events and its legacy 30 years on.
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4. Season 2: Ep 4
01:25:49||Season 2, Ep. 4On today’s show I’m excited to welcome two returning guests from the world of podcasting, comics and small press, the Midge Ure and Bob Geldof of comics, Eamonn Clarke and Tony Esmond. Not only are they comic book aficionados, but also hosts of the excellent Mega City Book Club and Never Iron Anything podcasts.Recently they joined forces to produce the second instalment of the highly popular small press Charity anthology DUI2, that seeks to raise much needed money for Cancer Research UK.We have a fun chat about the process of creating an anthology and more importantly, where and why you should but this great comic.Warning - This Podcast contains some swearing and references to Will Hay.Links and notesDUI2 The Comic£3 from every sale goes to Cancer Research UKBUY DUI2 HEREDUI3 EMAILEamonn ClarkeMEGA CITY BOOK CLUBA HANDFUL OF DUSTTony EsmondNEVER IRON ANYTHINGTRIBUTE PRESSAWESOME COMICS PODCASTDamian Edwardson - Comic Artist, Podcaster and IllustratorNEW - CLEAR RUN Art Ninetwo - WebsiteArt Ninetwo on FacebookArt Ninetwo on TwitterArt Ninetwo on InstagramOmen To That - PodcastMusic - 'FUNK IT' from ComaStudio by Pixabay3. Season 2: Ep 3
01:25:30||Season 2, Ep. 3On this episode I’m thrilled to be joined by Tom Stewart, David Robertson, Mike Sedakat and Fernando Pons (Nando), the presenters of one of my favourite comics-based podcasts That Comic Smell.Since 2016, That Comic Smell, has been delighting listeners with its unique approach to comics chat, letting us peek inside the secret world of 4 comic loving friends as they discuss their favourite comic titles and creators, all ably supported by a cast of biscuits and crisps.Not only are they comic aficionados, they are also the team behind That Comic Smell the Comic issues 1 and 2.Settle back for an hour of fun and laughter as we talk all things comics and podcasting, you're in for a treat.Warning there is a little bit of swearing, so if you're a sensitive soul, brace yourself...Links and notesThat Comic Smell That Comic Smell WebsiteThat Comic Smell TwitterThat Comic Smell COMICS (BUY HERE)Fred Egg ComicsFred Egg Comics SHOPMike Sedakat ARTDamian Edwardson - Comic Artist, Podcaster and IllustratorArt Ninetwo - WebsiteArt Ninetwo on FacebookArt Ninetwo on TwitterArt Ninetwo on InstagramOmen To That - PodcastMusic - 'FUNK IT' from ComaStudio by Pixabay2. Season 2: Ep 2
01:42:03||Season 2, Ep. 2On today’s show I’m thrilled to talk to author Steve Bell who has written the excellent biography 'Dynamite and Davey - The Explosive Lives of the British Bulldogs', a fascinating story of two men who both individually, and as a tag team, put their distinctly British mark on the wrestling world as key figures of the Golden Age of WWF wrestling.It’s a thrilling and equally tragic tale of the Dynamite Kid Tommy Billington and Future Intercontinental Champion Davey Boy Smith, two cousins from the wrestling mecca of Wigan who rose to superstardom both individually and, as many rightly cite, one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling history.We also talk about the process of writing and Steve's personal journey to becoming a successful author.As ever, all opinions expressed by guests are their own, so if you don't like it, take it up with them..Links and notesSteven Bell - Author, Wrestling HistorianSteven Bell - Website (BUY HERE!)Steve Bell - TwitterDynamite and Davey Book - TwitterDamian Edwardson - Comic Artist, Podcaster and IllustratorArt Ninetwo - WebsiteArt Ninetwo on FacebookArt Ninetwo on TwitterArt Ninetwo on InstagramOmen To That - PodcastMusic - 'FUNK IT' from ComaStudio by Pixabay1. Season 2: Ep 1
59:55||Season 2, Ep. 1OMEN TO THAT returns for a second series, after a longer than anticipated hiatus, and our first show is a cracker! I'm joined by two fantastic guests who talk about their experience of collaborating together on the short story 'The Grey Man' that appeared in the award winning 'Drawn Under the Influence' comics anthology.Writer - Alan Henderson, best known for his magnum opus The Penned Guin, discusses his inspiration for the story and his experience of collaborating with an artist for the first time.Artist - Helena Edwardson, comic artist and illustrator tells us how working with Alan gave her back her 'art mojo' and helped her define a style that she is now employing on several other projects.In addition, both give advice on collaborating with someone new and how to make it work. Links and notesAlan Henderson - Writer, Comic Artist, IllustratorAlan Henderson - Penned GuinPenned Guin on FacebookPenned Guin on TwitterPenned Guin - InstagramHelena Edwardson - Writer, Comic Artist, IllustratorArt Ninetwo - WebsiteArt Ninetwo on FacebookArt Ninetwo on TwitterArt Ninetwo on InstagramDamian Edwardson - Comic Artist, Podcaster and IllustratorArt Ninetwo - WebsiteArt Ninetwo on FacebookArt Ninetwo on TwitterArt Ninetwo on InstagramOmen To That - PodcastMusic - 'FUNK IT' from ComaStudio by Pixabay33. OMEN TO THAT - The Art of The Penned Guins
01:38:25||Ep. 33On today’s show I’m pleased to welcome one of the most prolific creators on the independent comics scene Alan Henderson. Since 2013 his web comic The Penned Guin has delighted readers with a range of laugh out loud strips that have covered many topics from the absurd to the Scottish referendum as told through a tug-of-war. With a highly successful line of books and Kickstarter campaigns it’s a true success story for independent comics. In addition Alan is a writer and artist of non-penguin subject matter and a regular contributor to the excellent Never Iron Anything Podcast where he can be found sharing his fascinating insights into some of the classic comics of yesteryear. Guests: Alan Henderson: Comics creator, Artist, Pod-caster, Man of a 1,000 gags. BUY ALAN'S STUFF HERE! THE PENNED GUINS - TWITTER THE PENNED GUINS - WEB THE PENNED GUINS - FACEBOOK THE PENNED GUINS - INSTAGRAM Damian Edwardson: ARTNINETWO WEB ARTNINETWO Facebook ARTNINETWO Twitter ARTNINETWO Instagram Music from https://www.zapsplat.com32. OMEN TO THAT - The Art of VANGUARD
01:12:30||Ep. 32On today's show I’m pleased to welcome back Dan Butcher, another returning guest that previously appeared on the infamous art of video covers and movie poster episodes. He’s one of the most prolific creators on the small press scene with his work on comics such as El Marvo, Project Hoax, 80's action homage VYPER and of course his seminal work the British super team title Vanguard! He also finds time to run a successful Patreon and last but not least he is one third of the mighty Awesome Comics Podcast. Dan is a brilliant guest both knowledgeable and funny, and had a great chat about comics, art and his process. CHECK OUT VYPER - SOVIET STRIKE! COMING SOON FROM DAN BUTCHER Guests: Dan Butcher: Comics creator, Artist, Pod-caster, Raconteur. BUY DAN'S STUFF HERE! DAN BUTCHER - TWITTER VANGUARD - WEB AWESOME COMICS PODCAST Damian Edwardson: ARTNINETWO WEB ARTNINETWO Facebook ARTNINETWO Twitter ARTNINETWO Instagram Music from https://www.zapsplat.com31. OMEN TO THAT - The Art of Proofreading
01:11:16||Ep. 31On today's anniversary show I'm pleased to welcome back one of OTT's very first guests, Clare Hemsworth. Not only is she the Editor-In-Chief at Fandemonium Network, Professional Reviewer, Owner of 100 Pennies Photo but also the brains behind ComicScout offering a proofreading/editing services to small press comic book creators. Clare takes us through the fascinating process of proofreading and copy-editing and why both are crucial in the creative process, especially for small press creators. We also chat about some of her comics history and I explain why Thundercats always reminds me of 'Vic the Vandal' who was a barber from my childhood. Enjoy! Guests: Clare Hemsworth, Chief Editor, Reviewer, Proofreader, Entrepreneur 100 Pennies Store Clare Hemsworth - Twitter ComicScout - WEB Fandemonium Network- WEB Damian Edwardson: ARTNINETWO WEB ARTNINETWO Facebook ARTNINETWO Twitter ARTNINETWO Instagram Music from https://www.zapsplat.com30. OMEN TO THAT - The Art of Self-Publishing: FRED EGG COMICS
01:27:48||Ep. 30On today’s show we continue our look at the art of self-publishing with David Robertson, the man behind the unique Fred Egg Comics. With a long history of comics creation including such titles as Bersekertron, Dump, Belltime and most recently The Tay Bridge Disaster. He’s appeared in numerous anthologies and has also written many articles for the likes of Comics International, The International Journal of Comic Art and Comic Scene UK to name but a few. If that wasn’t enough he one part of the brilliant comics podcast, That Comic Smell. He is a true comics aficionado and font of sequential knowledge and in this conversation we talk about comics, process, Frank Zappa and Star Wars toys. Enjoy! Guests: David Robertson - Comic Creator, Writer. BUY FRED EGG COMICS HERE FRED EGG COMICS - WEBSITE FRED EGG COMICS - BLOG FRED EGG COMICS - TWITTER FRED EGG COMICS - FACEBOOK THAT COMIC SMELL - PODCAST Damian Edwardson: ARTNINETWO WEB ARTNINETWO Facebook ARTNINETWO Twitter ARTNINETWO Instagram Music from