
cover art for Tom Mac Donald is My Spirit Animal Ss8Ep#15

Off The Lead

Tom Mac Donald is My Spirit Animal Ss8Ep#15

Season 8, Ep. 15

Haven't done a 'getting out of my own way' episode in ages.

Inspired by Blindboy Boatclubs advise of taking the fear of failure out of any creative endeavour, I said fuck it, I'll just do it for the sake of doing it and not bother about making it 'good'. This is essentially getting rid of the fear of failure and is the key component in any creative endeavour as far as I'm concerned.

If I had any advice for any 'wannabe creative' it would be to do it. Whatever it is that you've in your head - do it. Fuck the ney sayers and the begrudgers that are both in and out of your own head, get out of your own way and do it. Or face nothing but increased regret as you get older.

And a final point, anyone that makes little of your efforts to follow your dreams, ask yourself, what have these people done? Because in practically all cases the answer is, fuck all.

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