
cover art for NutriMedical Report Show Wednesday April 17th 2019 – Hour Three – Jonathan Gray,, Truths Archaeological Biblical Discoveries Suppressed, Consequences for Suppressors of Noah’s Ark, Red Sea Crossing, Yeshuah ha Mesiach Jesus Crucification

NutriMedical Report

NutriMedical Report Show Wednesday April 17th 2019 – Hour Three – Jonathan Gray,, Truths Archaeological Biblical Discoveries Suppressed, Consequences for Suppressors of Noah’s Ark, Red Sea Crossing, Yeshuah ha Mesiach Jesus Crucification

Jonathan Gray,, Truths Archaeological Biblical Discoveries Suppressed, Consequences for Suppressors of Noah’s Ark, Red Sea Crossing, Yeshuah ha Mesiach Jesus Crucification and Tomb, Coming to LIGHT Before Jesus Return, Tribulation Next Jesus Return for the Bride of Saved Humanity, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, NutriMedical Report Show,,,,NutriMedical Report Show,

Archaeology Answers About Ancient Civilizations Indus River Valley Ancient Maps of the World 

Ancient India Civilizations Ancient China Civilization Egypt Ancient Gods Strange Pictures Dead Men's Secrets Lost Technology and more... - April 17th, 2019


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 To order, see the <<< pink square to the leftTreat yourself to the taste of mystery & discovery ...3 special ways!

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Jonathan Gray...

World Education Research Ltd

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Dear Internet Friend,

 Jonathan Gray

- International explorer, archaeologist and author, Jonathan has traveled the world to gather data on ancient mysteries. He has penetrated some largely unexplored areas, including parts of the Amazon headwaters. The author has also led expeditions to the bottom of the sea and to remote mountain and desert regions of the world. He lectures internationally.

WARNING! This may be the most important letter you'll ever read.

In a moment I hope to make you so angry you'll want to throw your computer right out the window.

What I have to tell you involves the scandal that's going on in the scientific world today. It's a scandal that - if you are like most people I know - is cheating you of your ancestry and robbing you of many serious benefits you should be getting from existing scientific knowledge.

You have probably been cheated - with misinformation - many times this year without you ever knowing!

Artifacts deliberately dumped in the Atlantic Ocean... certain discovery sites banned to researchers who ask embarrassing questions... an archaeologist ordered to deny a major discovery...

In just a moment you will discover secrets from our past that will blow your mind…

You're going to see the world around you in a new light that uninformed people everywhere are constantly missing. And some puzzles about the past will start making sense:

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How did I get involved in all this?

How does a dead-broke dummy 

shake up the scientific world?

Well, quickly, here’s my story...

Archaeology fever first seized me at the age of ten. I was intrigued by British explorer Percy Fawcett's amazing trek into the Amazon jungle.

After reporting his discovery of a dead, ancient, vine-choked city, he went back in... and vanished!

You know what? My first expedition was into that same unexplored region … where pygmies shrank human heads to the size of your fist!

This search for ancient mysteries was to take me through more than 30 countries.

Soon I began to stumble upon something that truly shocked me!... you would call them “out of place” artifacts. Did I say shocked? They blew me over! Because, according to what we were taught in school, these should never exist! And they weren’t just in one place. There was a global pattern to them.

This pattern showed a lost super science and technology. That’s when I knew someone had to speak up. I knew this content was of tremendous value.

For example: 



Did you know that the Egyptians bored into granite rock with drills that turned 500 times faster than modern power drills?

And how about this?:

* Coin-slot machines

* Steam engines

* Speedometers

* Machine-cut optical lenses

* Screen projectors

Did you know that Egyptian dentists worked with cement fillings, dental bridges... and inserted artificial teeth?

That William Deiches found working diagrams in Tutankhamen's tomb (1545 BC) which helped him to build real model plane that flew?

That Egyptian doctors performed pregnancy tests, determined the sex of an unborn child, fed nourishment through tubes, and fitted artificial legs and hands? That they used anaesthetic and sophisticated instruments to perform bone and brain surgery?

What about old Egypt’s mysterious moving wallsautomatically flashing lights and lamps that shone century after century, non-stop?

And how were sound waves used to open doors in ancient Karnak, Abydon and Thebes?



And here's a puzzle for you to enjoy…

What If You Opened A Coffin

After 2,100 Years...


May 1985. Archaeologists had just cracked open a Han Dynasty tomb in the Feng-huang Mountains. They excavated further. .. unaware that something peculiar was happening behind them. And then the shock…….

What sent these scientists into a tizzy? Would you like to know?

Did you know that about 1000 BC nerve gas was used in warfare?

That 2,500 years ago "mirrors" were invented which, set up in pairs, could transmit messages, like television?

THE BIGGEST PYRAMID: One hundred pyramids have been discovered in Shensi Province of China. The largest – according to one claim 1,200 feet high, 2½ times the height of Egypt’s Great Pyramid – could, if hollow, swallow 26 Empire State buildings!

Did you know that X-rays were used in ancient China?

And heart transplant operations were carried out!

And what about the 716 rhythmically pulsating “electric” disks (similar to computer disks) found in caves in the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains?


Have you heard how Captain Don Henry discovered a 400 foot pyramid on the seabed off Florida?

Did you know that a Chinese expedition surveyed all of North America in 2200 BC. They saw a sunrise over the Grand Canyon, black opals and gold nuggests in Nevada, and seals frolicking in San Francisco Bay!

And would you believe the ancient Maya used screw propellors, had books with gold leaves... and even diving suits?

Have you heard about the Mayan surgical instruments that were a thousand times sharper than modern platinum-plus blades?

And Mayan dental crowns and fillings still hold after 1,500 years!

How does a bird in the Andes turn hard rock to be soft like putty? Did the ancients know this formula?

And did you know that the Inca soaked in bathtubs of gold and silver, fed by water pipes of silver and gold?

That in the city of Pachacamac in Peru the temple stones were fastened with gold nails that weighed a ton!

That in 1963, Peruvian surgeon Francisco Grano saved a patient’s life, using surgical instruments from a 3,000 year old tomb?

And how about this?: On a plain in Peru can be found 4-dimensional art with several faces that disappear or change into other figures, according to your position or that of the sun.

And this? From a dead, vine-choked jungle city, have been brought out exquisitely stamped 30 foot long rolls of sheet metal “wall paper” jointed together with tiny rivets!

Then there is the mystery of that vast artificial tunnel in a remote corner of Ecuador, which was explored by astronaut Neil Armstrong.

And did you know that an Amazon tribe, since the 1970s, has escaped the encroaching world by retreating to an abandoned underground city!


Have you heard of ancient Greece’s chemical warfare weapon – fire that burned in water – which was self-igniting?

Did you know about their devices for the automatic opening and closing of doors!

Their sewage system from every house, as good as any today?

And how about the computer that calculated the positions of the planets, the rising and setting of the moon, tide movements and time of day… and could establish a ship’s position anywhere on earth out of sight of land, or at night. Precise mechanics, as good as any we can produce today. 55 BC

(As Cambridge university scientist Derek de Solla Price said, “This is like finding a jet plane in the tomb of Tutankhamen.”)

And what do you think about these?:

- Drills that bored holes finer than the thinnest needle

- Taxis with speedometers

- Shatter proof sheet glass

- A machine tool for cutting screws

- A machine for boring tunnels

- Petrol vapor machines

A human-like robot that could walk… and almost ran away!

And luxury ocean liners with swimming pools


Have you heard of the 15 minute “movie” of luminous pictures that activates each day as the sun sets over the Onega River in Russia?

MICRO TECHNOLOGY: 40 feet underground in Russia’s Ural region, gold prospectors are finding ANCIENT, man-made, spiral-shaped artifacts. These microscopically TINY artifacts are the product of some inexplicable and highly advanced technology. They resemble control elements used in micro-miniature devices in our latest technology “nano-machines”.


And what about these?:

Protective face masks for patients undergoing radiation therapy

-    Eye cataract operations

-    Electric dry-cell batteries

-    Use of sound waves to lift heavy weights


Ancient 2,000 ton stone building blocks in Lebanon were raised 20 feet above the ground. No modern crane can budge, lift or transport, such titanic blocks.


A wrecked Phoenician ship has been found on the West Australian coast. And other Phoenician evidence is found around the country. Near Sarina, Queensland, Val Osborne has discovered remains of a Phoenician port and mine from 900 BC.

Traditional theory says this can’t be! So with all the publicity, the Central Queensland University reportedly sent an archaeologist to the site, instructing him to ‘find nothing’. Osborne commented, “It’s like that – when they don’t want the truth to be known, they will deny it.

Numerous traces of Egyptian colonisation in Australia have also been unearthed or discovered, such as coins, statues, inscriptions and a tomb, as well as Egyptian customs, religious features and words among the Aborigines.… Oh yes, and pyramids.





How about this? Advanced mathematics, with measurements in micro-fractions – down to the disintegration rates of sub-atomic particles (1/300 millionth of a second). I ask you, how could these have been measured without precision instruments? And why did they find it necessary to measure them?

Why were 44 skeletons dug up in Pakistan found to be radioactive? 2000 BC


In a forest of NE India, explorer-hunter H.J. Hamilton received a substantial shock when he entered ancient ruins. On a chair, made of the same ‘crystal’ as the walls, an odd shape was crouching, with vaguely human features.

At first he thought it to be a statue damaged by time. But then he was filled with horror: under the ‘glass’ which covered that ‘statue’ a skeleton could clearly be seen! Melted, crystallized!

Anything else? Plenty:

Upstairs bedrooms having en suite bathrooms with hot and cold running water on tap, and flush toilets.

Aluminium cups, thimbles, and so on

- Plastic surgery, including nose transplants

Fluoroscopy (X-ray devices)

Chemical and biological warfare, and nerve gas

Discover the two 70 foot towers in Ahmedabad, that sway to and fro in rhythm with each other.


Were you aware that in at least 64 scientific achievements an ancient civilization surpassed us?

14 Maps Of An Ancient World 

That Vanished So Completely 

We Thought It Never Existed!


Although Antarctica’s existence was not verified until 1819, an ancient map shows that continent as it was BEFORE the ice covered it – with rivers and fjords precisely where today mile-thick glaciers flow, and a mountain range undiscovered until 1952.

Longitude and latitude are shown correctly, with a grid system similar to modern air navigation maps. 2000 BC



Did you know about the mystery satellite orbiting the poles, but not put there by any modern nation?

That man knew the secret of flight before the 20th century?

That early cave men wore “modern” clothes like ours?

And what about the cities illuminated by means of electricity unknown to us today?

Do you know what 4,000 year old aerial surveillance techniques were used in the Iraq war?

And Did This Ancient Civilization 

Visit The Moon Before Us?

Did you hear about the shock discovery on the moon that was “hushed up” after the first live broadcast? Do you know what was seen from the orbiting spacecraft, something so shattering that eleven minutes of the original broadcast was cut out?

...and so on.

Are you beginning to see how exciting this is?


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WARNING!!!…DON’T YOU DARE Get Caught In One Of These Tunnels!This is one of archaeology’s best-kept secrets! Ancient, mysterious smooth-walled subway systems. Violate these forbidden passages and stone doors will spring shut behind you. Other ingenious traps will ensure that you never see daylight again.These are REAL Indiana Jones locations!Listen. In many parts of the world are ancient tunnels under deserts and mountain ranges. They go on and on...

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Warm regards,

Jonathan Gray

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  • NutriMedical Report Fri April 10th ’20 H3 CCPVirus_PaughOttUSAFreeNOW!

    Pastor Butch Paugh,, Restart America Now Safely with Food Immune Support, NO ID Passport to Travel, NO Chipping or Forced Vaccines of Sterility, Dr True Ott PhD ND, Event 201 Globalist Collaborators with Wuhan BSL4 Chinese Bioweaopon Development, CFR Case Fatality .37% Only with Most Cases Asymptomatic, With Proper Natural Support NO One Needs to DIE or End on a Ventilator or ECMO Machine of DEATH, Prevent Mitochondrial Damage NutriMeds Plus Scalar Tech SonicLife, MAGI MiniMAGI Cellvital Mat QRS Mat Photon Sound Beam, Lumen Photon NEW Frequency Generators, Review of NutriMeds to Prevent Infection and Help Recovery, Biblical End Times Analysis of END Times COVID19 CCP BioWeaponized Mitochondrial Detroyer, Debt BOMB Does Not HONOR Women or Productive Economies, Signs of Anti-Christ, SALE Wed 8th to 15th Passover Easter COUPON RISEN at Checkout, SonicLife, Whole Body Perfusion Exercise Lymphatics Stem Cells, EpiGenetic Frequency Therapy SONG of DNA Therapy, Sabbath Edenic Mineral Resonance, Block Nagalase and Sigma One COVID19 Coronavirus Cell Docking Frequency Therapy, Lumen Photon, New Amplifier Amazon or Walmart,Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools, Pure H2O Whole Home Countertop, 5 Gal Reserve Autoflush, Natural Immune SOlutions for COVID19 CCP China BioWeapons Globalist Nation Slayer, Nutriodine Plus First Line of Defense Kits, Testing BioPhilia Plus IgG IgM Great Plains Lab Kansas NOW via Dr Bill Deagle MD, STOP Sterilizing Virus, NO Vaccines and Forced Chipping Next Year 2021, Jail NWO Globalists, END CCP CHINA, STOP WHO Funding, NO CDC FDA NIAID, BSLabs Close NOW, END WHO CDC TC WTO UN Globalists, JAIL Dr Fauci Bill Gates Attendees to Event 201 Fall 2019 USA, Vaccines to Follow Sterilizing Virus, END of Satanic Globalism NOW, CCP Virus COVID19 Sterilizes Males Females, Globalist Population Control, Website Articles and National Library of Medicine, END of Discussion on Virus Sterilization, Vaccines and Forced Chipping to Follow Pandemic in 2021 by UN Global Elite Plot, Prepper Supplier, Personal Defense, Power, Food, Local Fellowship of Believers, Prepare the BRIDE of the Most High GOD, Debt BOMB Depression More Lethal than COVID19, FIND Carriers BioPhilia IgG Antibodies, Isolate and Viral Supression Cytokine STOP Termination, Return TO WORK ASAP!, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M FNMB, Vit D, Monatomic Zinc, Minerals Plus, GastroHeal, Stop Viral Attachement, Prevent Cytokine Storms, STOP Mitochondrial Death, NutriMeds Review A to Z, Build Natural Immunity, STOP Viral Attachment, Prevent Replication, STOP Cytokine Storm and Mitochondrial Death, Prolong Life, Overcome Gene SNP with NutriMeds and Tech, A to Z Plan to BioPhilia Scan Case Viral Vertor People, Place on Viral and Cytokine Suppressive Therapies in Isolation Until VIRU FREE, Release to Work in Less than 2 Weeks, CVAC Altitude Mitochondrial Regenerative Therapy, Chris Craig,, Carlsbad CA Clinic, Take with NADH and Nattokinase with PQQ for Make NEW Mitochondria Energy for Cells, Recover from COVID19, Join Sherriff USA County, Local LEAF Local Eternal Anointed Fellowship, Escap Church Buildings to Local Home Church, eToxins 5G AND SARS COVID19l, COVID19 Misinfo Around Trump NIAID Dr Fauci, Fox News Foolishness, NATION SLAYER BioWeapon COVID19, NWO Plot to Vaccinate to Sterilize and Chip World Population, NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-GOLD Super Curcumin for COVID19 Cancer Autoimmunity Dementia Heart Vascular Life Extension and More, Cytokine Storm and Virus Blocking NutriMeds, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutriDefense, Vit D Liquid, Oncomycin MyCo D2, Cell Defense Plus,NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold,HAZMAT, Goggles, NIOSH N95 Masks, Haszmat Suits below 5ft 7inches or above, SNP Jump Genes Nutrient Support, SonicLife EpiGenetic Antiviral RegenerativeStem Cell Pain Relief, Lumen Photon IR Pain Healing STOP Inflammation Induce Sleep Heal Eyes Brain, Pure Water Systems, Four Phases, Cleanest Water on Earth, Whole Home Systems, COVID19 is NOT A DRILL !!!, Poor CDC Test Kits, Mix FLU and COVID19, Serious Super Killer Pandemic Plague Exploding, Take NutriMeds NOW, Prevent Viral Replication and Cytokine Storm Induced Mitochondrial DEATH, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Review of State of Art of Battle Vs. COVID19, Paper Dr True Ott Review, NEW GoFundMe for Provision of NutriMeds for Wellness and Protection from COVID19 to Underpriveleged USA and Worldwide, Firing Line Wellness Protocol Answers, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD Provision of NutriMeds Protocols for Wellness, COVID19 Viral Infections, Vascular Disease, Aging, Pain, Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Hormonal Imbalances, SonicLife Whole Body, EpiGenetic Sabbath Edenic Healing, Block SARS COVID19 Glycoprotein @ 207 Hz and Block Nagalase @ 337 Hz, Lumen Photon Light Therapy, Pure Water Systems, VIMEO Livestream Removed Unpublished All Videos, Disagreement on Origins of COVID19 Bioweapo9n, Did not Wish to Have Claim of Help for Viral Infection, 5G 60 Giga Hertz Hypoxia Cotoxin to SARS COVID19 ARDS, Mitochondrial Suicide by Dual Plaques, Smart Grid Amped Up During Lockdown In Homes, Toxic Gene Hackers and Cortical Behavior Modificiation, First Line Kit NutriMeds, AllicinMED, NutrImmune 26Y, Power C Plus, Cell Defense Plus, Epoch Times News Review, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, NEW Googles Hazmat Suits Gas Masks, Testing Berlin S Korea Rapid PCR Tech Update, New Monoclonal Erasmus University Results Block SARS2 COVID19 Viral ACE2 Receptor STOP Infection, END of Secular Age, Globalist Killing Fields, Biochipping World Population, Cyberstate Totalitarian Controls, 5G eToxins, 60 GigaHertz Hypoxia, 50 GigaHertz Epstein Barr Virus CANCER, eToxins Amplify SARS COVID19 Virus Plaque, Updated COVID19 March 4th 2020 Power Point Will be Up by Sunday March 8th 2020, New Info re Preppers for NWO Vaccines Medical Martial Law and ViraMaGeddon, Financial Implosion, ViraGeddon Coming, Medical Martial NWO, Forced Vaccines, Sterilization via Vaccines, LIFEsolution Negative Pressure Pandemic Trailers Tents, Mobile Pandemic Hazmet Lab Techs, Global Plans, PowerPoint Coming SOON, Dr True Ott PhD, MAGI, miniMAGI, Antiviral AntiEMF Pollution, Block 60 GigaHertz Oxygen Blocking 5G Networks, Suppresion with Radionic Broadcasts with SonicLife, PERLM+, Progen3, Dr Bill’s Broadcast Systems, SARS COVID19, LIFEsolation Trailers, Pandemic Hazmat Mobile Units, PCR BioPhilia Remote FiO2 to PulseOx Monitor, C-VAC Mitorchondial Therapy, Radionic Viral Spike Glycoprotein Suppression 207 Hz, Nagalase Macrophage Mitochondrial Dysruptor Neutralization 337 Hz, First Line of Defense Kits, New Eye Sealed Goggles, NEW Full Body Hazmat Suits below 5 foot 8 inches and above 5 foot 8 inch height, AI Monitoring of R0 Reduction Realtime GPS Map of Pandemic Viral Elimination, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M ACOEM ABIME CCFP ABFP FNMB, NutriMedical Report Show,,,,
  • NutriMedical Report Fri April 10th ’20 H2 CCPVirus_SpringRestartUSANOW

    John W Spring, Restart American Economy with Safety and Food Immune Support, Integrative Wellness Evaluation of ALL Especially Seniors and Those with Illness, NO GMO Pesticided Foods, Remineralize Crops, Improve Population Nutritional Support for Immunity and Anti-Disease Protecti0n, What is COVID19 CCPVirus, Viral Mediated Cellular Energy Death Kills ATP Generation by Mitochondria, Protect Eyes Googles Airway NIOSHN95 Masks, Hazmat Suits for Health Care, Boost Native Immune Defense and Mitochondrial Rescue to Prevent Aerobic ATP Cellular DEATH, Mitochondrial Death, NutriMeds Review A to Z, Build Natural Immunity, STOP Viral Attachment, Prevent Replication, STOP Cytokine Storm and Mitochondrial Death, Prolong Life, Overcome Gene SNP with NutriMeds and Tech, A to Z Plan to BioPhilia Scan Case Viral Vertor People, Place on Viral and Cytokine Suppressive Therapies in Isolation Until VIRU FREE, Release to Work in Less than 2 Weeks, CVAC Altitude Mitochondrial Regenerative Therapy, Chris Craig,, Carlsbad CA Clinic, Take with NADH and Nattokinase with PQQ for Make NEW Mitochondria Energy for Cells, Recover from COVID19, Join Sherriff USA County, Local LEAF Local Eternal Anointed Fellowship, Escap Church Buildings to Local Home Church, eToxins 5G AND SARS COVID19l, COVID19 Misinfo Around Trump NIAID Dr Fauci, Fox News Foolishness, NATION SLAYER BioWeapon COVID19, NWO Plot to Vaccinate to Sterilize and Chip World Population, NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-GOLD Super Curcumin for COVID19 Cancer Autoimmunity Dementia Heart Vascular Life Extension and More, Cytokine Storm and Virus Blocking NutriMeds, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutriDefense, Vit D Liquid, Oncomycin MyCo D2, Cell Defense Plus,NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold,HAZMAT, Goggles, NIOSH N95 Masks, Haszmat Suits below 5ft 7inches or above, SNP Jump Genes Nutrient Support, SonicLife EpiGenetic Antiviral RegenerativeStem Cell Pain Relief, Lumen Photon IR Pain Healing STOP Inflammation Induce Sleep Heal Eyes Brain, Pure Water Systems, Four Phases, Cleanest Water on Earth, Whole Home Systems, COVID19 is NOT A DRILL !!!, Poor CDC Test Kits, Mix FLU and COVID19, Serious Super Killer Pandemic Plague Exploding, Take NutriMeds NOW, Prevent Viral Replication and Cytokine Storm Induced Mitochondrial DEATH, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Review of State of Art of Battle Vs. COVID19, Paper Dr True Ott Review, NEW GoFundMe for Provision of NutriMeds for Wellness and Protection from COVID19 to Underpriveleged USA and Worldwide, Firing Line Wellness Protocol Answers, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD Provision of NutriMeds Protocols for Wellness, COVID19 Viral Infections, Vascular Disease, Aging, Pain, Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Hormonal Imbalances, SonicLife Whole Body, EpiGenetic Sabbath Edenic Healing, Block SARS COVID19 Glycoprotein @ 207 Hz and Block Nagalase @ 337 Hz, Lumen Photon Light Therapy, Pure Water Systems, VIMEO Livestream Removed Unpublished All Videos, Disagreement on Origins of COVID19 Bioweapo9n, Did not Wish to Have Claim of Help for Viral Infection, 5G 60 Giga Hertz Hypoxia Cotoxin to SARS COVID19 ARDS, Mitochondrial Suicide by Dual Plaques, Smart Grid Amped Up During Lockdown In Homes, Toxic Gene Hackers and Cortical Behavior Modificiation, First Line Kit NutriMeds, AllicinMED, NutrImmune 26Y, Power C Plus, Cell Defense Plus, Epoch Times News Review, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, NEW Googles Hazmat Suits Gas Masks, Testing Berlin S Korea Rapid PCR Tech Update, New Monoclonal Erasmus University Results Block SARS2 COVID19 Viral ACE2 Receptor STOP Infection, END of Secular Age, Globalist Killing Fields, Biochipping World Population, Cyberstate Totalitarian Controls, 5G eToxins, 60 GigaHertz Hypoxia, 50 GigaHertz Epstein Barr Virus CANCER, eToxins Amplify SARS COVID19 Virus Plaque, Updated COVID19 March 4th 2020 Power Point Will be Up by Sunday March 8th 2020, New Info re Preppers for NWO Vaccines Medical Martial Law and ViraMaGeddon, Financial Implosion, ViraGeddon Coming, Medical Martial NWO, Forced Vaccines, Sterilization via Vaccines, LIFEsolution Negative Pressure Pandemic Trailers Tents, Mobile Pandemic Hazmet Lab Techs, Global Plans, PowerPoint Coming SOON, Dr True Ott PhD, MAGI, miniMAGI, Antiviral AntiEMF Pollution, Block 60 GigaHertz Oxygen Blocking 5G Networks, Suppresion with Radionic Broadcasts with SonicLife, PERLM+, Progen3, Dr Bill’s Broadcast Systems, SARS COVID19, LIFEsolation Trailers, Pandemic Hazmat Mobile Units, PCR BioPhilia Remote FiO2 to PulseOx Monitor, C-VAC Mitorchondial Therapy, Radionic Viral Spike Glycoprotein Suppression 207 Hz, Nagalase Macrophage Mitochondrial Dysruptor Neutralization 337 Hz, First Line of Defense Kits, New Eye Sealed Goggles, NEW Full Body Hazmat Suits below 5 foot 8 inches and above 5 foot 8 inch height, AI Monitoring of R0 Reduction Realtime GPS Map of Pandemic Viral Elimination, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M ACOEM ABIME CCFP ABFP FNMB, NutriMedical Report Show,,,,
  • NutriMedical Report Fri April 10th ’20 H1 CCPVirus_BoostDefenses!

    Michelle Deagle HOST, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Provision of Boosting Host Defenses, Protect Mitochondria ATP Energy, Stop Pathogenic Cytokine Storms, Health and Recovery Naturally, Improve Nutrition and Cellular Protection Physiology, Prevent Mitochondrial Damage NutriMeds Plus Scalar Tech SonicLife, MAGI MiniMAGI Cellvital Mat QRS Mat Photon Sound Beam, Lumen Photon NEW Frequency Generators, Review of NutriMeds to Prevent Infection and Help Recovery, Biblical End Times Analysis of END Times COVID19 CCP BioWeaponized Mitochondrial Detroyer, Debt BOMB Does Not HONOR Women or Productive Economies, Signs of Anti-Christ, SALE Wed 8th to 15th Passover Easter COUPON RISEN at Checkout, SonicLife, Whole Body Perfusion Exercise Lymphatics Stem Cells, EpiGenetic Frequency Therapy SONG of DNA Therapy, Sabbath Edenic Mineral Resonance, Block Nagalase and Sigma One COVID19 Coronavirus Cell Docking Frequency Therapy, Lumen Photon, New Amplifier Amazon or Walmart,Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools, Pure H2O Whole Home Countertop, 5 Gal Reserve Autoflush, Natural Immune SOlutions for COVID19 CCP China BioWeapons Globalist Nation Slayer, Nutriodine Plus First Line of Defense Kits, Testing BioPhilia Plus IgG IgM Great Plains Lab Kansas NOW via Dr Bill Deagle MD, STOP Sterilizing Virus, NO Vaccines and Forced Chipping Next Year 2021, Jail NWO Globalists, END CCP CHINA, STOP WHO Funding, NO CDC FDA NIAID, BSLabs Close NOW, END WHO CDC TC WTO UN Globalists, JAIL Dr Fauci Bill Gates Attendees to Event 201 Fall 2019 USA, Vaccines to Follow Sterilizing Virus, END of Satanic Globalism NOW, CCP Virus COVID19 Sterilizes Males Females, Globalist Population Control, Website Articles and National Library of Medicine, END of Discussion on Virus Sterilization, Vaccines and Forced Chipping to Follow Pandemic in 2021 by UN Global Elite Plot, Prepper Supplier, Personal Defense, Power, Food, Local Fellowship of Believers, Prepare the BRIDE of the Most High GOD, Debt BOMB Depression More Lethal than COVID19, FIND Carriers BioPhilia IgG Antibodies, Isolate and Viral Supression Cytokine STOP Termination, Return TO WORK ASAP!, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M FNMB, Vit D, Monatomic Zinc, Minerals Plus, GastroHeal, Stop Viral Attachement, Prevent Cytokine Storms, STOP Mitochondrial Death, NutriMeds Review A to Z, Build Natural Immunity, STOP Viral Attachment, Prevent Replication, STOP Cytokine Storm and Mitochondrial Death, Prolong Life, Overcome Gene SNP with NutriMeds and Tech, A to Z Plan to BioPhilia Scan Case Viral Vertor People, Place on Viral and Cytokine Suppressive Therapies in Isolation Until VIRU FREE, Release to Work in Less than 2 Weeks, CVAC Altitude Mitochondrial Regenerative Therapy, Chris Craig,, Carlsbad CA Clinic, Take with NADH and Nattokinase with PQQ for Make NEW Mitochondria Energy for Cells, Recover from COVID19, Join Sherriff USA County, Local LEAF Local Eternal Anointed Fellowship, Escap Church Buildings to Local Home Church, eToxins 5G AND SARS COVID19l, COVID19 Misinfo Around Trump NIAID Dr Fauci, Fox News Foolishness, NATION SLAYER BioWeapon COVID19, NWO Plot to Vaccinate to Sterilize and Chip World Population, NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-GOLD Super Curcumin for COVID19 Cancer Autoimmunity Dementia Heart Vascular Life Extension and More, Cytokine Storm and Virus Blocking NutriMeds, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutriDefense, Vit D Liquid, Oncomycin MyCo D2, Cell Defense Plus,NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold,HAZMAT, Goggles, NIOSH N95 Masks, Haszmat Suits below 5ft 7inches or above, SNP Jump Genes Nutrient Support, SonicLife EpiGenetic Antiviral RegenerativeStem Cell Pain Relief, Lumen Photon IR Pain Healing STOP Inflammation Induce Sleep Heal Eyes Brain, Pure Water Systems, Four Phases, Cleanest Water on Earth, Whole Home Systems, COVID19 is NOT A DRILL !!!, Poor CDC Test Kits, Mix FLU and COVID19, Serious Super Killer Pandemic Plague Exploding, Take NutriMeds NOW, Prevent Viral Replication and Cytokine Storm Induced Mitochondrial DEATH, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Review of State of Art of Battle Vs. COVID19, Paper Dr True Ott Review, NEW GoFundMe for Provision of NutriMeds for Wellness and Protection from COVID19 to Underpriveleged USA and Worldwide, Firing Line Wellness Protocol Answers, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD Provision of NutriMeds Protocols for Wellness, COVID19 Viral Infections, Vascular Disease, Aging, Pain, Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Hormonal Imbalances, SonicLife Whole Body, EpiGenetic Sabbath Edenic Healing, Block SARS COVID19 Glycoprotein @ 207 Hz and Block Nagalase @ 337 Hz, Lumen Photon Light Therapy, Pure Water Systems, VIMEO Livestream Removed Unpublished All Videos, Disagreement on Origins of COVID19 Bioweapo9n, Did not Wish to Have Claim of Help for Viral Infection, 5G 60 Giga Hertz Hypoxia Cotoxin to SARS COVID19 ARDS, Mitochondrial Suicide by Dual Plaques, Smart Grid Amped Up During Lockdown In Homes, Toxic Gene Hackers and Cortical Behavior Modificiation, First Line Kit NutriMeds, AllicinMED, NutrImmune 26Y, Power C Plus, Cell Defense Plus, Epoch Times News Review, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, NEW Googles Hazmat Suits Gas Masks, Testing Berlin S Korea Rapid PCR Tech Update, New Monoclonal Erasmus University Results Block SARS2 COVID19 Viral ACE2 Receptor STOP Infection, END of Secular Age, Globalist Killing Fields, Biochipping World Population, Cyberstate Totalitarian Controls, 5G eToxins, 60 GigaHertz Hypoxia, 50 GigaHertz Epstein Barr Virus CANCER, eToxins Amplify SARS COVID19 Virus Plaque, Updated COVID19 March 4th 2020 Power Point Will be Up by Sunday March 8th 2020, New Info re Preppers for NWO Vaccines Medical Martial Law and ViraMaGeddon, Financial Implosion, ViraGeddon Coming, Medical Martial NWO, Forced Vaccines, Sterilization via Vaccines, LIFEsolution Negative Pressure Pandemic Trailers Tents, Mobile Pandemic Hazmet Lab Techs, Global Plans, PowerPoint Coming SOON, Dr True Ott PhD, MAGI, miniMAGI, Antiviral AntiEMF Pollution, Block 60 GigaHertz Oxygen Blocking 5G Networks, Suppresion with Radionic Broadcasts with SonicLife, PERLM+, Progen3, Dr Bill’s Broadcast Systems, SARS COVID19, LIFEsolation Trailers, Pandemic Hazmat Mobile Units, PCR BioPhilia Remote FiO2 to PulseOx Monitor, C-VAC Mitorchondial Therapy, Radionic Viral Spike Glycoprotein Suppression 207 Hz, Nagalase Macrophage Mitochondrial Dysruptor Neutralization 337 Hz, First Line of Defense Kits, New Eye Sealed Goggles, NEW Full Body Hazmat Suits below 5 foot 8 inches and above 5 foot 8 inch height, AI Monitoring of R0 Reduction Realtime GPS Map of Pandemic Viral Elimination, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M ACOEM ABIME CCFP ABFP FNMB, NutriMedical Report Show,,,,
  • NutriMedical Report Fri April 10th ’20 H3 CCPVirus_PaughOttUSAFreeNOW!

    Pastor Butch Paugh,, Restart America Now Safely with Food Immune Support, NO ID Passport to Travel, NO Chipping or Forced Vaccines of Sterility, Dr True Ott PhD ND, Event 201 Globalist Collaborators with Wuhan BSL4 Chinese Bioweaopon Development, CFR Case Fatality .37% Only with Most Cases Asymptomatic, With Proper Natural Support NO One Needs to DIE or End on a Ventilator or ECMO Machine of DEATH, Prevent Mitochondrial Damage NutriMeds Plus Scalar Tech SonicLife, MAGI MiniMAGI Cellvital Mat QRS Mat Photon Sound Beam, Lumen Photon NEW Frequency Generators, Review of NutriMeds to Prevent Infection and Help Recovery, Biblical End Times Analysis of END Times COVID19 CCP BioWeaponized Mitochondrial Detroyer Debt BOMB Does Not HONOR Women or Productive Economies, Signs of Anti-Christ, SALE Wed 8th to 15th Passover Easter COUPON RISEN at Checkout, SonicLife, Whole Body Perfusion Exercise Lymphatics Stem Cells, EpiGenetic Frequency Therapy SONG of DNA Therapy, Sabbath Edenic Mineral Resonance, Block Nagalase and Sigma One COVID19 Coronavirus Cell Docking Frequency Therapy, Lumen Photon, New Amplifier Amazon or Walmart,Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools, Pure H2O Whole Home Countertop, 5 Gal Reserve Autoflush, Natural Immune SOlutions for COVID19 CCP China BioWeapons Globalist Nation Slayer, Nutriodine Plus First Line of Defense Kits, Testing BioPhilia Plus IgG IgM Great Plains Lab Kansas NOW via Dr Bill Deagle MD, STOP Sterilizing Virus, NO Vaccines and Forced Chipping Next Year 2021, Jail NWO Globalists, END CCP CHINA, STOP WHO Funding, NO CDC FDA NIAID, BSLabs Close NOW, END WHO CDC TC WTO UN Globalists, JAIL Dr Fauci Bill Gates Attendees to Event 201 Fall 2019 USA, Vaccines to Follow Sterilizing Virus, END of Satanic Globalism NOW, CCP Virus COVID19 Sterilizes Males Females, Globalist Population Control, Website Articles and National Library of Medicine, END of Discussion on Virus Sterilization, Vaccines and Forced Chipping to Follow Pandemic in 2021 by UN Global Elite Plot, Prepper Supplier, Personal Defense, Power, Food, Local Fellowship of Believers, Prepare the BRIDE of the Most High GOD, Debt BOMB Depression More Lethal than COVID19, FIND Carriers BioPhilia IgG Antibodies, Isolate and Viral Supression Cytokine STOP Termination, Return TO WORK ASAP!, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M FNMB, Vit D, Monatomic Zinc, Minerals Plus, GastroHeal, Stop Viral Attachement, Prevent Cytokine Storms, STOP Mitochondrial Death, NutriMeds Review A to Z, Build Natural Immunity, STOP Viral Attachment, Prevent Replication, STOP Cytokine Storm and Mitochondrial Death, Prolong Life, Overcome Gene SNP with NutriMeds and Tech, A to Z Plan to BioPhilia Scan Case Viral Vertor People, Place on Viral and Cytokine Suppressive Therapies in Isolation Until VIRU FREE, Release to Work in Less than 2 Weeks, CVAC Altitude Mitochondrial Regenerative Therapy, Chris Craig,, Carlsbad CA Clinic, Take with NADH and Nattokinase with PQQ for Make NEW Mitochondria Energy for Cells, Recover from COVID19, Join Sherriff USA County, Local LEAF Local Eternal Anointed Fellowship, Escap Church Buildings to Local Home Church, eToxins 5G AND SARS COVID19l, COVID19 Misinfo Around Trump NIAID Dr Fauci, Fox News Foolishness, NATION SLAYER BioWeapon COVID19, NWO Plot to Vaccinate to Sterilize and Chip World Population, NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-GOLD Super Curcumin for COVID19 Cancer Autoimmunity Dementia Heart Vascular Life Extension and More, Cytokine Storm and Virus Blocking NutriMeds, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutriDefense, Vit D Liquid, Oncomycin MyCo D2, Cell Defense Plus,NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold,HAZMAT, Goggles, NIOSH N95 Masks, Haszmat Suits below 5ft 7inches or above, SNP Jump Genes Nutrient Support, SonicLife EpiGenetic Antiviral RegenerativeStem Cell Pain Relief, Lumen Photon IR Pain Healing STOP Inflammation Induce Sleep Heal Eyes Brain, Pure Water Systems, Four Phases, Cleanest Water on Earth, Whole Home Systems, COVID19 is NOT A DRILL !!!, Poor CDC Test Kits, Mix FLU and COVID19, Serious Super Killer Pandemic Plague Exploding, Take NutriMeds NOW, Prevent Viral Replication and Cytokine Storm Induced Mitochondrial DEATH, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Review of State of Art of Battle Vs. COVID19, Paper Dr True Ott Review, NEW GoFundMe for Provision of NutriMeds for Wellness and Protection from COVID19 to Underpriveleged USA and Worldwide, Firing Line Wellness Protocol Answers, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD Provision of NutriMeds Protocols for Wellness, COVID19 Viral Infections, Vascular Disease, Aging, Pain, Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Hormonal Imbalances, SonicLife Whole Body, EpiGenetic Sabbath Edenic Healing, Block SARS COVID19 Glycoprotein @ 207 Hz and Block Nagalase @ 337 Hz, Lumen Photon Light Therapy, Pure Water Systems, VIMEO Livestream Removed Unpublished All Videos, Disagreement on Origins of COVID19 Bioweapo9n, Did not Wish to Have Claim of Help for Viral Infection, 5G 60 Giga Hertz Hypoxia Cotoxin to SARS COVID19 ARDS, Mitochondrial Suicide by Dual Plaques, Smart Grid Amped Up During Lockdown In Homes, Toxic Gene Hackers and Cortical Behavior Modificiation, First Line Kit NutriMeds, AllicinMED, NutrImmune 26Y, Power C Plus, Cell Defense Plus, Epoch Times News Review, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, NEW Googles Hazmat Suits Gas Masks, Testing Berlin S Korea Rapid PCR Tech Update, New Monoclonal Erasmus University Results Block SARS2 COVID19 Viral ACE2 Receptor STOP Infection, END of Secular Age, Globalist Killing Fields, Biochipping World Population, Cyberstate Totalitarian Controls, 5G eToxins, 60 GigaHertz Hypoxia, 50 GigaHertz Epstein Barr Virus CANCER, eToxins Amplify SARS COVID19 Virus Plaque, Updated COVID19 March 4th 2020 Power Point Will be Up by Sunday March 8th 2020, New Info re Preppers for NWO Vaccines Medical Martial Law and ViraMaGeddon, Financial Implosion, ViraGeddon Coming, Medical Martial NWO, Forced Vaccines, Sterilization via Vaccines, LIFEsolution Negative Pressure Pandemic Trailers Tents, Mobile Pandemic Hazmet Lab Techs, Global Plans, PowerPoint Coming SOON, Dr True Ott PhD, MAGI, miniMAGI, Antiviral AntiEMF Pollution, Block 60 GigaHertz Oxygen Blocking 5G Networks, Suppresion with Radionic Broadcasts with SonicLife, PERLM+, Progen3, Dr Bill's Broadcast Systems, SARS COVID19, LIFEsolation Trailers, Pandemic Hazmat Mobile Units, PCR BioPhilia Remote FiO2 to PulseOx Monitor, C-VAC Mitorchondial Therapy, Radionic Viral Spike Glycoprotein Suppression 207 Hz, Nagalase Macrophage Mitochondrial Dysruptor Neutralization 337 Hz, First Line of Defense Kits, New Eye Sealed Goggles, NEW Full Body Hazmat Suits below 5 foot 8 inches and above 5 foot 8 inch height, AI Monitoring of R0 Reduction Realtime GPS Map of Pandemic Viral Elimination, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M ACOEM ABIME CCFP ABFP FNMB, NutriMedical Report Show,,,,For information regarding your data privacy, visit
  • NutriMedical Report Fri April 10th ’20 H2 CCPVirus_SpringRestartUSANOW

    John W Spring, Restart American Economy with Safety and Food Immune Support, Integrative Wellness Evaluation of ALL Especially Seniors and Those with Illness, NO GMO Pesticided Foods, Remineralize Crops, Improve Population Nutritional Support for Immunity and Anti-Disease Protecti0n, What is COVID19 CCPVirus, Viral Mediated Cellular Energy Death Kills ATP Generation by Mitochondria, Protect Eyes Googles Airway NIOSHN95 Masks, Hazmat Suits for Health Care, Boost Native Immune Defense and Mitochondrial Rescue to Prevent Aerobic ATP Cellular DEATH, Mitochondrial Death, NutriMeds Review A to Z, Build Natural Immunity, STOP Viral Attachment, Prevent Replication, STOP Cytokine Storm and Mitochondrial Death, Prolong Life, Overcome Gene SNP with NutriMeds and Tech, A to Z Plan to BioPhilia Scan Case Viral Vertor People, Place on Viral and Cytokine Suppressive Therapies in Isolation Until VIRU FREE,  Release to Work in Less than 2 Weeks, CVAC Altitude Mitochondrial Regenerative Therapy, Chris Craig,, Carlsbad CA Clinic, Take with NADH and Nattokinase with PQQ for Make NEW Mitochondria Energy for Cells, Recover from COVID19, Join Sherriff USA County, Local LEAF Local Eternal Anointed Fellowship, Escap Church Buildings to Local Home Church, eToxins 5G AND SARS COVID19l,  COVID19 Misinfo Around Trump NIAID Dr Fauci, Fox News Foolishness, NATION SLAYER BioWeapon COVID19, NWO Plot to Vaccinate to Sterilize and Chip World Population, NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-GOLD Super Curcumin for COVID19 Cancer Autoimmunity Dementia Heart Vascular Life Extension and More, Cytokine Storm and Virus Blocking NutriMeds, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutriDefense, Vit D Liquid, Oncomycin MyCo D2, Cell Defense Plus,NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold,HAZMAT, Goggles, NIOSH N95 Masks, Haszmat Suits below 5ft 7inches or above, SNP Jump Genes Nutrient Support,  SonicLife EpiGenetic Antiviral RegenerativeStem Cell Pain Relief, Lumen Photon IR Pain Healing STOP Inflammation Induce Sleep Heal Eyes Brain, Pure Water Systems, Four Phases, Cleanest Water on Earth, Whole Home Systems, COVID19 is NOT A DRILL !!!, Poor CDC Test Kits, Mix FLU and COVID19, Serious Super Killer Pandemic Plague Exploding, Take NutriMeds NOW, Prevent Viral Replication and Cytokine Storm Induced Mitochondrial DEATH, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Review of State of Art of Battle Vs. COVID19, Paper Dr True Ott Review, NEW GoFundMe for Provision of NutriMeds for Wellness and Protection from COVID19 to Underpriveleged USA and Worldwide, Firing Line Wellness Protocol Answers, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD Provision of NutriMeds Protocols for Wellness, COVID19 Viral Infections, Vascular Disease, Aging, Pain, Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Hormonal Imbalances, SonicLife Whole Body, EpiGenetic Sabbath Edenic Healing, Block SARS COVID19 Glycoprotein @ 207 Hz and Block Nagalase @ 337 Hz, Lumen Photon Light Therapy, Pure Water Systems, VIMEO Livestream Removed Unpublished All Videos, Disagreement on Origins of COVID19 Bioweapo9n, Did not Wish to Have Claim of Help for Viral Infection, 5G 60 Giga Hertz Hypoxia Cotoxin to SARS COVID19 ARDS, Mitochondrial Suicide by Dual Plaques, Smart Grid Amped Up During Lockdown In Homes, Toxic Gene Hackers and Cortical Behavior Modificiation, First Line Kit NutriMeds, AllicinMED, NutrImmune 26Y, Power C Plus, Cell Defense Plus, Epoch Times News Review, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, NEW Googles Hazmat Suits Gas Masks, Testing Berlin S Korea Rapid PCR Tech Update, New Monoclonal Erasmus University Results Block SARS2 COVID19 Viral ACE2 Receptor STOP Infection, END of Secular Age, Globalist Killing Fields, Biochipping World Population, Cyberstate Totalitarian Controls, 5G eToxins, 60 GigaHertz Hypoxia, 50 GigaHertz Epstein Barr Virus CANCER, eToxins Amplify SARS COVID19 Virus Plaque, Updated COVID19 March 4th 2020 Power Point Will be Up by Sunday March 8th 2020, New Info re Preppers for NWO Vaccines Medical Martial Law and ViraMaGeddon, Financial Implosion, ViraGeddon Coming, Medical Martial NWO, Forced Vaccines, Sterilization via Vaccines, LIFEsolution Negative Pressure Pandemic Trailers Tents, Mobile Pandemic Hazmet Lab Techs, Global Plans, PowerPoint Coming SOON, Dr True Ott PhD, MAGI, miniMAGI, Antiviral AntiEMF Pollution, Block 60 GigaHertz Oxygen Blocking 5G Networks, Suppresion with Radionic Broadcasts with SonicLife, PERLM+, Progen3, Dr Bill's Broadcast Systems, SARS COVID19, LIFEsolation Trailers, Pandemic Hazmat Mobile Units, PCR BioPhilia Remote FiO2 to PulseOx Monitor, C-VAC Mitorchondial Therapy, Radionic Viral Spike Glycoprotein Suppression 207 Hz, Nagalase Macrophage Mitochondrial Dysruptor Neutralization 337 Hz, First Line of Defense Kits, New Eye Sealed Goggles, NEW Full Body Hazmat Suits below 5 foot 8 inches and above 5 foot 8 inch height, AI Monitoring of R0 Reduction Realtime GPS Map of Pandemic Viral Elimination, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M ACOEM ABIME CCFP ABFP FNMB,  NutriMedical Report Show,,,, For information regarding your data privacy, visit
  • NutriMedical Report Fri April 10th ’20 H1 CCPVirus_BoostDefenses!

    Michelle Deagle HOST, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Provision of Boosting Host Defenses, Protect Mitochondria ATP Energy, Stop Pathogenic Cytokine Storms, Health and Recovery Naturally, Improve Nutrition and Cellular Protection Physiology, Prevent Mitochondrial Damage NutriMeds Plus Scalar Tech SonicLife, MAGI MiniMAGI Cellvital Mat QRS Mat Photon Sound Beam, Lumen Photon NEW Frequency Generators, Review of NutriMeds to Prevent Infection and Help Recovery, Biblical End Times Analysis of END Times COVID19 CCP BioWeaponized Mitochondrial Detroyer, Debt BOMB Does Not HONOR Women or Productive Economies, Signs of Anti-Christ, SALE Wed 8th to 15th Passover Easter COUPON RISEN at Checkout, SonicLife, Whole Body Perfusion Exercise Lymphatics Stem Cells, EpiGenetic Frequency Therapy SONG of DNA Therapy, Sabbath Edenic Mineral Resonance, Block Nagalase and Sigma One COVID19 Coronavirus Cell Docking Frequency Therapy, Lumen Photon, New Amplifier Amazon or Walmart,Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools, Pure H2O Whole Home Countertop, 5 Gal Reserve Autoflush, Natural Immune SOlutions for COVID19 CCP China BioWeapons Globalist Nation Slayer, Nutriodine Plus First Line of Defense Kits, Testing BioPhilia Plus IgG IgM Great Plains Lab Kansas NOW via Dr Bill Deagle MD, STOP Sterilizing Virus, NO Vaccines and Forced Chipping Next Year 2021, Jail NWO Globalists, END CCP CHINA, STOP WHO Funding, NO CDC FDA NIAID, BSLabs Close NOW, END WHO CDC TC WTO UN Globalists, JAIL Dr Fauci Bill Gates Attendees to Event 201 Fall 2019 USA, Vaccines to Follow Sterilizing Virus, END of Satanic Globalism NOW, CCP Virus COVID19 Sterilizes Males Females, Globalist Population Control, Website Articles and National Library of Medicine, END of Discussion on Virus Sterilization, Vaccines and Forced Chipping to Follow Pandemic in 2021 by UN Global Elite Plot, Prepper Supplier, Personal Defense, Power, Food, Local Fellowship of Believers, Prepare the BRIDE of the Most High GOD, Debt BOMB Depression More Lethal than COVID19, FIND Carriers BioPhilia IgG Antibodies, Isolate and Viral Supression Cytokine STOP Termination, Return TO WORK ASAP!, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M FNMB, Vit D, Monatomic Zinc, Minerals Plus, GastroHeal, Stop Viral Attachement, Prevent Cytokine Storms, STOP Mitochondrial Death, NutriMeds Review A to Z, Build Natural Immunity, STOP Viral Attachment, Prevent Replication, STOP Cytokine Storm and Mitochondrial Death, Prolong Life, Overcome Gene SNP with NutriMeds and Tech, A to Z Plan to BioPhilia Scan Case Viral Vertor People, Place on Viral and Cytokine Suppressive Therapies in Isolation Until VIRU FREE,  Release to Work in Less than 2 Weeks, CVAC Altitude Mitochondrial Regenerative Therapy, Chris Craig,, Carlsbad CA Clinic, Take with NADH and Nattokinase with PQQ for Make NEW Mitochondria Energy for Cells, Recover from COVID19, Join Sherriff USA County, Local LEAF Local Eternal Anointed Fellowship, Escap Church Buildings to Local Home Church, eToxins 5G AND SARS COVID19l,  COVID19 Misinfo Around Trump NIAID Dr Fauci, Fox News Foolishness, NATION SLAYER BioWeapon COVID19, NWO Plot to Vaccinate to Sterilize and Chip World Population, NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-GOLD Super Curcumin for COVID19 Cancer Autoimmunity Dementia Heart Vascular Life Extension and More, Cytokine Storm and Virus Blocking NutriMeds, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutriDefense, Vit D Liquid, Oncomycin MyCo D2, Cell Defense Plus,NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold,HAZMAT, Goggles, NIOSH N95 Masks, Haszmat Suits below 5ft 7inches or above, SNP Jump Genes Nutrient Support,  SonicLife EpiGenetic Antiviral RegenerativeStem Cell Pain Relief, Lumen Photon IR Pain Healing STOP Inflammation Induce Sleep Heal Eyes Brain, Pure Water Systems, Four Phases, Cleanest Water on Earth, Whole Home Systems, COVID19 is NOT A DRILL !!!, Poor CDC Test Kits, Mix FLU and COVID19, Serious Super Killer Pandemic Plague Exploding, Take NutriMeds NOW, Prevent Viral Replication and Cytokine Storm Induced Mitochondrial DEATH, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Review of State of Art of Battle Vs. COVID19, Paper Dr True Ott Review, NEW GoFundMe for Provision of NutriMeds for Wellness and Protection from COVID19 to Underpriveleged USA and Worldwide, Firing Line Wellness Protocol Answers, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD Provision of NutriMeds Protocols for Wellness, COVID19 Viral Infections, Vascular Disease, Aging, Pain, Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Hormonal Imbalances, SonicLife Whole Body, EpiGenetic Sabbath Edenic Healing, Block SARS COVID19 Glycoprotein @ 207 Hz and Block Nagalase @ 337 Hz, Lumen Photon Light Therapy, Pure Water Systems, VIMEO Livestream Removed Unpublished All Videos, Disagreement on Origins of COVID19 Bioweapo9n, Did not Wish to Have Claim of Help for Viral Infection, 5G 60 Giga Hertz Hypoxia Cotoxin to SARS COVID19 ARDS, Mitochondrial Suicide by Dual Plaques, Smart Grid Amped Up During Lockdown In Homes, Toxic Gene Hackers and Cortical Behavior Modificiation, First Line Kit NutriMeds, AllicinMED, NutrImmune 26Y, Power C Plus, Cell Defense Plus, Epoch Times News Review, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, NEW Googles Hazmat Suits Gas Masks, Testing Berlin S Korea Rapid PCR Tech Update, New Monoclonal Erasmus University Results Block SARS2 COVID19 Viral ACE2 Receptor STOP Infection, END of Secular Age, Globalist Killing Fields, Biochipping World Population, Cyberstate Totalitarian Controls, 5G eToxins, 60 GigaHertz Hypoxia, 50 GigaHertz Epstein Barr Virus CANCER, eToxins Amplify SARS COVID19 Virus Plaque, Updated COVID19 March 4th 2020 Power Point Will be Up by Sunday March 8th 2020, New Info re Preppers for NWO Vaccines Medical Martial Law and ViraMaGeddon, Financial Implosion, ViraGeddon Coming, Medical Martial NWO, Forced Vaccines, Sterilization via Vaccines, LIFEsolution Negative Pressure Pandemic Trailers Tents, Mobile Pandemic Hazmet Lab Techs, Global Plans, PowerPoint Coming SOON, Dr True Ott PhD, MAGI, miniMAGI, Antiviral AntiEMF Pollution, Block 60 GigaHertz Oxygen Blocking 5G Networks, Suppresion with Radionic Broadcasts with SonicLife, PERLM+, Progen3, Dr Bill's Broadcast Systems, SARS COVID19, LIFEsolation Trailers, Pandemic Hazmat Mobile Units, PCR BioPhilia Remote FiO2 to PulseOx Monitor, C-VAC Mitorchondial Therapy, Radionic Viral Spike Glycoprotein Suppression 207 Hz, Nagalase Macrophage Mitochondrial Dysruptor Neutralization 337 Hz, First Line of Defense Kits, New Eye Sealed Goggles, NEW Full Body Hazmat Suits below 5 foot 8 inches and above 5 foot 8 inch height, AI Monitoring of R0 Reduction Realtime GPS Map of Pandemic Viral Elimination, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M ACOEM ABIME CCFP ABFP FNMB,  NutriMedical Report Show,,,, For information regarding your data privacy, visit
  • NutriMedical Report Wed April 9th ’20 H3 CCPVirus_Royal_FORD_VirusWars

    Dr Dan Royal DO JD, Turtle Healing Band Clinic, First Nations Medical Board, Mitochondrial Damages by F1 Protein, Natural IV and Oral Therapies, Cell Vital Mat, QRS Mat, MAGI and MiniMAG ELF Mat, Terrane of Immune Function Key to Recovery, Rescue Cell ATP, Prevent Mitochondrial Damage NutriMeds Plus Scalar Tech SonicLife, MAGI MiniMAGI Cellvital Mat QRS Mat Photon Sound Beam, Lumen Photon NEW Frequency Generators, Review of NutriMeds to Prevent Infection and Help Recovery, Biblical End Times Analysis of END Times COVID19 CCP BioWeaponized Mitochondrial Detroyer, Debt BOMB Does Not HONOR Women or Productive Economies, Signs of Anti-Christ, SALE Wed 8th to 15th Passover Easter COUPON RISEN at Checkout, SonicLife, Whole Body Perfusion Exercise Lymphatics Stem Cells, EpiGenetic Frequency Therapy SONG of DNA Therapy, Sabbath Edenic Mineral Resonance, Block Nagalase and Sigma One COVID19 Coronavirus Cell Docking Frequency Therapy, Lumen Photon, New Amplifier Amazon or Walmart,Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools, Pure H2O Whole Home Countertop, 5 Gal Reserve Autoflush, Natural Immune SOlutions for COVID19 CCP China BioWeapons Globalist Nation Slayer, Nutriodine Plus First Line of Defense Kits, Testing BioPhilia Plus IgG IgM Great Plains Lab Kansas NOW via Dr Bill Deagle MD, STOP Sterilizing Virus, NO Vaccines and Forced Chipping Next Year 2021, Jail NWO Globalists, END CCP CHINA, STOP WHO Funding, NO CDC FDA NIAID, BSLabs Close NOW, END WHO CDC TC WTO UN Globalists, JAIL Dr Fauci Bill Gates Attendees to Event 201 Fall 2019 USA, Vaccines to Follow Sterilizing Virus, END of Satanic Globalism NOW, CCP Virus COVID19 Sterilizes Males Females, Globalist Population Control, Website Articles and National Library of Medicine, END of Discussion on Virus Sterilization, Vaccines and Forced Chipping to Follow Pandemic in 2021 by UN Global Elite Plot, Prepper Supplier, Personal Defense, Power, Food, Local Fellowship of Believers, Prepare the BRIDE of the Most High GOD, Debt BOMB Depression More Lethal than COVID19, FIND Carriers BioPhilia IgG Antibodies, Isolate and Viral Supression Cytokine STOP Termination, Return TO WORK ASAP!, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M FNMB, Vit D, Monatomic Zinc, Minerals Plus, GastroHeal, Stop Viral Attachement, Prevent Cytokine Storms, STOP Mitochondrial Death, NutriMeds Review A to Z, Build Natural Immunity, STOP Viral Attachment, Prevent Replication, STOP Cytokine Storm and Mitochondrial Death, Prolong Life, Overcome Gene SNP with NutriMeds and Tech, A to Z Plan to BioPhilia Scan Case Viral Vertor People, Place on Viral and Cytokine Suppressive Therapies in Isolation Until VIRU FREE,  Release to Work in Less than 2 Weeks, CVAC Altitude Mitochondrial Regenerative Therapy, Chris Craig,, Carlsbad CA Clinic, Take with NADH and Nattokinase with PQQ for Make NEW Mitochondria Energy for Cells, Recover from COVID19, Join Sherriff USA County, Local LEAF Local Eternal Anointed Fellowship, Escap Church Buildings to Local Home Church, eToxins 5G AND SARS COVID19l,  COVID19 Misinfo Around Trump NIAID Dr Fauci, Fox News Foolishness, NATION SLAYER BioWeapon COVID19, NWO Plot to Vaccinate to Sterilize and Chip World Population, NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-GOLD Super Curcumin for COVID19 Cancer Autoimmunity Dementia Heart Vascular Life Extension and More, Cytokine Storm and Virus Blocking NutriMeds, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutriDefense, Vit D Liquid, Oncomycin MyCo D2, Cell Defense Plus,NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold,HAZMAT, Goggles, NIOSH N95 Masks, Haszmat Suits below 5ft 7inches or above, SNP Jump Genes Nutrient Support,  SonicLife EpiGenetic Antiviral RegenerativeStem Cell Pain Relief, Lumen Photon IR Pain Healing STOP Inflammation Induce Sleep Heal Eyes Brain, Pure Water Systems, Four Phases, Cleanest Water on Earth, Whole Home Systems, COVID19 is NOT A DRILL !!!, Poor CDC Test Kits, Mix FLU and COVID19, Serious Super Killer Pandemic Plague Exploding, Take NutriMeds NOW, Prevent Viral Replication and Cytokine Storm Induced Mitochondrial DEATH, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Review of State of Art of Battle Vs. COVID19, Paper Dr True Ott Review, NEW GoFundMe for Provision of NutriMeds for Wellness and Protection from COVID19 to Underpriveleged USA and Worldwide, Firing Line Wellness Protocol Answers, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD Provision of NutriMeds Protocols for Wellness, COVID19 Viral Infections, Vascular Disease, Aging, Pain, Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Hormonal Imbalances, SonicLife Whole Body, EpiGenetic Sabbath Edenic Healing, Block SARS COVID19 Glycoprotein @ 207 Hz and Block Nagalase @ 337 Hz, Lumen Photon Light Therapy, Pure Water Systems, VIMEO Livestream Removed Unpublished All Videos, Disagreement on Origins of COVID19 Bioweapo9n, Did not Wish to Have Claim of Help for Viral Infection, 5G 60 Giga Hertz Hypoxia Cotoxin to SARS COVID19 ARDS, Mitochondrial Suicide by Dual Plaques, Smart Grid Amped Up During Lockdown In Homes, Toxic Gene Hackers and Cortical Behavior Modificiation, First Line Kit NutriMeds, AllicinMED, NutrImmune 26Y, Power C Plus, Cell Defense Plus, Epoch Times News Review, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, NEW Googles Hazmat Suits Gas Masks, Testing Berlin S Korea Rapid PCR Tech Update, New Monoclonal Erasmus University Results Block SARS2 COVID19 Viral ACE2 Receptor STOP Infection, END of Secular Age, Globalist Killing Fields, Biochipping World Population, Cyberstate Totalitarian Controls, 5G eToxins, 60 GigaHertz Hypoxia, 50 GigaHertz Epstein Barr Virus CANCER, eToxins Amplify SARS COVID19 Virus Plaque, Updated COVID19 March 4th 2020 Power Point Will be Up by Sunday March 8th 2020, New Info re Preppers for NWO Vaccines Medical Martial Law and ViraMaGeddon, Financial Implosion, ViraGeddon Coming, Medical Martial NWO, Forced Vaccines, Sterilization via Vaccines, LIFEsolution Negative Pressure Pandemic Trailers Tents, Mobile Pandemic Hazmet Lab Techs, Global Plans, PowerPoint Coming SOON, Dr True Ott PhD, MAGI, miniMAGI, Antiviral AntiEMF Pollution, Block 60 GigaHertz Oxygen Blocking 5G Networks, Suppresion with Radionic Broadcasts with SonicLife, PERLM+, Progen3, Dr Bill's Broadcast Systems, SARS COVID19, LIFEsolation Trailers, Pandemic Hazmat Mobile Units, PCR BioPhilia Remote FiO2 to PulseOx Monitor, C-VAC Mitorchondial Therapy, Radionic Viral Spike Glycoprotein Suppression 207 Hz, Nagalase Macrophage Mitochondrial Dysruptor Neutralization 337 Hz, First Line of Defense Kits, New Eye Sealed Goggles, NEW Full Body Hazmat Suits below 5 foot 8 inches and above 5 foot 8 inch height, AI Monitoring of R0 Reduction Realtime GPS Map of Pandemic Viral Elimination, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M ACOEM ABIME CCFP ABFP FNMB,  NutriMedical Report Show,,,, For information regarding your data privacy, visit
  • NutriMedical Report Wed April 9th ’20 H2 CCPVirus_FORD_AntiVirals

    Dr Greg Ford CIA MD Renditioned Iraq, USA X3 Iraq Bioweapon Labs to Wuhan Dr Liu 2010 to Make S Protein Reverse Genetic Engineered Human Cell Entry, Mitochondrial F1 Protein ATP Attack by Virus CCPVirus, Rescue Cell ATP, Prevent Mitochondrial Damage NutriMeds Plus Scalar Tech SonicLife, MAGI MiniMAGI Cellvital Mat QRS Mat Photon Sound Beam, Lumen Photon NEW Frequency Generators, Review of NutriMeds to Prevent Infection and Help Recovery, Biblical End Times Analysis of END Times COVID19 CCP BioWeaponized Mitochondrial Detroyer, Debt BOMB Does Not HONOR Women or Productive Economies, Signs of Anti-Christ, SALE Wed 8th to 15th Passover Easter COUPON RISEN at Checkout, SonicLife, Whole Body Perfusion Exercise Lymphatics Stem Cells, EpiGenetic Frequency Therapy SONG of DNA Therapy, Sabbath Edenic Mineral Resonance, Block Nagalase and Sigma One COVID19 Coronavirus Cell Docking Frequency Therapy, Lumen Photon, New Amplifier Amazon or Walmart,Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools, Pure H2O Whole Home Countertop, 5 Gal Reserve Autoflush, Natural Immune SOlutions for COVID19 CCP China BioWeapons Globalist Nation Slayer, Nutriodine Plus First Line of Defense Kits, Testing BioPhilia Plus IgG IgM Great Plains Lab Kansas NOW via Dr Bill Deagle MD, STOP Sterilizing Virus, NO Vaccines and Forced Chipping Next Year 2021, Jail NWO Globalists, END CCP CHINA, STOP WHO Funding, NO CDC FDA NIAID, BSLabs Close NOW, END WHO CDC TC WTO UN Globalists, JAIL Dr Fauci Bill Gates Attendees to Event 201 Fall 2019 USA, Vaccines to Follow Sterilizing Virus, END of Satanic Globalism NOW, CCP Virus COVID19 Sterilizes Males Females, Globalist Population Control, Website Articles and National Library of Medicine, END of Discussion on Virus Sterilization, Vaccines and Forced Chipping to Follow Pandemic in 2021 by UN Global Elite Plot, Prepper Supplier, Personal Defense, Power, Food, Local Fellowship of Believers, Prepare the BRIDE of the Most High GOD, Debt BOMB Depression More Lethal than COVID19, FIND Carriers BioPhilia IgG Antibodies, Isolate and Viral Supression Cytokine STOP Termination, Return TO WORK ASAP!, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M FNMB, Vit D, Monatomic Zinc, Minerals Plus, GastroHeal, Stop Viral Attachement, Prevent Cytokine Storms, STOP Mitochondrial Death, NutriMeds Review A to Z, Build Natural Immunity, STOP Viral Attachment, Prevent Replication, STOP Cytokine Storm and Mitochondrial Death, Prolong Life, Overcome Gene SNP with NutriMeds and Tech, A to Z Plan to BioPhilia Scan Case Viral Vertor People, Place on Viral and Cytokine Suppressive Therapies in Isolation Until VIRU FREE,  Release to Work in Less than 2 Weeks, CVAC Altitude Mitochondrial Regenerative Therapy, Chris Craig,, Carlsbad CA Clinic, Take with NADH and Nattokinase with PQQ for Make NEW Mitochondria Energy for Cells, Recover from COVID19, Join Sherriff USA County, Local LEAF Local Eternal Anointed Fellowship, Escap Church Buildings to Local Home Church, eToxins 5G AND SARS COVID19l,  COVID19 Misinfo Around Trump NIAID Dr Fauci, Fox News Foolishness, NATION SLAYER BioWeapon COVID19, NWO Plot to Vaccinate to Sterilize and Chip World Population, NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-GOLD Super Curcumin for COVID19 Cancer Autoimmunity Dementia Heart Vascular Life Extension and More, Cytokine Storm and Virus Blocking NutriMeds, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutriDefense, Vit D Liquid, Oncomycin MyCo D2, Cell Defense Plus,NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold,HAZMAT, Goggles, NIOSH N95 Masks, Haszmat Suits below 5ft 7inches or above, SNP Jump Genes Nutrient Support,  SonicLife EpiGenetic Antiviral RegenerativeStem Cell Pain Relief, Lumen Photon IR Pain Healing STOP Inflammation Induce Sleep Heal Eyes Brain, Pure Water Systems, Four Phases, Cleanest Water on Earth, Whole Home Systems, COVID19 is NOT A DRILL !!!, Poor CDC Test Kits, Mix FLU and COVID19, Serious Super Killer Pandemic Plague Exploding, Take NutriMeds NOW, Prevent Viral Replication and Cytokine Storm Induced Mitochondrial DEATH, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Review of State of Art of Battle Vs. COVID19, Paper Dr True Ott Review, NEW GoFundMe for Provision of NutriMeds for Wellness and Protection from COVID19 to Underpriveleged USA and Worldwide, Firing Line Wellness Protocol Answers, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD Provision of NutriMeds Protocols for Wellness, COVID19 Viral Infections, Vascular Disease, Aging, Pain, Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Hormonal Imbalances, SonicLife Whole Body, EpiGenetic Sabbath Edenic Healing, Block SARS COVID19 Glycoprotein @ 207 Hz and Block Nagalase @ 337 Hz, Lumen Photon Light Therapy, Pure Water Systems, VIMEO Livestream Removed Unpublished All Videos, Disagreement on Origins of COVID19 Bioweapo9n, Did not Wish to Have Claim of Help for Viral Infection, 5G 60 Giga Hertz Hypoxia Cotoxin to SARS COVID19 ARDS, Mitochondrial Suicide by Dual Plaques, Smart Grid Amped Up During Lockdown In Homes, Toxic Gene Hackers and Cortical Behavior Modificiation, First Line Kit NutriMeds, AllicinMED, NutrImmune 26Y, Power C Plus, Cell Defense Plus, Epoch Times News Review, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, NEW Googles Hazmat Suits Gas Masks, Testing Berlin S Korea Rapid PCR Tech Update, New Monoclonal Erasmus University Results Block SARS2 COVID19 Viral ACE2 Receptor STOP Infection, END of Secular Age, Globalist Killing Fields, Biochipping World Population, Cyberstate Totalitarian Controls, 5G eToxins, 60 GigaHertz Hypoxia, 50 GigaHertz Epstein Barr Virus CANCER, eToxins Amplify SARS COVID19 Virus Plaque, Updated COVID19 March 4th 2020 Power Point Will be Up by Sunday March 8th 2020, New Info re Preppers for NWO Vaccines Medical Martial Law and ViraMaGeddon, Financial Implosion, ViraGeddon Coming, Medical Martial NWO, Forced Vaccines, Sterilization via Vaccines, LIFEsolution Negative Pressure Pandemic Trailers Tents, Mobile Pandemic Hazmet Lab Techs, Global Plans, PowerPoint Coming SOON, Dr True Ott PhD, MAGI, miniMAGI, Antiviral AntiEMF Pollution, Block 60 GigaHertz Oxygen Blocking 5G Networks, Suppresion with Radionic Broadcasts with SonicLife, PERLM+, Progen3, Dr Bill's Broadcast Systems, SARS COVID19, LIFEsolation Trailers, Pandemic Hazmat Mobile Units, PCR BioPhilia Remote FiO2 to PulseOx Monitor, C-VAC Mitorchondial Therapy, Radionic Viral Spike Glycoprotein Suppression 207 Hz, Nagalase Macrophage Mitochondrial Dysruptor Neutralization 337 Hz, First Line of Defense Kits, New Eye Sealed Goggles, NEW Full Body Hazmat Suits below 5 foot 8 inches and above 5 foot 8 inch height, AI Monitoring of R0 Reduction Realtime GPS Map of Pandemic Viral Elimination, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M ACOEM ABIME CCFP ABFP FNMB,  NutriMedical Report Show,,,, For information regarding your data privacy, visit
  • NutriMedical Report Wed April 9th ’20 H1 CCPVirus_Rescue_Cell_ATP

    Rescue Cell ATP, Prevent Mitochondrial Damage NutriMeds Plus Scalar Tech SonicLife, MAGI MiniMAGI Cellvital Mat QRS Mat Photon Sound Beam, Lumen Photon NEW Frequency Generators, Review of NutriMeds to Prevent Infection and Help Recovery, Biblical End Times Analysis of END Times COVID19 CCP BioWeaponized Mitochondrial Detroyer, Debt BOMB Does Not HONOR Women or Productive Economies, Signs of Anti-Christ, SALE Wed 8th to 15th Passover Easter COUPON RISEN at Checkout, SonicLife, Whole Body Perfusion Exercise Lymphatics Stem Cells, EpiGenetic Frequency Therapy SONG of DNA Therapy, Sabbath Edenic Mineral Resonance, Block Nagalase and Sigma One COVID19 Coronavirus Cell Docking Frequency Therapy, Lumen Photon, New Amplifier Amazon or Walmart,Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools, Pure H2O Whole Home Countertop, 5 Gal Reserve Autoflush, Natural Immune SOlutions for COVID19 CCP China BioWeapons Globalist Nation Slayer, Nutriodine Plus First Line of Defense Kits, Testing BioPhilia Plus IgG IgM Great Plains Lab Kansas NOW via Dr Bill Deagle MD, STOP Sterilizing Virus, NO Vaccines and Forced Chipping Next Year 2021, Jail NWO Globalists, END CCP CHINA, STOP WHO Funding, NO CDC FDA NIAID, BSLabs Close NOW, END WHO CDC TC WTO UN Globalists, JAIL Dr Fauci Bill Gates Attendees to Event 201 Fall 2019 USA, Vaccines to Follow Sterilizing Virus, END of Satanic Globalism NOW, CCP Virus COVID19 Sterilizes Males Females, Globalist Population Control, Website Articles and National Library of Medicine, END of Discussion on Virus Sterilization, Vaccines and Forced Chipping to Follow Pandemic in 2021 by UN Global Elite Plot, Prepper Supplier, Personal Defense, Power, Food, Local Fellowship of Believers, Prepare the BRIDE of the Most High GOD, Debt BOMB Depression More Lethal than COVID19, FIND Carriers BioPhilia IgG Antibodies, Isolate and Viral Supression Cytokine STOP Termination, Return TO WORK ASAP!, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M FNMB, Vit D, Monatomic Zinc, Minerals Plus, GastroHeal, Stop Viral Attachement, Prevent Cytokine Storms, STOP Mitochondrial Death, NutriMeds Review A to Z, Build Natural Immunity, STOP Viral Attachment, Prevent Replication, STOP Cytokine Storm and Mitochondrial Death, Prolong Life, Overcome Gene SNP with NutriMeds and Tech, A to Z Plan to BioPhilia Scan Case Viral Vertor People, Place on Viral and Cytokine Suppressive Therapies in Isolation Until VIRU FREE,  Release to Work in Less than 2 Weeks, CVAC Altitude Mitochondrial Regenerative Therapy, Chris Craig,, Carlsbad CA Clinic, Take with NADH and Nattokinase with PQQ for Make NEW Mitochondria Energy for Cells, Recover from COVID19, Join Sherriff USA County, Local LEAF Local Eternal Anointed Fellowship, Escap Church Buildings to Local Home Church, eToxins 5G AND SARS COVID19l,  COVID19 Misinfo Around Trump NIAID Dr Fauci, Fox News Foolishness, NATION SLAYER BioWeapon COVID19, NWO Plot to Vaccinate to Sterilize and Chip World Population, NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-GOLD Super Curcumin for COVID19 Cancer Autoimmunity Dementia Heart Vascular Life Extension and More, Cytokine Storm and Virus Blocking NutriMeds, AllicinMED, Nutriodine, NutruSilver, NutriDefense, Vit D Liquid, Oncomycin MyCo D2, Cell Defense Plus,NEW Cell Defense Cur-Q-Gold,HAZMAT, Goggles, NIOSH N95 Masks, Haszmat Suits below 5ft 7inches or above, SNP Jump Genes Nutrient Support,  SonicLife EpiGenetic Antiviral RegenerativeStem Cell Pain Relief, Lumen Photon IR Pain Healing STOP Inflammation Induce Sleep Heal Eyes Brain, Pure Water Systems, Four Phases, Cleanest Water on Earth, Whole Home Systems, COVID19 is NOT A DRILL !!!, Poor CDC Test Kits, Mix FLU and COVID19, Serious Super Killer Pandemic Plague Exploding, Take NutriMeds NOW, Prevent Viral Replication and Cytokine Storm Induced Mitochondrial DEATH, Dr Bill Deagle MD, Review of State of Art of Battle Vs. COVID19, Paper Dr True Ott Review, NEW GoFundMe for Provision of NutriMeds for Wellness and Protection from COVID19 to Underpriveleged USA and Worldwide, Firing Line Wellness Protocol Answers, Host Michelle Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD Provision of NutriMeds Protocols for Wellness, COVID19 Viral Infections, Vascular Disease, Aging, Pain, Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Hormonal Imbalances, SonicLife Whole Body, EpiGenetic Sabbath Edenic Healing, Block SARS COVID19 Glycoprotein @ 207 Hz and Block Nagalase @ 337 Hz, Lumen Photon Light Therapy, Pure Water Systems, VIMEO Livestream Removed Unpublished All Videos, Disagreement on Origins of COVID19 Bioweapo9n, Did not Wish to Have Claim of Help for Viral Infection, 5G 60 Giga Hertz Hypoxia Cotoxin to SARS COVID19 ARDS, Mitochondrial Suicide by Dual Plaques, Smart Grid Amped Up During Lockdown In Homes, Toxic Gene Hackers and Cortical Behavior Modificiation, First Line Kit NutriMeds, AllicinMED, NutrImmune 26Y, Power C Plus, Cell Defense Plus, Epoch Times News Review, First Line of Defense Kit Plus, NEW Googles Hazmat Suits Gas Masks, Testing Berlin S Korea Rapid PCR Tech Update, New Monoclonal Erasmus University Results Block SARS2 COVID19 Viral ACE2 Receptor STOP Infection, END of Secular Age, Globalist Killing Fields, Biochipping World Population, Cyberstate Totalitarian Controls, 5G eToxins, 60 GigaHertz Hypoxia, 50 GigaHertz Epstein Barr Virus CANCER, eToxins Amplify SARS COVID19 Virus Plaque, Updated COVID19 March 4th 2020 Power Point Will be Up by Sunday March 8th 2020, New Info re Preppers for NWO Vaccines Medical Martial Law and ViraMaGeddon, Financial Implosion, ViraGeddon Coming, Medical Martial NWO, Forced Vaccines, Sterilization via Vaccines, LIFEsolution Negative Pressure Pandemic Trailers Tents, Mobile Pandemic Hazmet Lab Techs, Global Plans, PowerPoint Coming SOON, Dr True Ott PhD, MAGI, miniMAGI, Antiviral AntiEMF Pollution, Block 60 GigaHertz Oxygen Blocking 5G Networks, Suppresion with Radionic Broadcasts with SonicLife, PERLM+, Progen3, Dr Bill's Broadcast Systems, SARS COVID19, LIFEsolation Trailers, Pandemic Hazmat Mobile Units, PCR BioPhilia Remote FiO2 to PulseOx Monitor, C-VAC Mitorchondial Therapy, Radionic Viral Spike Glycoprotein Suppression 207 Hz, Nagalase Macrophage Mitochondrial Dysruptor Neutralization 337 Hz, First Line of Defense Kits, New Eye Sealed Goggles, NEW Full Body Hazmat Suits below 5 foot 8 inches and above 5 foot 8 inch height, AI Monitoring of R0 Reduction Realtime GPS Map of Pandemic Viral Elimination, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M ACOEM ABIME CCFP ABFP FNMB,  NutriMedical Report Show,,,, For information regarding your data privacy, visit