
Now or Nevers
Episode 1 - Courtney Bowman
Season 1, Ep. 1
HELLO! Welcome to Now or Nevers with Billy Nevers. In this first episode Billy talks to friend and West End star Courtney Bowman about her journey to the West End, race identity, size inclusivity, relationships, the pandemic and more. Follow Courtney on Instagram (@courtneybowman_) and Twitter (@bowmancourtney_) and go and see her as Anne Boylen in Six The Musical when it returns!
Send your stories and any questions to or follow Billy's social media accounts to stay up to date.
Instagram - @billylukenevers
Twitter -@neversbilly
Tik Tok - @billynevers
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4. Episode 4 - Aisha Jawando, Danielle Fiamanya and Nicole Raquel Dennis
01:24:14||Season 1, Ep. 4In this episode Billy talks to three beautiful and inspirational black women, Aisha Jawando, Danielle Fiamanya and Nicole Raquel Dennis. They discuss their journeys, representation, the experience of a black person in theatre, The Turn Up Concert, Disney and a whole lot more. Make sure you follow the three women on social media and stay up to date on their next adventures.Aisha Jawando Instagram - @aishajawandoTwitter - @aisha_jawando Also follow @disneydiariesofablackgirl on Instagram (Season 2 dropping Monday 8th March)Be sure to watch Aisha star as Tina Turner in Tina at The Aldwych Theatre when they return.Danielle Fiamanya Instagram - @danielle_fiamanya Twitter - @fia_danDanielle will be joining the Original West End Cast of Frozen. Book your tickets!!Nicole Raquel DennisInstagram - @nicoleraquel_dTwitter - @nicoleraquel_dWatch the UK tour of Dreamgirls starring Nicole as Effie White.Instagram - @billylukeneversTwitter -@neversbillyTik Tok - @billynevers3. Episode 3 - Marie-Anna Caufour
01:05:55||Season 1, Ep. 3In this weeks episode Billy talks to 2021 Grad and Tik Tok Icon and content creator Marie-Anna Caufour. They discuss mental well being, size inclusivity within clothing brands, High School Musical, Marie-Anna's journey from France to London and so much more. Follow Marie-Anna on Instagram (@marieanna_cfr) and on Tik Tok (@marieannacaufour). Stay tuned for some exciting announcements about Marie-Anna's next creative ventures on stage and in the content she plans to make.Send in your stories and any questions to and follow @Nowornevers_ on Instagram to stay up to date.Find Billy at Instagram - @billylukeneversTwitter -@neversbillyTik Tok - @billynevers2. Episode 2 - Idriss Kargbo
48:14||Season 1, Ep. 2In this episode Billy talks to his good friend Idriss Kargbo. Idriss is a performer who has appeared in shows like Wicked, Five Guys Named Moe and The Lion King and has been seen on the TV in programmes like Casualty, Years and Years and Doctors. Billy and Idriss discuss social media and how it effects peoples success in musical theatre; being the first black Boq in Wicked; Disney Channel; Skin care and so much more. Follow Idriss on Instagram and Twitter @Idrissk and look out for what he is up to next.Send your stories and any questions to or follow Billy's social media accounts to stay up to date.Instagram - @billylukeneversTwitter -@neversbillyTik Tok - @billynevers