No Small Jobs: The Podcast

When you're looking to change your career, listen to No Small Jobs and found out how everyone else found their passion. We talk to people from different walks of life and find out whether their path to career happiness was straight or windy; through university or through life experience; fraught or simple. Discover new careers or feel reassured that you've chosen the right one.


Twitter, Facebook and Instagram: @nosmalljobspod

Paul Nguyen

Since I was a child, I was told that I would be a GP. It was the family business and it was my destiny; who ignores destiny? I did what I was told and spent 17 years of my life working towards becoming a GP. Then I figured out that I hated it. So as I looked around me, wondering where I went wrong and where I'm meant to go, I started asking people about their stories, about what they did to get to their career and, most important, whether they loved their job. Thus, No Small Jobs was born.