
cover art for Moment #78: Don't Fall In Love With Family Culture

No Bullsh!t Leadership

Moment #78: Don't Fall In Love With Family Culture

Moment #78 // Most successful founders face a problem as their business grows: the attributes that made them successful in the first place (e.g. innovation, hard work, tenacity, sales skills etc.) become obstacles to future performance.

Many unintentionally create a family culture. This might feel really nice, but it’s often mutually exclusive with the disciplined, constructive culture that ultimately underpins exceptional performance.

Whether you’re a business owner, or just trying to work out how to improve your team’s performance, don’t let a family culture impede your success.

If you want to take a deeper dive into how you can avoid the performance pitfalls of a family culture, have a listen to Ep.76: The Family Affair and Ep.180: The Family Culture.


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Our mission here at Your CEO Mentor is to improve the quality of leaders, globally. 

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  • 314. The Silent Career Killer: Navigating the Dark Side of Office Politics

    20:45||Season 1, Ep. 314
    Episode #314 // Politics exists in every organization. Some companies tolerate it more than others, and it’s not uncommon for ego-driven leaders to encourage poor behavior from their most ambitious people.Leaders who tolerate or encourage political maneuvering will find that it has a direct impact on team culture, cohesion, and performance. But politics is so ingrained in human nature that it can be really hard to identify and neutralize.Politics is the path that many leaders choose when they can’t deliver results… What they lack in ability, they make up for in ambition, so they find another way to climb the ladder… and that’s often by using politics to climb over the top of their unsuspecting peers.This is just a fact of life, and the rough and tumble of office politics becomes more intense with every layer you move up.The $64,000 question is, “How do you lead at your peak, and focus on the things that truly matter, without being blindsided by office politics?” I begin the episode by defining clearly what a political player looks like, so that you can spot them more easily. I discuss how political slurs, no matter how outlandish, can outweigh objective reality. And I finish with some tips for building bullet-proof networks as a primary defense against political attacks.————————FREE QUIZ: I’ve developed a 3-question quiz that’ll give you a free personalized podcast playlist tailored to where you are right now in your leadership career!Click here to take the 30-second quiz now to get your on-the-go playlist————————You can connect with me at:Website: https://www.yourceomentor.comFacebook:————————Our mission here at Your CEO Mentor is to improve the quality of leaders, globally. 
  • Moment #84: Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

    Moment #84 // At some stage during your career, you’ll no doubt find yourself in the position where you need to drive a turnaround in your team’s culture and performance. When you’re faced with that proposition, it’s really important to recognize that you can’t expect the same people to do things in a radically different way.If you want a culture change to be successful, the trick is to blend the best of the existing capability and culture with new ways of thinking, behaving, and performing. If you want to take a deeper dive into how to handle your people’s personal issues, have a listen to Ep.46: The People Who Built the House Can’t Renovate It.————————FREE QUIZ: I’ve developed a 3-question quiz that’ll give you a free personalized podcast playlist tailored to where you are right now in your leadership career!Click here to take the 30-second quiz now to get your on-the-go playlist————————You can connect with me at:Website: https://www.yourceomentor.comFacebook:————————Our mission here at Your CEO Mentor is to improve the quality of leaders, globally. 
  • 313. You’re Not Behind: 4 Steps for Getting Out of Career Stagnation

    20:02||Season 1, Ep. 313
    Episode #313 // We’ve all heard the stories about the people who started entrepreneurial ventures quite late in life, and found success at a mature age. If nothing else, this serves as a reminder that, no matter how many opportunities you think you may have missed, there will always be more in the pipeline… if you’re open to them.There’s a lot we can learn from those who’ve gone before us, if we choose to pay attention and apply the principles to our own career growth and personal progression.In this episode, I take a look at the mid-career stagnation problem. I’ve seen it hit many leaders in my time, and many of them haven’t got the faintest notion about how to get out of that rut. I begin by looking at some examples of people who achieved real success quite late in life. I examine some of the advantages that more mature leaders have, as well as some of the unique anchors that hold them back. And I finish with four areas that you can focus on, in order to break the pattern of stagnation.————————LAST CHANCE TO JOIN THE LEADERSHIP BEYOND THE THEORY SEPTEMBER 2024 COHORT!Why wait to elevate your leadership game? With LBT, you'll improve your leadership confidence and skills, fast. This is a no-regrets move where you get direct access to Marty every week—ask your burning questions and get his expert insights tailored to your unique leadership challenges. If you enjoy the podcast, you’re going to LOVE this program!Learn more about the program and enroll here.————————You can connect with me at:Website: https://www.yourceomentor.comFacebook:————————Our mission here at Your CEO Mentor is to improve the quality of leaders, globally. 
  • Moment #83 When Personal Problems Spill Over Into Work (And How to Handle It)

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  • 312. Your 5 Hardest Conversations and How to Nail Them!

    22:13||Season 1, Ep. 312
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  • Moment #82 The 3 Keys to Real Transformation (And Why Most Fall Short)

    Moment #82 // Cutting through change-resistant behavior in any team is incredibly difficult, because the people who are supposed to be driving the change – the leaders below you – are the very ones who are most resistant to the change. Let’s face it, they have the most to lose.This is why the number one predictor of successful transformation is your ability to shift the culture. The only way to do this is to set incredibly high expectations for the leaders below you – and that requires a superhuman level of energy, commitment, and resolve.If you want to take a deeper dive into how to nail your next big change, have a listen to Ep.189: Successful Transformation.————————DOORS ARE NOW OPEN FOR LEADERSHIP BEYOND THE THEORY SEPTEMBER 2024 COHORT!Why wait to elevate your leadership game? With LBT, you'll improve your leadership confidence and skills, fast. This is a no-regrets move where you get direct access to Marty every week—ask your burning questions and get his expert insights tailored to your unique leadership challenges. If you enjoy the podcast, you’re going to LOVE this program!Learn more about the program and enroll here.————————You can connect with me at:Website: https://www.yourceomentor.comFacebook:————————Our mission here at Your CEO Mentor is to improve the quality of leaders, globally. 
  • 311. 12 Hard Leadership Truths That Every Leader Needs To Hear

    16:23||Season 1, Ep. 311
    Episode #311 // In this episode I cover 12 things that you’ll instinctively resist on your leadership journey. Not all of you will resist all of them, obviously. But I suspect that you’ll instinctively try to avoid or ignore at least a few of these principles.There’s no doubt in my mind that these principles are rock solid. They’re like gravity… they operate the same way on all of us, whether we believe in them or not! And they will ultimately have a huge bearing on how successful you are, as a leader. The episode is pretty simple… I outline each of the 12 hard leadership truths, one-by-one. I’ve also created a free PDF downloadable, so that you can keep a cheat sheet handy.————————DOORS ARE NOW OPEN FOR THE LEADERSHIP BEYOND THE THEORY SEPTEMBER 2024 COHORT! Why wait to elevate your leadership game? With LBT, you'll improve your leadership confidence and skills, fast. This is a no-regrets move where you get direct access to Marty every week—ask your burning questions and get his expert insights tailored to your unique leadership challenges. If you enjoy the podcast, you’re going to LOVE this program!Learn more about the program and enroll here. ————————You can connect with me at:Website: https://www.yourceomentor.comFacebook:————————Our mission here at Your CEO Mentor is to improve the quality of leaders, globally. 
  • Moment #81 How Can You Manage What You Can't See?

    Moment #81 // During the pandemic, work became performance art for many, as they pursued the goal of looking busy, rather than actually delivering real, value-adding work.This wasn’t a particularly new innovation: there’s always been a fair share of people in the office who did exactly this—appearing to be busy while achieving little. For leaders, it has definitely become trickier to identify and deal with these people than it was in the past. How can you tell when someone is substituting the demonstration of their own busyness for real work that produces real value?If you want to take a deeper dive into how you get greater visibility over your talent, have a listen to Ep.178: Visibility in a Remote World.————————BIG NEWS: Enrollments for the September 2024 LIVE cohort of Leadership Beyond the Theory are now open! Learn more or enroll here————————You can connect with me at:Website: https://www.yourceomentor.comFacebook:————————Our mission here at Your CEO Mentor is to improve the quality of leaders, globally. 
  • 310. 3 Proven Strategies to Elevate Your Leadership Presence

    44:45||Season 1, Ep. 310
    Episode #310 // Join the free bootcamp here! Over the last several months, a lot of leaders have told us that their companies are hunkering down, in a virtual promotion freeze… so, we poked around to see if there was any data to support these anecdotal observations, and came across an interesting statistic.According to Bloomberg, of the 68 million white collar workers in the US, only 1.3% were promoted in the first quarter of 2024 — the lowest percentage in 5 years.At times like these, it’s even tougher to stand out, which is why we decided to run a free 3-day bootcamp, 10x-ing Your Promotability, where I outlined my three fail proof strategies to deal with an ultra-competitive labor market.In this episode, we replay Day 1 of the Bootcamp, which covers the first strategy — Elevate Your Leadership Presence.Apart from a few interesting stories from my own career, I covered why your leadership brand is so important… and I gave you a practical tool to help you clarify and communicate that brand to the people around you.If you’d like to get your hands on the tool, you can download it at TO JOIN US LIVE FOR THE REST OF THE BOOTCAMP? SIGN UP FOR FREE HERE!