
cover art for Fighting Fake News—Owen Jones and Hadley Freeman

Newsweek's Foreign Service

Fighting Fake News—Owen Jones and Hadley Freeman

The Guardian columnists join Newsweek's Mirren Gidda to discuss the hot topic of fake news. In the run-up to the U.S. presidential election, fake news abounded, with false stories about both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump spreading across social media. The problem has not abated. On December 4, a gunman walked into the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C. and opened fire. He was there, he said, to investigate the fallacious conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton and her aide John Podesta had run a sex ring out of the restaurant's basement (a room it doesn't have). Then, on Tuesday, the U.S. president-elect tweeted in condemnation of fake news. His tweet, it seems, was aimed at BuzzFeed's decision to publish a dossier alleging that Russia has been assisting and supporting Trump for at least five years. Newsweek's Foreign Service is recorded and edited by Jordan Saville.

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