
cover art for Jersey Dude Reviews Jersey Food: Crumb Cake 2 (2 Crumb 2 Cake)

New Jersey Is The World

Jersey Dude Reviews Jersey Food: Crumb Cake 2 (2 Crumb 2 Cake)

Last month, Don reviewed crumb cake from B&W Bakery in Hackensack. You might remember that part way through that episode, he had a meltdown when we found out that another Bergen County bakery - Just Crumb Cake in Park Ridge - made a funfetti crumb cake.

Don is usually so philosophical and even keeled about food - it was concerning to see him blow a gasket about funfetti crumb cake.

Well guess what? I found out that Just Crumb Cake ships their food, so I sent Don the damn funfetti crumb cake (and three other flavors, all of which he reviews today.)

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