
cover art for The most significant moment of the C20th - episode 92

Neil Oliver Podcast

The most significant moment of the C20th - episode 92

Season 2, Ep. 92

The day of days. Evil coming our way! This week Neil takes us to 1933 when Adolf Hitler, the charismatic leader of the National Socialists, begins his final assent to ultimate power!


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Neil Oliver History Podcasts,

Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles

Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World

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  • 63. Neil Oliver Monologue #34 – They’re rubbing our noses in it!!!

    11:28||Season 3, Ep. 63
    ‘….this is how propaganda works’ To support this channel & get exclusive videos every week sign up to Neil Oliver on Patreon.com Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official: YouTube Channel: Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts:Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British IslesSeason 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The WorldAvailable on all the usual providers #NeilOliver #scam #dayofreflection #history #neiloliverGBNews #travel #culture #ancient #historyfact #explore
  • 62. Neil Oliver Patreon Q&A – #120

    49:33||Season 3, Ep. 62
    Each week on his ‘Neil Oliver’ site Neil records a video session with questions from members who have signed up to help support Neil’s work. This is an audio version of last week’s Q&A #120. To help support this channel & get exclusive weekly videos sign up to Neil Oliver on Patreon.com Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official: YouTube Channel: Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts:Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British IslesSeason 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The WorldAvailable on all the usual providers #NeilOliver #travel #culture #ancient #historyfact #explore
  • 61. Neil Oliver Monologue #33 – Grubbiness, greed & corruption!

    14:23||Season 3, Ep. 61
    …they’re telling us lies from beginning to end!!!To help support this channel & get exclusive weekly videos sign up to Neil Oliver on Patreon.com Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official: YouTube Channel: Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts:Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British IslesSeason 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The WorldAvailable on all the usual providers #NeilOliver #JeffreyEpstein #EpsteinClientList #Diddytapes #SeanCombs #Trump #Biden #Stinkingrich #Ukrainewar #Zelensky #Climate crisis #UNPactforthefuture #Socrates #Convid #Climatecrisis #history #neiloliverGBNews #travel #culture #ancient #historyfact #explore
  • 8. Neil Oliver: The Heart of Deadly Power! - Ghosts episode 8

    52:23||Season 4, Ep. 8
    Ultimate power, bloodshed & lust – a monster prowling the halls of Windsor Castle, England.To help support this channel & get extra exclusive videos every week sign up to Neil Oliver on Patreon.com Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts:Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British IslesSeason 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The WorldAvailable on all the usual providers #NeilOliver #Windsorcastle #Royal #Royalfamily #HenryVIII #Hernethehunter #England #ghost #ghosts #hauntings #history #neiloliverGBNews #travel #culture #ancient #historyfact #explore
  • 60. Neil Oliver Monologue #32 – What Next!!!

    20:17||Season 3, Ep. 60
    Neil Oliver Monologue #32 – What Next!!! ‘…dismantling the country!’ To help support this channel & get exclusive weekly videos sign up to Neil Oliver on Patreon.com Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official: YouTube Channel: Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts:Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British IslesSeason 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The WorldAvailable on all the usual providers #NeilOliver #WEF #DAVOS #Starmer #Trialbyjury #history #neiloliverGBNews #travel #culture #ancient #historyfact #explore 
  • 59. Neil Oliver Monologue #31 – Trump Is Back!

    17:42||Season 3, Ep. 59
    ‘…corruption in every walk of life, greed, war & a debt time bomb!!!’ To help support this channel & get exclusive weekly videos sign up to Neil Oliver on Patreon.com Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official: YouTube Channel: Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts:Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British IslesSeason 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The WorldAvailable on all the usual providers #NeilOliver #Trump #PresidentTrump2.0 #Biden #JDVance #ElonMusk #DigitalID #CBDC #DigitalPrison #CentralBankDigitalcurrency #corruption #debt #history #neiloliverGBNews #travel #culture #ancient #historyfact #explore
  • 7. Neil Oliver: On The Edge!!! - Ghosts episode 7

    51:53||Season 4, Ep. 7
    Souls are caught like tufts of wool on a rusting nail – The Isle of Iona, Inner Hebrides, Scotland. To help support this channel & get exclusive videos every week sign up to Neil Oliver on Patreon.com Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts:Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British IslesSeason 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The WorldAvailable on all the usual providers #NeilOliver #Iona #Columba #StColumba #Hebrides #Scotland #outsiders #ghosts #hauntings #Scotland #Highlands #history #neiloliverGBNews #travel #culture #ancient #historyfact #explore
  • 58. Neil Oliver Monologue #30 – Smelling a rat!?!

    09:28||Season 3, Ep. 58
    ‘…zombie disease, war, alien invasion, a world on fire – are you smelling a rat?’ To help support this channel & get exclusive videos every week sign up to Neil Oliver on Patreon.com Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official: YouTube Channel: Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts:Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British IslesSeason 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The WorldAvailable on all the usual providers #NeilOliver #rats #plandemic #Bubonicplague #blackdeath #lies #Davos #history #neiloliverGBNews #travel #culture #ancient #historyfact #explore
  • 6. Neil Oliver: He’s Coming! - Ghosts episode 6

    53:35||Season 4, Ep. 6
    Long heavy footsteps and a dark intimidating presence!!! – Ben MacDhui, Scotland To help support this channel & get exclusive videos every week sign up to Neil Oliver on Patreon.com Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts:Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British IslesSeason 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The WorldAvailable on all the usual providers #NeilOliver #presence #thebiggreyman #BenMacDhui #ghosts #hauntings #Scotland #Highlands #history #neiloliverGBNews #travel #culture #ancient #historyfact #explore