
cover art for NBA+ 37 - Olimpijski specijal sa Mladenom Mikicem

NBA Plus

NBA+ 37 - Olimpijski specijal sa Mladenom Mikicem

Season 2, Ep. 37


U ovom delu razgovora, Mladen i Sujica analiziraju utakmicu između Srbije i SAD na Olimpijskim igrama. Ističu da je Srbija odigrala atipičnu igru koja se bazirala na košarkaškoj inteligenciji i taktici, dok su Amerikanci oslanjali na svoje fizičke sposobnosti. Takođe, diskutuju o tome kako evropski igrači sve više dominiraju u NBA ligi zahvaljujući svojoj košarkaškoj inteligenciji. Osvrću se i na probleme u školovanju igrača u SAD-u i naglašavaju da je evropski sistem školovanja igrača efikasniji. Na ovom delu razgovora se diskutuje o uspehu evropskih reprezentacija na Olimpijskim igrama, kao i o ulozi selektora Svetislava Pešića u uspehu srpske reprezentacije. Takođe se ističe značaj Nikole Jokića kao najuticajnijeg igrača na turniru i njegova nesebičnost u igri. Diskutuje se i o kontroverzi oko MVP nagrade na Olimpijskim igrama. Takođe se ističe da je ključni faktor uspeha srpske reprezentacije bila odbrana i timski duh. Razgovor se fokusirao na analizu uspeha srpske košarkaške reprezentacije na Olimpijskim igrama. Istaknute su ključne uloge selektora Aleksandra Đorđevića i trenera Svetislava Pešića. Takođe se diskutovalo o trendovima u košarci, kao što su veći značaj spoljnih igrača i brža igra. Takođe je naglašena potreba za razvojem mladih igrača i postavljanjem sistema rada u srpskoj košarci. Razgovor je zaključen sa nadom da će se pratiti mlađe generacije i njihov razvoj.


Srbija je odigrala atipičnu igru koja se bazirala na košarkaškoj inteligenciji i taktici

Evropski igrači sve više dominiraju u NBA ligi zahvaljujući svojoj košarkaškoj inteligenciji

Sistem školovanja igrača u Evropi je efikasniji od američkog sistema Evropske reprezentacije su postigle uspeh na Olimpijskim igrama

Selektor Svetislav Pešić ima ključnu ulogu u uspehu srpske reprezentacije

Nikola Jokić je najuticajniji igrač na turniru i pokazao je nesebičnost u igri

Kontroverza oko MVP nagrade na Olimpijskim igrama

Odbrana i timski duh su ključni faktori uspeha srpske reprezentacije Analiza uspeha srpske košarkaške reprezentacije na Olimpijskim igrama

Ključne uloge selektora i trenera u postizanju rezultata

Trendovi u košarci - veći značaj spoljnih igrača i brža igra

Potreba za razvojem mladih igrača i postavljanjem sistema rada

Sound Bites

"Mi svoju igru ne baziramo isključivo na fizičkim sposobnostima, na atletičizmu, na jednoj velikoj količini trčanja, tempu..."

"Evropska košarka je igra košarkaške inteligencije"

"Evropski igrači imaju širinu, bolje su taktički pripremljeni i imaju jedan arsenal mogućnosti"

"Nikola Jokić je sigurno najuticajniji igrač na ovom turniru."

"Selektor Svetislav Pešić ima ključnu ulogu u uspehu srpske reprezentacije."

"Mi smo igrali tu košarku da svaki put ta selekcija šuta bude na pravi način."


00:00 Uvod

02:30 Atipična igra Srbije protiv Amerike

06:06 Dominacija evropskih igrača u NBA ligi

10:04 Problemi u školovanju igrača u SAD-u

19:05 Uspeh evropskih reprezentacija na Olimpijskim igrama

21:03 Uloga Svetislava Pešića u uspehu srpske reprezentacije

33:22 Nikola Jokić - najuticajniji igrač na turniru

35:23 Ključni faktori uspeha srpske reprezentacije

38:50 Analiza uspeha srpske košarkaške reprezentacije na Olimpijskim igrama

45:05 Trendovi u košarci - veći značaj spoljnih igrača i brža igra

49:27 Potreba za razvojem mladih igrača i postavljanjem sistema rada

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  • 36. Nba + 36

    01:08:26||Season 2, Ep. 36
    SummaryU prvom delu razgovora, Shoomaister i Mladen Mikić analiziraju utakmice Srbije na Olimpijskim igrama u košarci. Razgovaraju o jakosti turnira, sastavima ekipa i uticaju igrača poput Jokića na rezultate. Takođe, diskutuju o problemima u odbrani i nekoncentrisanosti tima. Pominju i neke igrače poput Vanje Marinkovića i Davidaovca, čije su uloge u reprezentaciji bile različite. Zaključuju da je potrebno više vremena za pripremu i usklađivanje tima, ali da postoji potencijal za bolje rezultate. U drugom delu razgovora, Mladen i Shoomaister diskutuju o nekim ključnim igračima u reprezentaciji Srbije, kao što su Vasilije Micić, Ognjen Dobrić i Nikola Jokić. Takođe, razgovaraju o nedostatku šuterskog učinka i potrebi za boljim šutem za tri poena. Takođe, dotiču se i teme razvoja mladih igrača u Srbiji i sistema koji podržava njihov napredak. Na kraju, diskutuju o očekivanjima za utakmicu protiv Amerike na Olimpijskim igrama. U ovom delu razgovora se diskutuje o očekivanjima od utakmice između Srbije i SAD, kao i o strategijama koje bi mogle biti korisne protiv američkog tima. Takođe se analizira igra američkog tima i njihove slabosti. Teme koje se ističu su: kontrola lopte, tempo igre, kolektivna igra, treneri i sistemi igre, kao i uticaj dopinga na performanse igrača. Takođe se pominju i ostale reprezentacije koje su učestvovale na turniru. U ovom delu razgovora, Mladen i Shoomaister diskutuju o igračima u domaćim klubovima, kao i o razvoju košarke u različitim zemljama. Takođe, razgovaraju o trenerima i sistemima rada u košarci. Na kraju, izražavaju optimizam i nadu u dobar rezultat reprezentacije na Olimpijskim igrama.Chapters00:00 Uvod i specijal o Olimpijskim igrama02:43 Analiza utakmica Srbije na Olimpijskim igrama09:32 Problemi u odbrani i nekoncentrisanost tima16:25 Uticaj Jokića na rezultate Srbije18:16 Uloga Vanje Marinkovića i Davidovca u reprezentaciji21:20 Potreba za više vremena za pripremu i usklađivanje tima21:40 Ključni igrači u reprezentaciji Srbije28:57 Nedostatak šuterskog učinka za tri poena32:46 Razvoj mladih igrača u Srbiji36:01 Očekivanja za utakmicu protiv Amerike37:28 Očekivanja od utakmice protiv SAD38:22 Kontrola lopte i tempo igre39:20 Kolektivna igra i podređivanje timu43:08 Analiza statistike45:26 Nemačka reprezentacija48:18 Treneri i sistemi igre53:02 Uticaj dopinga na performanse igrača54:12 Prikaz ostalih reprezentacija na turniru54:30 Igrači u domaćim klubovima57:02 Razvoj košarke u različitim zemljama59:11 Treneri i sistemi rada u košarci01:02:25 Optimizam i nada za Olimpijske igre
  • 35. NBA+35

    59:18||Season 2, Ep. 35
    SummaryThe final episode of the second season of the NBA Plus podcast discusses the Boston Celtics' victory in the NBA Finals. The conversation covers the dominance of the Celtics, the performance of key players like Tatum and Brown, and the team's potential for future success. The discussion also touches on the disappointing performance of the Dallas Mavericks and the need for improvement in their roster. Overall, the episode provides analysis and insights into the NBA Finals and the outlook for the teams involved. The conversation covers various topics related to the NBA, including the performance of Luka Dončić, the defense of players like Dončić and Nikola Jokić, the upcoming offseason and potential trades, and the overall assessment of the season. The hosts discuss the challenges faced by teams in maintaining their rosters and the impact of injuries on playoff runs. They also mention the upcoming Olympic Games and the excitement surrounding international basketball. The conversation concludes with gratitude for the support received throughout the season.KeywordsNBA Finals, Boston Celtics, Dallas Mavericks, Tatum, Brown, future success, NBA, Luka Dončić, defense, offseason, trades, roster, injuries, playoff, Olympic GamesTakeawaysThe Boston Celtics dominated the NBA Finals and showcased their team spirit and cohesion.The Dallas Mavericks underperformed in the Finals and need to make improvements to their roster.The Celtics have a young core of talented players and the potential to become a dynasty.The Western Conference is highly competitive, and teams need to make strategic moves to succeed.Individual players like Tatum and Brown played key roles in their team's success. Luka Dončić's performance and the challenges he faces in leading his teamThe importance of defense in playoff successThe upcoming offseason and potential tradesThe difficulty of maintaining a roster in the NBAThe excitement surrounding the Olympic GamesTitlesKey Players in the Success of the CelticsBoston Celtics' Dominance in the NBA Finals The Impact of Defense in Playoff SuccessThe Upcoming Offseason and Potential TradesChapters00:00 Introduction and Recap of the NBA Finals04:06 Boston Celtics' Victory and Season Summary08:09 Key Players and Performances in the Finals14:36 The Role of Brad Stevens and Danny Ainge23:37 Discussion on the Dallas Mavericks27:28 Outlook for the Future and the Western Conference30:54 Analyzing Luka Dončić's Performance and Challenges35:17 The Impact of Defense in Playoff Success41:26 The Upcoming Offseason and Potential Trades49:24 The Difficulty of Maintaining a Roster in the NBA57:30 The Excitement Surrounding the Olympic Games
  • 34. NBA +34

    52:02||Season 2, Ep. 34
    TakeawaysThe Dallas Mavericks need to improve their shooting percentages and reduce turnovers to have a chance against the Boston Celtics.Defensive strategies and disciplined play are crucial in determining the outcome of the series.The performance of key players, such as Luka Dončić and Kyrie Irving, will heavily influence the results.Dallas should focus on playing a more aggressive and physical game to match Boston's intensity.The hosts emphasize the importance of individual and team statistics in analyzing the series. The Boston Celtics have dominated the series so far, utilizing their game plan effectively and rotating players according to plan.The Dallas Mavericks need to make adjustments, particularly in utilizing their key players and creating better offensive opportunities.Energy, motivation, and mental toughness are crucial factors that can impact the outcome of the series.The third game will be a determining factor in whether the series becomes more competitive or ends in domination.Both teams have the potential to turn the series around and secure victories.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Overview of the Series02:53 Analyzing Shooting Percentages and Turnovers05:59 The Importance of Aggressive and Disciplined Play08:56 Defensive Strategies in the Series10:47 Analysis of Player Performance and Team Strategies12:05 Key Players and Their Impact15:06 Ball Control and Minimizing Mistakes37:09 Assessment of Boston's Dominance and Dallas' Struggles45:06 Expectations for the Third Game and Beyond49:56 Closing Remarks and Final Thoughts51:48 NBA Plus intro 4k.mp4SummaryThe conversation revolves around the European football championship and the NBA playoffs, specifically the series between the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics. The hosts discuss the results of the first two games and analyze the performances of key players. They highlight the importance of shooting percentages, turnovers, and defensive strategies. They also discuss the need for Dallas to play a more aggressive and disciplined game in order to have a chance against Boston. Overall, the conversation provides insights into the dynamics of the series and the factors that could impact the outcome. The conversation revolves around the NBA playoff series between the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics. The hosts discuss the performance of key players, strategies used by both teams, and the overall dynamics of the series. They analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each team and speculate on potential adjustments that could be made. The hosts also highlight the importance of energy, motivation, and mental toughness in determining the outcome of the series. They express hope for a more competitive and exciting series moving forward.please follow our on this page
  • 33. NBA +33

    53:58||Season 2, Ep. 33
    SummaryThe 33rd edition of the NBA finals is about to begin, with the first match scheduled for tomorrow. The podcast discusses the teams that have won the title in the past six years, the NBA's new media contract, and the impressive performance of Luka Dončić in the playoffs. The hosts also discuss the ticket prices for the finals and other news, such as Kevin Durant asking for a trade and coaching changes in the Boston Celtics. They analyze the performance of the Boston Celtics and the Dallas Mavericks in the playoffs, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. The podcast concludes with a discussion on the importance of defense in the upcoming finals. The conversation revolves around the upcoming basketball series between the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics. The speakers discuss the key players, matchups, and strategies for both teams. They analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each team and make predictions for the series. They also touch on the pressure and expectations on Boston, as well as the chemistry and collective effort of Dallas. Overall, they expect a competitive series that could go either way.KeywordsNBA finals, media contract, Luka Dončić, ticket prices, Kevin Durant, coaching changes, Boston Celtics, Dallas Mavericks, playoffs, defense, basketball, series, Dallas Mavericks, Boston Celtics, players, matchups, strategies, strengths, weaknesses, predictions, pressure, expectations, chemistry, collective effort, competitiveTakeawaysThe NBA finals are about to begin, with the first match scheduled for tomorrow.Luka Dončić has had an impressive performance in the playoffs, leading in multiple statistical categories.Ticket prices for the finals are high, with prices ranging from $793 to $1827.There have been some notable news, such as Kevin Durant asking for a trade and coaching changes in the Boston Celtics.The Boston Celtics and the Dallas Mavericks have shown strengths and weaknesses in the playoffs.Defense will be an important factor in the upcoming finals. The Dallas Mavericks have shown improvement and growth throughout the playoffs.The return of Kristaps Porzingis from injury will be a key factor for the Mavericks.Luka Dončić's performance and ability to handle the pressure will be crucial for Dallas.The Boston Celtics have a strong starting lineup but may struggle with depth.The Celtics' defense will need to contain Luka Dončić and limit his impact.The series is expected to be competitive and could go either way.The outcome of the series may depend on the performance of role players and bench depth.Both teams have different playing styles and strategies that will clash in the series.The pressure and expectations are higher on the Boston Celtics due to their regular season success.Chemistry and collective effort will be important for the Dallas Mavericks to succeed.TitlesThe importance of defense in the upcoming finalsThe NBA finals are here: A preview of the upcoming match Predictions and Expectations for the Competitive SeriesThe Importance of Kristaps Porzingis' Return for the Dallas MavericksSound Bites"Luka Dončić in this playoff. We will talk a lot about him tonight.""It was an incredible run that was made by Dallas this year""It's hard to imagine that in one series they lost three times at home""Dallas is not left in that part of the control of the game.""Luka Dončić has 31.3, Kairi Irving 23.5""Drew Holliday, I respect him as a defender"
  • 32. NBA +32

    49:42||Season 2, Ep. 32
    SummaryIn this conversation, the hosts discuss the NBA playoffs and focus on the series between the Dallas Mavericks and the Minnesota Timberwolves. They highlight the performances of Luka Dončić and Kyrie Irving, who have been instrumental in leading the Mavericks to a 3-0 series lead. They also discuss the struggles of the Denver Nuggets and analyze the reasons behind their loss to the Timberwolves. The hosts praise the Mavericks' strong defense and their ability to close out games, while also discussing the impact of role players like Jaden McDaniels and Naz Reid for the Timberwolves. The conversation covers the recent games between Luka Dončić's Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics, as well as the series between the Indiana Pacers and the Minnesota Timberwolves. The hosts discuss the performances of individual players, the strengths and weaknesses of each team, and make predictions for the upcoming games. They also touch on the historical statistics of teams coming back from a 3-0 deficit in the conference finals. Overall, they find the playoffs to be exciting and unpredictable.TakeawaysLuka Dončić and Kyrie Irving have been key players for the Dallas Mavericks in their series against the Minnesota Timberwolves.The Denver Nuggets struggled in their series against the Timberwolves, and the hosts discuss the reasons behind their loss.The Mavericks have a strong defense and are able to close out games effectively.Role players like Jaden McDaniels and Naz Reid have made significant contributions for the Timberwolves. The playoffs have been exciting and unpredictable so far.Luka Dončić has been impressive in the series against the Celtics.The Indiana Pacers and Minnesota Timberwolves have shown fighting spirit but lack the quality to compete with their opponents.The Boston Celtics have a good chance of reaching the finals.The hosts discuss the historical statistics of teams coming back from a 3-0 deficit in the conference finals.The final series will be closely contested.Chapters00:00 NBA Playoffs: Player Performances and Strategies03:00 Coaching Decisions and Team Dynamics08:16 Game Statistics and Player Matchups32:15 Predictions for the Upcoming Finals37:03 Impact of the Season on the League
  • 31. NBA +31

    57:14||Season 2, Ep. 31
    SummaryIn this episode of the NBA Plus podcast, the hosts discuss the recent NBA playoffs, focusing on the series between the Denver Nuggets and the Minnesota Timberwolves. They highlight the surprising performance of the Timberwolves, who defeated the reigning champion Nuggets and advanced to the conference finals. They also analyze the key factors that contributed to the Timberwolves' success, such as their offensive production and defensive strategy. Additionally, they discuss the series between the Dallas Mavericks and the Oklahoma City Thunder, noting the impressive performance of Mavericks' star player Luka Dončić. Overall, the hosts emphasize the importance of depth, preparation, and health in playoff success. The conversation covers the upcoming NBA playoffs and focuses on the series between the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Dallas Mavericks in the Western Conference, as well as the series between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Boston Celtics in the Eastern Conference. The speakers discuss the playing styles and strengths of each team, the key players to watch, and their predictions for the series. They also touch on the performance of the New York Knicks and the Indiana Pacers in the previous rounds of the playoffs. Overall, they expect competitive and exciting matchups in both conferences.TakeawaysThe Minnesota Timberwolves defeated the Denver Nuggets in the NBA playoffs, advancing to the conference finals.The Timberwolves' offensive production and defensive strategy were key factors in their success.Luka Dončić of the Dallas Mavericks had an impressive performance in the series against the Oklahoma City Thunder.Depth, preparation, and health are crucial for success in the playoffs. The Minnesota Timberwolves and the Dallas Mavericks have contrasting playing styles, with Minnesota being physical and mechanical while Dallas is unpredictable and improvisational.The Dallas Mavericks have shown a winning mentality and the ability to steal games, while the Minnesota Timberwolves have raised their production in the playoffs.The series between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Boston Celtics is expected to be competitive, with the Celtics having the advantage but the Cavaliers having the capacity to surprise.The New York Knicks faced challenges due to injuries and lack of depth, and their future may require team reconstruction.The Indiana Pacers have shown strength and quality in their playoff performance, and their series against the Boston Celtics will be interesting.The speakers expect the Denver Nuggets to be the winners in the Western Conference, but the series between the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Dallas Mavericks is unpredictable.Home court advantage and the atmosphere at the Target Center could play a role in the series between the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Dallas Mavericks.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Overview of NBA Playoffs02:56 Surprising Outcome: Timberwolves Defeat Nuggets06:02 Offensive Production and Defensive Strategies22:16 Ups and Downs: Mavericks vs. Thunder29:07 Importance of Depth, Preparation, and Health34:06 Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Boston Celtics39:36 New York Knicks vs. Indiana Pacers43:21 Player Performances and Predictions49:31 Predictions for the NBA Playoffs57:05 NBA Plus intro 4k.mp4
  • 30. NBA +30

    54:34||Season 2, Ep. 30
    TakeawaysNikola Jokic's impressive performances highlight why he is considered one of the best players in the NBA.The series between the New York Knicks and the Indiana Pacers is closely contested, with both teams showing strengths and weaknesses.The Boston Celtics have control over the series against the Cleveland Cavaliers, but the Cavaliers have the potential to make a comeback.The series between the Dallas Mavericks and the Oklahoma City Thunder is chaotic and unpredictable, with both teams displaying strong performances.Luka Dončić's injury is impacting his performance, but he is still making significant contributions to the Dallas Mavericks. The hosts analyze the performances of key players in the NBA playoffs.They discuss the strategies and tactics employed by the teams.They make predictions for the upcoming games.The hosts express their excitement for the future of the NBA playoffs.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Delayed Start02:10 NBA Playoffs: New York Knicks vs. Indiana Pacers08:22 NBA Playoffs: Boston Celtics vs. Cleveland Cavaliers13:59 NBA Playoffs: Dallas Mavericks vs. Oklahoma City Thunder28:13 Analysis of the Dallas Mavericks vs. Los Angeles Clippers Series29:02 Discussion of the Oklahoma City Thunder30:08 Appreciation for the Oklahoma City Thunder32:25 Analysis of Key Players in the Playoffs33:09 Evaluation of the Series and Predictions35:26 Discussion of the Denver Nuggets vs. Minnesota Timberwolves Series36:22 Analysis of the Denver Nuggets' Performance38:10 Evaluation of the Minnesota Timberwolves' Performance40:32 Discussion of the Importance of the Fifth Game43:11 Excitement for the Future of the NBA Playoffs48:58 Conclusion
  • 29. NBA+29

    01:01:11||Season 2, Ep. 29
    Takeaways Oklahoma City Thunder and Minnesota Timberwolves have been surprising in the playoffs, winning all their series so far. Cleveland Cavaliers had a tough game against Orlando Magic but managed to turn things around and win. New York Knicks and Indiana Pacers have a competitive series, with both teams showing strengths and weaknesses. Dallas Mavericks had an easy win against Oklahoma City Thunder, but Luka Dončić's performance and injuries are a concern. Energy, will, and team chemistry play a crucial role in the playoffs. The hosts analyze the performances of key players in the NBA playoff series They discuss defensive strategies and the overall dynamics of the games The strengths and weaknesses of each team are analyzed Predictions are made for the upcoming matches Titles Cleveland Cavaliers' Comeback Victory Surprising Performances in the NBA Playoffs Predictions for the Upcoming Matches Strengths and Weaknesses of the Teams in the Playoff Series Chapters 00:00 Surprising Performances in the NBA Playoffs 03:22 Cleveland Cavaliers' Comeback Victory 09:43 Competitive Series between New York Knicks and Indiana Pacers 25:23 The Importance of Energy and Team Chemistry in the Playoffs 32:37 Analyzing the NBA Playoff Series 37:14 Key Players and Defensive Strategies 41:13 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Teams 48:31 Predictions for the Upcoming Matches --- Send in a voice message: