
Natalie Sisson's Quest for Freedom - Experiments in Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship and Financial Freedom.

Experiments in Personal, Physical, Lifestyle, Relationship and Financial Freedom

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  • Eps 33 How to master your time

    We all have 168 hours a week but do you still wish you have more time? Do you still wonder where you are spending all your hours? If so, you need a better approach to manage yourself and your time wisely. In this episode you’ll learn: What the 80:20 rule is and how it can transform your business and life How to create an achievable routine that doesn't leave you frazzled One major thing you can plan a week in advance to be way more effective each day How to use your calendar effectively so you control your time, not others Key resources to check out: Understanding Pareto's Principle - The 80-20 Rule Join the free Quest for Freedom Facebook group for quality discussions, tips and advice Google Calendar is a time-management and scheduling calendar service developed by Google. Calendly is simple, beautiful scheduling you and your invitees will love. Want to get fresh podcast episodes from me, as and when they happen? Then make sure you SUBSCRIBE through one of the following:

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  • The Power of a Time Audit

    Have you ever stopped to think about exactly where your time goes? Do you find yourself saying "I'm so busy" or "I don't have time" far too often? Well how do you know you don't have time, if you've never tracked where your time goes? I'm talking about doing a time audit of your day to day activities when it comes where those minutes and hours of work actually go. I recently did just this and mapped out my businesses and projects into a percentage figure of time they account for in my life, each week. It's not only illuminating, but a necessity for all of us. The moment you can define where your time is spent, you get to be far more proactive about how you spend it and what you prioritize. In this episode I: Drink champagne Tell you what a 100% of my work time is broken down into each week Share my favourite time management and tracking tool (that's changed my life) Share a brilliant technique that ensures you cram a lot more work into a short time than you normally would! I'd love to hear your time breakdown in the comments below. Key resources to check out: Toggl is designed for effortless time tracking. You can easily capture fragmented worktime. Switching a task or creating a new one is as simple as one mouseclick. Pomodoro Technique –A productivity technique and tool where you set a timer (or use an app) for 25 min of focused work, then get a 5 minute break. Every 4 Pomodoros, you get a longer break. Your Word. Your Year. Starting a Dog Vlog How to Increase Productivity in Your Business From Anywhere
  • Starting the Dog Vlog

    It's actually going to happen. In my commitment to being 'fearless' as my word for the year and in the spirit of going back to my creative roots.... I'm starting not just one, but TWO vlogs. Eeeeek. Fortunately I have set myself up to just do this by sharing an episode on how to take imperfect action. So no excuses I just have to dive in. In this episode you'll learn: Why video is such a powerful tool for your business What the heck I'm going to be vlogging about Live advice from Amy Landino on how to Vlog Like a Boss Key resources to check out: Vlog Like a Boss: How to Kill It Online with Video Blogging by Amy Schmittauer
  • Being your best versus staying in the comfort zone

    Getting out of your comfort zone can be one of the best moves you ever make in life. It's just that getting out of it, is also one of the hardest. Take me for example, while I am known for being a massive action taker, I've found myself in this interesting conundrum. I kind of love my life right now and I don't feel a huge need to change much about it. Happiness is wanting what you have, so I'm very happy. Yet I've found myself taking life a little cruisy (well for me at least) and not pushing forward on projects or milestones like I have in the past. I haven't yet set revenue goals for this year (although I have done a personal and professional budget) and I still haven't started my first vlog. In the past these would have all been done swiftly and in typical 'Aries' all or nothing fashion. But I have these two gorgeous puppies to distract me and deprive me of sleep...and many more things going on that I reveal in this podcast. Yet I KNOW deep down that I have so much more to give, to achieve and to put forth in this world to help you become a Freedomist and live life to the full. So at which point is it ok to stick around in your comfort zone and when should you bust beyond it? I reveal all in this episode including: The benefits of getting out of your comfort zone (courtesy of myself and Tonya) How to know when to push yourself and when to enjoy your current state of happiness Why I'm grappling with this right now and how I've tapped into my deepest calling as a result A few of my fave podcasts I'm listening to right now Resources mentioned:  Stretching beyond your comfort zone - Productivity Paradox podcast Other podcasts I like: Tiny Leaps, Big Changes Waking Up Podcast Optimal Living Daily Podcast
  • Take Imperfect Action

    Hey you. Yeah you. The perfectionist standing there, waiting until your ducks are lined up before you take real action. Can I offer you some advice? Just for today, aim for imperfect action. Don't worry if things aren't polished, poised and perfect. Aim for the Minimum Viable Product/ Project or next step. You can do it. I know you can. It's actually truly liberating when you allow yourself to do this. It's also the trick to success. Taking one small step each day, that's all you have to do. In this episode, you'll learn: How an imperfect action will lead you to take the perfect action (when you're ready for it) Why I'm starting a Vlog just for shits and giggles The 6 rules to shoot a video that doesn't suck How to take imperfect action and how I do on a regular basis Resources mentioned:  Video that doesn't suck guidelines by Joriam: Internet does not forgive crap audio. Don't record in busy cafes. Preferably get a decent mic. Rule of thirds - your eyes should be two thirds from the bottom of the frame. Use horizontal video. Daytime light is best, not at night unless you have proper lighting Video voice - video cuts away nuance of everyday speaking. You lose some energy so you have to compensate with more of your style of energy. Scripts - talk about something you deeply care about. 7% of your time will be spent thinking about what you want to talk. About, and 93% about how to make it interesting. Unique, deep, resonant, funny etc. BONUS: Silence.. is very powerful. Use it sparingly.. But use it! Read or listen to Vlog like a Boss if that's what you want to get into.
  • 31. Getting your mojo back

    I am a firm believer that the universe has your back. And when you decide to align with your true purpose in life and put all your energy in, you will get that energy back in droves. Throughout your life there will be periods where you are just on fire and there will be times when stuff feels heavy.  The trick is really feeling into what lights you up, and doing more of that, even if that's just through baby steps and tiny adjustments in your everyday life. I can speak from experience, when I tell you that feeling like you're on the exact right path for you doesn't happen overnight, but it does happen. In this episode, you'll learn about: The things that I used to do back when I started my business that bring me energy and joy What that means for me in 2018 and what I'm going to bring back  My 2018 side business project that is a completely different niche! Low cost-ways to start your business
  • Your Word. Your Year

    Every year, I pick one word that becomes my theme for the year. This one word represents what I want to focus on. In previous years it's been freedom, growth, clarity and focus. You'd think one measly word wouldn't make much of a difference to your life, but I have to tell's a game changer! Whenever you're off track, it helps you come back to focus in on what's important, what matters, and what you really want out of your year. In this episode I reveal: My word for 2018 (and why people laughed at it) My new quest to vlog like a boss A great audio and book resource I'm using to learn to vlog like a boss Why this is the year to OWN it (and put on your grown up panties) Listen and learn my friend....or just be entertained. Key resource to check out: Vlog Like a Boss: How to Kill It Online with Video Blogging by Amy Schmittauer Vlogging advice I wish I had when I started - by Amy on Youtube Plan Your Ideal Year Course