Nameless Best Friends
Hallmark Movie - "Savoring Paris"
Season 2, Ep. 37
We loved this movie! Yes, we had a LOT of detours, but with a movie this good we just didn't have that many notes. If you haven't seen it yet, make yourself a little plate of cheese (make sure it reaches room temp before eating) and enjoy!
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Hallmark Movie - "Holiday Mismatch" Part Two
42:19|Welcome back! Paige, Beth, and Jack are still at it. This is part two of "Holiday Mismatch - if you missed part one, it's out there somewhere!16. Hallmark Movie - "Holiday Mismatch" Part One
45:30||Season 3, Ep. 16Hilda and Zelda Spellman are reuinited! And so are the Harbison crew - Jack joins us for HOLIDAY MISMATCH, starring two of our faves from the 90's sitcom Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Salem did not join them, alas - it might have made this better. But this is still a semi-fun movie, and a very fun discussion!15. Hallmark Movie - "Our Christmas Story"
47:23||Season 3, Ep. 15What a delightful surprise this is! Very cute, somewhat believable, with charming leads. This is a movie that evokes the feeling of a coffee commercial, relaxing on a soft sofa in a sunny Christmas-decorated living room, listening to a good story. Not a great story, but a solidly good one. And there's a train. Two thumbs pretty much up.14. Hallmark Movie - "A Carol for Two"
56:45||Season 3, Ep. 14It's exactly what it sounds like. A singing movie. A duet. Overwrought vocals. Muddy plot. Both leads have lovely voices but was this the place and the way to display them? You tell us!13. Hallmark Movie - "5 Year Christmas Party"
01:04:07||Season 3, Ep. 13Lucky episode 13 of season 3. Beth hated it. A lot of her loathing had to be cut. Apologies in advance if you loved this movie. But if you want to know what it's about, it's a little story about theater kids being theater kids way past the time they should be grown ups. There. You're welcome.12. Hallmark Movie - "Christmas Charade"
55:00||Season 3, Ep. 12Another movie based on simple misunderstandings and people who could have used their words right from the beginning and avoided all the confusion. If that's your thing, you're in for a treat - there was a LOT of confusion. There was a mildly interesting story with the parents, and a couple of funny moments, but if this is how the FBI works, we're all in trouble! Hide your jewels!12. Hallmark Movie - "Operation Nutcracker"
54:05||Season 2, Ep. 12Well, well, well. Not their finest effort, perhaps. The lack of logic in this one was a real challenge for us but we soldiered on and this? This is the result. At least it was pretty!10. Hallmark Movie - "Scouting for Christmas"
01:00:20||Season 3, Ep. 10We ddi NOT predict well on this one, mostly because we thought it was going to be a bit more progressive. Like when Peter Brady decided to become a Sunflower Girl to make a point. But no, this was an all-girls troop of Sunny Scouts with an evil Den Mother with nothing better to do than reject the best damn muffins they could ever have at the Sunny Scouts ball.... Whatever, Tamara Mowry is a beacon of charm and light in this otherwise-meh production. And frankly she makes the whole thing worth watching.10. Hallmark Movie - "Holiday Crashers"
01:01:24||Season 3, Ep. 10We predicted this one! Not that you had to be Karnac to see what was coming - they're party crashers! During the holidays! Will they get caught lying about who they are? Of course they will! Cute idea, We had fun with it.