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Researching Music with Musicological Society of Australia

Composing, Teaching and Reconsidering Analytical Prioritisations

Season 2, Ep. 2

Season 2 Episode #3


Title: Composing, Teaching and Reconsidering Analytical Prioritisations

Guest: Prof. Elliott Gyger, University of Melbourne (MCM)


This conversation with Professor Elliott Gyger focuses on the thematic topics of composition and music theory in a tertiary context. Elliott reveals some of the dialectical considerations of his compositional processes, how within his original works he balances and intertwines these elements, and some of his proclivities as a composer. More broadly, Elliott also details examples of specific challenges he has faced as a commissioned composer and offers insights into solutions he has crafted to these problems across his career. Within an Australian tertiary institution context, Elliott broaches the topics of evolving contemporary issues around forms of musical literacy, knowledges of repertoire, balancing the praxis of theory and skill application, different musicological forms, and teaching of alternate theoretical methodologies.

The conversation concludes with Elliott offering unique insights into the normative application of western historical analytical methods and an often-overlooked aspect of their orientation in relation to register, that potentially creates a gendered skewing in analytical prioritisations. Elliott then expands upon this perspective to show how countering registral prioritisations suggests the exploration of alternative analytical lenses, redressing this imbalance.

Want to know more?

  • Cochrane, T, Buskes, G, Deneen, C, Gyger, E, Hayward, K, Law, SF, Morton, C et al. 2022. "The Higher Education Teaching Research Nexus Webinar Episode#1: Altmetrics for amplifying research impact." , no. Episode1: doi:10.26188/19380557.v1
  • Gyger, Elliott 2019. "Oscar and Lucinda – chamber opera in two acts."
  • Gyger, Elliott 2018. "Seven spaces."


Intro/outro music, Sine Qua Non composed by Nick Freer 

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  • 1. The Non-Linear Path

    Season 2 Episode #1 Title: The Non-Linear PathGuest: Senior Lecturer Andrea Keller, Head of Jazz and Improvisation at the University of Melbourne (MCM)OverviewThis conversation with Senior Lecturer Andrea Keller focuses on the topics of composition and music theory in the jazz improvisation tertiary context in which she teaches. Formal and interpretive methods used to nurture the development of individual student practitioners under her tutelage are discussed. Andrea also discusses herself as a former student and the path that led her to becoming a prominent composer.Throughout the conversation, Andrea reflects on the different stages of her career, the elements that contributed to her evolution, the strategies she employs in her collaborations, the challenges she faces in her compositional process and the non-lineal nature of personal artistic development. At length, Andrea also offers insights into her approach to composition, recurring proclivities, elements that require conscious development, and the developmental approaches she applies to her compositions after the initial material is composed and distributed.Want to know more?Keller, Andrea 2024. "Forty-one Pieces for Piano."Meagher, Andrea, Barnett, Shannon, and Anning, Sam 2022. "Between Panic & Peace."Meagher, Andrea 2022. "Andrea Keller Curates Monday Nights Live at the Jazzlab Volume 3: PATSy."Meagher, Andrea 2021. "Systems Over-Ride (Wave Riders)."···  Intro/outro music, Sine Qua Non composed by Nick Freer 
  • 3. Context, Understanding and Evolution

    Season 2 Episode #2 Title: Context, Understanding and EvolutionGuest: Dr. David Larkin, University of Sydney, (SCM)OverviewIn this conversation, David discusses two prominent aspects of his musicological research methodologies, historical and analytical, the differences between the Australian and British/Irish tertiary music contexts, how his professional practice has evolved in response to these alternate situations and the differences in remits between national musical associations in these countries.David freely discusses different forms of musical literacies and the effects of technological affordances on analysts and students; he offers considered insights into the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of musical understanding. David also discusses what explorations of sociocultural and historical facets of music creation and music making can offer the researcher alongside analytical study, while making practical references to various scholars, their contributions, and influences.Lastly, David canvasses emerging music theories (new Formenlehre and Schema theory) and their relevance to him and his analytical practice.Want to know more?Larkin, D. (2024). ‘Richard Strauss Online’. Nineteenth-Century Music Review (April 2024), D., Nguyen, C. (2023). Moving Things Around: The Australian Ballet’s Adaptation of The Merry Widow (1975). In Bruno Bower, Elisabeth Honn Hoegberg, Sonja Starkmeth (Eds.), Genre Beyond Borders: Reassessing Operetta, (pp. 189-208). London and New York: Routledge.Larkin, D. (2022). A stylistic crossroad: Sardanapalo and the reassessment of Liszt. Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle.Larkin, D. (2021). The 'War' of the Romantics. In Joanna Cormac (Eds.), Liszt in Context, (pp. 85-93). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Larkin, D. (2021). What the Climber Saw: Strauss's Alpensinfonie and the Romantic Tradition of Nature Representation. Nineteenth Century Music Review, 1-31.Intro/outro music, Sine Qua Non composed by Nick Freer 
  • 6. Musician in the Museum: Display and Power in Neoliberal Popular Culture

    Episode #6 Title: Musician in the Museum: Display and Power in Neoliberal Popular Culture Guest: Assoc. Prof. Charles Fairchild (University of Sydney) Summary:In this discussion, Assoc. Prof. Charles Fairchild takes us behind the glittering façade of popular music museums, uncovering the very real social costs of these institutions and the value systems they sustain. We traverse the historical link between the creation of financial mechanisms that define neoliberalism and the contemporaneous shift in notions of ‘value’ in popular music, exploring this argument in the context of Fairchild’s recent book, Musician in the Museum: Display and Power in Neoliberal Popular Culture (Bloomsbury, 2021). We discuss the sacralisation of popular music and its objects, as well as the logic of futurity that enables the extraction of wealth from musical value. What to know more? See:·        Charles Fairchild, Musician in the Museum: Display and Power in Neoliberal Popular Culture (London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2021) ·        Charles Fairchild, ‘Caught Between the Spectacular and the Vernacular: The Illusory Demos of the Popular Music Museum’ Music & Politics 12.2 (2018): 1-30.
  • 5. Exhibitions, Music and the British Empire

    Episode #5 Title: Exhibitions, Music and the British Empire Guest: Dr. Sarah Kirby (University of Melbourne) Summary: In the immediate wake of the death of the longest serving British monarch, we sat down with Dr. Sarah Kirby to discuss the representation of music and empire in late-nineteenth century international exhibitions. Describing the archival research that informed her recent book Exhibitions, Music and the British Empire (Boydell, 2022), Kirby reveals how cacophonous these temples to ‘peace through capitalism’ could be, as well as the role of powerful institutions in shaping the stories of human achievement through processes of collection and categorisation. We also discuss the difficulties of exhibiting or representing the sounding art of music in the context of an exhibition, and the robust critical debate on this problem that enlivened the music press at the time. Finally, we get a sneak peek into Kirby’s new project as Grainger Fellow at the Grainger Museum (University of Melbourne), that examines how objects within archival collections take on new meanings through their reinterpretation on stage and screen. Want to know more? See:·        Sarah Kirby, Exhibitions, Music and the British Empire (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2022) ·        Sarah Kirby, ‘Prisms of the Musical Past: British International Exhibitions and “Ancient Instruments”, 1885–1890’ Early Music 47.3 (2019): 393–407.
  • 4. The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music

    Episode #4 Title: The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music Guest: Dr. Hollis Taylor (University of Sydney) Summary:Violinist and composer, zoömusicologist and ornithologist Hollis Taylor joins us to discuss her ARC Future Fellowship project, ‘The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music’, which maps the transmission of pied butcherbird song from the area around Alice Springs, and uses this process of mapping as a way to think through some enduring questions about human exceptionalism, the nature of music, and musical animals. We also discuss the process of re-composition; Messiaen’s birdsong transcriptions; methods of fieldwork and working with birdsong recordings; and the challenges of multi-disciplinarity. Want to know more? See:·        Hollis Taylor, Is Birdsong Music? Outback Encounters with an Australian Songbird (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017). ·        Hollis Taylor, “How Musical Are Animals? Taking Stock of Zoömusicology’s Prospects” Music Review Annual 1 (2020): 1-35. ·        Websites:
  • 3. The Art and Science of Canon

    The Art and Science of CanonGuest: Assoc. Prof. Denis Collins (UQ)SummaryIn their project, ‘The Art and Science of Canon in the Music of Early 17th-Century Rome’ (ARC DP180100680, 2018-2021), Denis Collins and Jason Stoessel explore the use of computational methods—involving optical music recognition software and machine learning—to identify, classify, and trace compositional devices associated with canon from print manuscripts of the early 17th century. In the process, they discover links between experimental thought in scientific and musical arenas, respectively, as discussed by Denis in this podcast conversation. We also discuss the work of Sergi Taneyev, founder of the Russian school of music theory and music composition pedagogy, a contemporary of Schenker but largely unknown in the West. The conversation concludes with a discussion of the project’s new findings about the work of Jan Dismas Zelenka, and its new insights into Josquin des Prez in this the year of the 500th anniversary of this death.Want to know more? The Canons Database: Art of Canon Blog: Collins, ‘Approaching Renaissance Music Using Taneyev's Theories of Movable Counterpoint’ Acta Musicologica 90.2 (2018): 178-201.Denis Collins, ‘Zelenka and the Combinative Impulse: Contrapuntal Techniques in the Miserere in D Minor, ZWV 56’ Musicology Australia 41:2 (2019): 199-225. DOI: 10.1080/08145857.2019.1703488J. Stoessel and D. Collins, ‘“Sonorous Number-Objects”: Canonic Techniques, Combinatorics and Early Scientific Thought in 17th-Century Rome,’ in Music and Science from Leonardo to Galileo, edited by Victor Coelho and Rudolf Rasch. Music, Science, and Technology (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022).J. Stoessel, D. Collins, and S. Bolland, ‘Using Optical Music Recognition to Encode 17th-Century Music Prints: The Canonic Works of Paolo Agostini (C.1583–1629) as a Test Case.’ 7th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, Montréal, QC, Canada, Association for Computing Machinery, 2020.
  • 2. Rocking in a Free World: Popular Music and the Politics of Freedom in Postwar America

    Rocking in a Free World: Popular Music and the Politics of Freedom in Postwar America Guest: Dr. Nicholas Tochka (University of Melbourne)SummaryThis conversation traverses topics such as rock ’n’ roll’s association with notions of freedom, self-expression and individualism in post-War America; how performers and listeners became subjects through rock in both liberal and socialist contexts; the shifting political significance of the notion of ‘the youth’ in the 1950s and 60s; the association between rock and the post-war emergence of the civil rights movement; the inter-meshing of racial and anti-communist sentiment—black, white, and red; and the move from ‘rock ’n’ roll’ to ‘rock’, and what political values were left behind (and what remained) with this change. The conversation concludes with a chat about the recent attempts to diversify Rolling Stone’s ‘500 Greatest Songs of All Time’ list, as well as a discussion of how ethnographic processes applied in the process of researching rock ’n’ roll culture for Nick’s forthcoming book Rocking in a Free World: Popular Music and the Politics of Freedom in Postwar America. Want to know more?Nicholas Tochka, ‘John Lennon’s Plastic Ono Band as ‘first-person music’: notes on the politics of self-expression in rock music since 1970’, Popular Music 39.3-4 (2020:. 504-522. Doi: 10.1017/S0261143019000485Nicholas Tochka, Audible States: Socialist Politics and Popular Music in Albania (Oxford University Press, 2017). doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190467814.001.0001. 
  • 1. Representing Australian Aboriginal Music and Dance 1930-1970

    Representing Australian Aboriginal Music and Dance 1930-1970Guests: Dr. Amanda Harris (University of Sydney) and Mr Tiriki Onus (University of Melbourne)SummaryAt the very moment when Australian art music composers were incorporating Aboriginal culture into their music as a way of fashioning a distinctive national identity on the world stage, the performance of culture by First Nations people in Australia was being actively suppressed through policies of assimilation. In her recently-published book Representing Australian Aboriginal Music and Dance 1930-1970 (Bloomsbury, 2020), Amanda Harris traces the parallel history of non-indigenous representations of Aboriginal culture with the simultaneous assertion of presence by Aboriginal performers appearing on stages around Australia.In this conversation, Amanda describes her findings and shares stories of her research, describing her process of trawling through archives chasing traces of familiar names of Aboriginal performers here and there, and supplementing the patchy documentation with oral history accounts provided by relatives of these performers. Tiriki Onus, who provides one of the first-person accounts in the book, describes the activities of his grandfather William ‘Bill’ Onus, first Indigenous president of the Aborigines Advancement League in 1967, who joined showmanship with film-making and political activism. The conversation concludes with a discussion of the ways and which we can incorporate Aboriginal music, culture, and knowledges into our teaching and research in culturally appropriate ways, taking these stories forward in classrooms and conversations into the future.Want to know more? Amanda Harris, Representing Australian Aboriginal music and dance 1930-1970 (Bloomsbury, 2020). doi: 10.5040/9781501362965Amanda Harris, ‘Representing Australia to the Commonwealth in 1965: Aboriginal and Indigenous Performance’ Twentieth-Century Music 17.1 (2019): 3-22. doi: 10.1017/S1478572219000331Trailer for Ablaze (2021), a documentary by Tiriki Onus about the film-making activities of his grandfather: