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Music Mentality

A podcast that explores how music has played a role in artist's mental health journeys

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  • 10. CRAY

    57:28||Season 2, Ep. 10
    Ya'll...this episode is CRAY! Okay, I'll admit it, that's a predictable pun from our end. But all jokes aside, getting to know CRAY was so enlightening for us, and we think it will be for you too. Throughout her mental health journey, she has learned a lot of valuable information that many of us can grow from. When we hear about artists who've "made it" or watch someone "start from the bottom and make it to the top" on our favourite TV shows, it gives us hope, determination, and drive... but many of us tend to forget about all the work and sacrifice it takes in between each step. Starting a career in music can be incredibly unreliable for many people, so CRAY reminds us that it's important to address that obstacle first! Even though there are many rewards in a music career, there are many challenges too. How do we take care of our mental well-being to make sure we don't lose that initial drive and ambition? And finally... a lot of who we are has to do with being inspired by the people around us, but often we run into people we disagree with. Well...many of us are familiar with "cancel culture". This brings us to the question: can you support an artist whose morals you disagree with, but who makes good music?CRAY's music is available on all streaming platforms! PS: This episode marks the end of Season 2, so we want to use this opportunity to once again give a huge thank you to every guest who has been on this show and every person who has supported it. We planted the seeds and you all nourished it to experience it's growth, and while it grew, so did we from all the lesson we learned. Making music is vulnerable. Releasing it is even more vulnerable and scary. And then after all of that, having the courage to talk about the inner workings of our mind too? Wow. •••If you are an artist with a story to share, please email us at can also follow us on instagram (@musicmentalitywithangie)A huge shout out to the great editor behind these episodes, Aylin Tamer. You can reach her at you all in Season 3!

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  • 9. Kue6ix

    01:00:49||Season 2, Ep. 9
    A jack of all trades and a believer of herself, Ava, also known as Kue6ix, shows us what it is to be our own biggest fan. When we talk about being in the arts industry, we often forget that this also means being a business person, an entrepreneur.. a self-starter. The arts is more than just creating, the arts is about learning to hold value and respect for ourselves. Challenges continue to expand as Ava talks to us about what it means being a woman in the arts too. Difficult emotions can often arise: egos and jealousy are a part of the human experience and Ava shows us what it means to overcome these feelings. Finally, we talk about how our mental state leads us to experiencing scary physical symptoms, and in her experience, it was seizures! Our environment and the people around us make up so much of who we are which can often lead us down a path of co-dependence or hyper-independence. Stay tuned because at the end of this episode, you'll hear. piece of her song "Timeless" - a great one for uplifting your moods and your spirits!Find her music on most streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube and Soundcloud by searching Kue6ix•••If you are an artist with a story to share, please email us at can also follow us on instagram (@musicmentalitywithangie)A huge shout out to the great editor behind these episodes, Aylin Tamer. You can reach her at
  • 8. Larkhall

    53:25||Season 2, Ep. 8
    People think music is all about audio... and it largely is, but today's guest, Larkhall, steps out of the convention and adds a twist to our senses. Larkhall is a composer and a pianist, but his music goes beyond audio as he uses a system he created to have live visuals dancing in sync with his music. It is safe to say that Larkhall has mastered creativity and experience to a whole other level than what we're used to, but this didn't come easy. Today, he enlightens us with all his lessons learnt through dealing with the repercussions of a toxic grading system, facing vulnerability through his learning, and coming out the other side more resilient than ever with an even deeper understanding of what performing really is. For all parents out there, this one is for you, because those of us who don't have kids often forget how difficult it is to focus on ourselves while alsoooo focussing on raising children. Larkhall opens up about both the challenges and the good times that come from creating art while having kids to care for as well. How do you balance that? Find Larkhall on all streaming services! •••If you are an artist with a story to share, please email us at can also follow us on instagram (@musicmentalitywithangie)A huge shout out to the great editor behind these episodes, Aylin Tamer. You can reach her at
  • 7. MNYS

    01:12:05||Season 2, Ep. 7
    Goal: being successful in the music industry. Easier said than done though, right? I mean, where do you even start? And when you do do you keep going when people try to take it away from you? Nick, known as MNYS, really experienced that sentiment. When reflecting on where he began and where he is now, he has shown determination, passion, and above everything else, resilience. Through stormy weather and dark paths, Nick kept his goal in mind as he continued to stride towards it. He shares what he learned along his journey in regards to how to be resourceful, how to keep going and how to build a sense of trust in those around you. You may recognize some of Nick's music as he is the songwriter behind Thought it Was (by Iann Dior x MGK x Travis Barker), Drive You Crazy ( by Dylan Matthew x Nitti Gritti), DEAD ASF (by Damien), among many others. But if you give his music a listen, you too will quickly agree that MNYS belongs at the front of the scenes, not behind them. It was such a pleasure talking with him, he offered us so many new perspectives and ways of thinking, we cannot thank him enough for being on Music Mentality! Find his music by searching his name on all streaming platforms: MNYS•••If you are an artist with a story to share, please email us at can also follow us on instagram (@musicmentalitywithangie)A huge shout out to the great editor behind these episodes, Aylin Tamer. You can reach her at
  • 6. Madison Olds

    58:36||Season 2, Ep. 6
    So you're living your everyday life, doing your grocery shopping or whatever, when all of a sudden, while you're picking out what lasagna to bring to Aunt Barb's dinner, you hear a song come on. You develop the ability to time travel to a single moment in your life, where happiness lives, where you can smell the fresh air, you remember the view, the sounds of laughter shared between you and your friend. Today's guest Madison Olds has the superpower of not just painting a picture with her words, but to take the audience through time with her. As we time travel, Madison shares what she has learned in regards to how media plays a role in our stories and self perception, how sometimes we just need to get out of our own way, the fear of missing out on opportunities, and practicing happiness. This episode can be difficult for some listeners as we plunge into the topic of death. Madison's music is available on all streaming platforms!•••If you are an artist with a story to share, please email us at can also follow us on instagram (@musicmentalitywithangie)A huge shout out to the great editor behind these episodes, Aylin Tamer. You can reach her at
  • 5. Lemmy Alvah

    48:46||Season 2, Ep. 5
    Do you remember what it was like to be in high school? Or maybe you're currently in high school? Starting soon? Either way, we see it in movies and tv shows all the time and inevitably we are left disappointed when our expectations don't reflect High School Musical. Lemmy Alvah knows what it's like and he's here to talk about his experience throughout high school and how music played a role in it. It's a rough time as it is, but imagine going through this experience while also going through psychosis...leading to needing to turn to drugs.. while also needing to cope with important family members in the hospital. It's a hard time and it's only natural to have a hard time regulating our emotions throughout it all, especially the emotion of anger. What do we do other than turn to music? You can find Lemmy's music on most streaming platforms including Soundcloud, Spotify and Youtube by searching his name: Lemmy Alvah! •••If you are an artist with a story to share, please email us at can also follow us on instagram (@musicmentalitywithangie)A huge shout out to the great editor behind these episodes, Aylin Tamer. You can reach her at
  • 4. Zack Elliott

    36:18||Season 2, Ep. 4
    Calling all Folk lovers! You folks would love Zack's music, and for the rest of you... you would love it too but beyond just loving his music, you'd also enjoy everything you can learn from his episode! Zack Elliott's music-making journey has taught him how much our journeys put the "art" into "artist". We discuss how much his sound reflects what he has gone through and how no matter what kind of music you make, you can't take the "you" out of mUsic (alright, enough with my play on words). We carry the conversation into a light debate on whether or not fans like live music to sound a bit different from the original, and how making mistakes and going with the flow contributes to the art of performance. Now... if you're someone who needs to picture everyone in their underwear just to stand in front of a crowd, don't worry because we discuss overcoming stage fright.. or rather, how to work with it, and how to prepare yourself before presenting in front of crowds. Finally, we wrap up the episode by echoing familiar sentiments you may resonate with: being lazy and being burnt out is not the same thing!So how do we cut ourselves some slack and learn to be kinder to ourselves in moments of burnout? Is it just laziness? What the heck is the difference? You can find Zack's music on all major streaming services including BandCamp by searching his name! •••If you are an artist with a story to share, please email us at can also follow us on instagram (@musicmentalitywithangie)A huge shout out to the great editor behind these episodes, Aylin Tamer. You can reach her at