
Movers and Shakers: a podcast about life with Parkinson's
Enzyme Blockers
Season 4, Ep. 2
Every hero needs a sidekick: Batman and Robin, the Lone Ranger and Tonto, Ronald McDonald and Grimace. And, in Parkinson's world, if Levodopa is the crime-fighting vigilante, then enzyme blockers (or inhibitors) are keeping the seats warm in the Batmobile. To discuss the vital role that this group of drugs play, the Movers and Shakers are joined in the pub by Professor Peter Jenner, a pharmacological expert, and Lynn Guldin, a new PhD student looking into Parkinson's treatments.
Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn and Jeremy Paxman.
Produced and edited by Nick Hilton for Podot.
Sound mixing by Ewan Cameron.
Music by Alex Stobbs.
Artwork by Till Lukat.
PR by Sally Jones.
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3. Tech Tips
31:09||Season 5, Ep. 3A man walks into the pub wearing vibrating shoes – no, that's not the start of a joke, but exactly what happened to Rory Cellan-Jones. On this week's episode, the Movers and Shakers are looking at some of the new technology, from fancy footwear to rhythmical cuing devices, to look at what tech can do for Parkies. They're also joined by the author of a snazzy new guide to Parkinson's gadgets, which aims to separate steps forward from snake oil. Sponsored by Boardwave, who support Cure Parkinson's.Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn and Jeremy Paxman.Produced and edited by Nick Hilton for Podot.Sound mixing by Ewan Cameron.Music by Alex Stobbs.Artwork by Till Lukat.PR by Sally Jones.2. John Stapleton
25:56||Season 5, Ep. 2In October last year, broadcasting legend John Stapleton, a former host of shows like Nationwide and Watchdog, was diagnosed with Parkinson's. This week, he joins the Movers & Shakers in the Notting Hill pub to discuss his life, career and his PD journey so far. From getting pecked off our screen's by Rod Hull's intemperate Emu to making a film about his diagnosis with his award-winning documentarian son Nick, John has led an extraordinary life. Sitting down with Mark, Gillian, Rory, Paul and the Judge in 2025 is not quite watching the Beatles in 1963 – but it'll have to do!Sponsored by Boardwave, who support Cure Parkinson's.Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn and Jeremy Paxman.Produced and edited by Nick Hilton for Podot.Sound mixing by Ewan Cameron.Music by Alex Stobbs.Artwork by Till Lukat.PR by Sally Jones.1. Our Parkinson's Journeys – LIVE!
26:13||Season 5, Ep. 1We're back! But today's episode isn't coming to you from the Notting Hill pub – instead, it was recorded live at the Middle Temple. In this special episode Rory, Gillian, Nicholas, Paul and Mark talk through their Parkinson's journeys and are joined, from the gallery, by a number of special guests (you'll have to tune in to find out who but they include a star neurologist, a research director and a charity CEO) to kick off this the fifth – !!! – season of Movers and Shakers. Sponsored by Boardwave. Recorded live at the Middle Temple.Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn and Jeremy Paxman.Produced and edited by Nick Hilton for Podot.Sound mixing by Ewan Cameron.Music by Alex Stobbs.Artwork by Till Lukat.PR by Sally Jones.14. Reasons to be Cheerful
33:40||Season 4, Ep. 14We're back in the Notting Hill pub for our final episode of 2024. And after some rather gloomy subjects in recent weeks – from caring responsibilities to assisted dying – the Movers and Shakers are turning their attention to something a little more optimistic. With contributions from listeners – and a couple of special guests – this episode looks at the reasons all Parkies have to be cheerful. Whether that's defying the condition or embracing it, there's always a silver lining to be found.Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn and Jeremy Paxman.Produced and edited by Nick Hilton for Podot.Sound mixing by Ewan Cameron.Music by Alex Stobbs.Artwork by Till Lukat.PR by Sally Jones.13. Pumps
34:41||Season 4, Ep. 13Could discreet pumps, constantly providing adjustable doses of your top Parky drugs, be the future of 24-hour care? That's one of the suggestions made by advocates of a new range of pumps, one of whom, Professor Ray Chaudhuri (aka the Judge's neurologist), joins the Movers and Shakers in the Notting Hill pub. And if that's not a sufficiently bumper discussion, Prof Chaudhuri also discusses a new project that's he's developing: a Parkinson's dashboard to help make sure that new patients are asked all the right questions in the weeks after a diagnosis.Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn and Jeremy Paxman.Produced and edited by Nick Hilton for Podot.Sound mixing by Ewan Cameron.Music by Alex Stobbs.Artwork by Till Lukat.PR by Sally Jones.12. Pets
30:41||Season 4, Ep. 12This week the Movers & Shakers are celebrating our four-legged friends, both canine and feline. But how do pets help or hinder the experience of having Parkinson's? With expert testimony from Bilbo Mostyn, Derek Paxman, Sophie Cellan-Jones and Lana Del Grey Mardell – not to mention several listeners calling in – and some special guests, this episode explores the special bond between animals and humans.Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn and Jeremy Paxman.Produced and edited by Nick Hilton for Podot.Sound mixing by Ewan Cameron.Music by Alex Stobbs.Artwork by Till Lukat.PR by Sally Jones.11. Sports! (Live from The Belfry)
25:51||Season 4, Ep. 11In this special live edition of Movers and Shakers half of the gang – The Judge, Rory and Paul – head to the famous Belfry golf club, where Sport Parkinson's were hosting their annual Four Nations golf tournament. In this wide-ranging conversation about the merits of sports (and a few pitfalls), special guests join to discuss the various initiatives for motivating Parkies into athletic endeavour. From golf and football to horse riding and – you guessed it – ping pong, this will be the inspiration you need to get off the couch and dust off those trainers!Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn and Jeremy Paxman.Produced and edited by Nick Hilton for Podot.Sound mixing by Ewan Cameron.Music by Alex Stobbs.Artwork by Till Lukat.PR by Sally Jones.10. Women and Parkinson's
34:25||Season 4, Ep. 10Women make up about 40% of all Parkinson's cases – but the Movers and Shakers panel doesn't often reflect that! Do we pay enough attention to women's experience with the disease? And does medical science have the same blindspot? On this week's episode of the show, we're talking about the female experience with PD, how the disease differently impacts the genders, and what we need to do to even the playing field for biomedical research. Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn and Jeremy Paxman.Produced and edited by Nick Hilton for Podot.Sound mixing by Ewan Cameron.Music by Alex Stobbs.Artwork by Till Lukat.PR by Sally Jones.9. Bas Bloem
32:46||Season 4, Ep. 9In the world of Parkinson's, Bas Bloem is something of a rockstar. The Dutch neurological giant (in more ways than one) joins the Movers and Shakers in the Notting Hill pub for this special interview, where he talks about his personal journey into PD research, his suspicions on the causes of the illness, and his pathological optimism for the future of the condition. Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, Gillian Lacey-Solymar, Mark Mardell, Paul Mayhew-Archer, Sir Nicholas Mostyn and Jeremy Paxman.Produced and edited by Nick Hilton for Podot.Sound mixing by Ewan Cameron.Music by Alex Stobbs.Artwork by Till Lukat.PR by Sally Jones.