
cover art for No Lost Hope

Motivational Moment

No Lost Hope

Season 2

Losing hope is something that we cannot do. It starts with the confidence we have. The positive energy we have and the strength to hold onto our dreams, goals and ambitions. Do not lose hope. Keep pushing and moving forward. Trust the process.

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  • You're Amazing

    We are all AMAZING. Through your brightest times and even through your darkest times, know that you are AMAZING!
  • No Blockage

    No Blockage means just that... Do not allow doubt, negative energy and other factors to block your goals, dreams and ambitions. Be that kid again and let your imagination flow!
  • Love Oneself

    We all give LOVE.When do we decide to actually decide to LOVE ourselves? Once we do that, it opens up so much. Just try it and see.
  • Your Push

    What drives you? What motivates you? What's your......PUSH?
  • Roll the Dice

    Life is all about chances. We miss the ones we don't take. Roll the Dice and bet on YOURSELF and watch the outcome.
  • Hold Fast

    Hold Fast to your goals. Ambitions. Dreams and anything else that makes you happy. Grasp tightly and never let go. Live and love life!
  • Appreciate Life

    Showing appreciation for life is beautiful. Everyday that we are above ground is a day for us to flourish and show how much we appreciate life and all it has for us. Embrace it and trust the process.
  • Manifest
