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  • You're Amazing

    23:27||Season 3
    We are all AMAZING. Through your brightest times and even through your darkest times, know that you are AMAZING!

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  • No Blockage

    25:13||Season 3
    No Blockage means just that... Do not allow doubt, negative energy and other factors to block your goals, dreams and ambitions. Be that kid again and let your imagination flow!
  • Love Oneself

    20:37||Season 2
    We all give LOVE.When do we decide to actually decide to LOVE ourselves? Once we do that, it opens up so much. Just try it and see.
  • Your Push

    21:16||Season 2
    What drives you? What motivates you? What's your......PUSH?
  • Roll the Dice

    23:29||Season 2
    Life is all about chances. We miss the ones we don't take. Roll the Dice and bet on YOURSELF and watch the outcome.
  • Hold Fast

    12:24||Season 2
    Hold Fast to your goals. Ambitions. Dreams and anything else that makes you happy. Grasp tightly and never let go. Live and love life!
  • Appreciate Life

    22:49||Season 2
    Showing appreciation for life is beautiful. Everyday that we are above ground is a day for us to flourish and show how much we appreciate life and all it has for us. Embrace it and trust the process.