
Motherhood, Mayhem, & Medical Mysteries
045 Mel's Famous Cats, Video Games, and Hiccups!
This week, Mel spills the beans on how her cats became internet sensations after being shared on a renowned Facebook page. Next, buckle up as Miranda delves into the perplexing world of video game ratings. Discover why it's crucial for parents to decipher those cryptic symbols and understand what exactly they mean for their kids' gaming experiences. But wait, there's more! Ever wondered what causes those pesky hiccups that always seem to strike at the most inconvenient moments?Fear not, as Mel unravels the mystery behind these diaphragm disturbances with humor and curiosity, and maybe a remedy that actually works! You won't want to miss a minute of the laughter as the Gal Pals tackle life's quirkiest challenges with wit and wisdom!
Gamer's Outreach
Gamers Outreach is a charity that empowers hospitalized children through video games. They’re building a world where play is easily prioritized alongside research and treatment!
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69. 069 It's the "Self Care" Season Finale!!
56:59||Season 2, Ep. 69On this very special season finale of the 4M Podcast, Mel & Miranda share why they weren't able to publish an episode last week... once you hear, you'll understand! You know, every now and then we all need a break for some "self care," but sometimes "self care" goes too far and can actually become incredibly toxic!! The Gal Pals unpack some "health" trends that may not be healthy at all, at least not in the opinion of these two overworked mommas! Tune in and learn why diet culture, positive vibes only, and "treat yo self" may actually be doing more harm than good for your mental health and authentic relationships. Mix it all up with some ghost stories, a lesbian punk rock band, and waaaay too many old fashioneds, and you've got a pretty fantastic season finale of the Motherhood, Mayhem, and Medical Mysteries Podcast! #selfcare #workingmoms #treatyoself #positivevibesonly #motherhood SOURCES: the Mayhem Mommas out there who spend time with us every week! That's right! We're looking at you!! Now get out and vote ;)68. 068 (Re-Release) The Breasties are Back!
01:00:56||Season 2, Ep. 68Have you ever gone on autopilot trying to get everything done only for it to result in a #momfail? Miranda is right there with you. In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Mayhem Mommas revisit a topic that is important for us all-- breast cancer and prevention. Mel shares some encouraging findings from a very recent study and Miranda discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle (even if it involves an adult beverage every now and then) to reduce our risk of breast cancer.Spotlight:The Breast Cancer Research Foundation mission is to prevent and cure breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research.Sources:Mel- 067 Long COVID and Childhood Obesity!
55:59||Season 2, Ep. 67In this episode, Mel and Miranda dive into two important health topics that are impacting many families today. Mel kicks things off by unraveling the mystery behind long COVID—what it is, why it's so tricky to diagnose, and the ways it affects those who are struggling with ongoing symptoms. It’s a complicated topic, but Mel breaks it down in a relatable way that’ll make you feel informed and empowered. Next, Miranda shifts the conversation to the growing concern of childhood obesity. She explores why it's become so common, the factors contributing to this trend, and, most importantly, what we as parents can do to help prevent it. Miranda offers practical tips and reassures us that small changes can make a big difference in our kids’ health. Join us for an honest, supportive, and informative chat—because we're all in this journey together, mama! #longCOVID #COVID19 #childhoodobesity #womenshealth #childrenshealth #parenting SPOTLIGHT:Pandemic Patients Patients is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that works to relieve the harm caused by COVID-19 and post-COVID conditions. The founders launched Pandemic Patients with the goal of providing support and services to those who have been affected by COVID-19. Pandemic Patients accomplishes this mission by raising awareness about COVID-19 and Post-COVID Conditions, advocating for change at the state and federal level, and providing educational resources and updates about the coronavirus pandemic to the public. In 2022, Pandemic Patients launched the Pandemic Legal Assistance Network (PLAN) and the COVID-19 Advocacy Center. PLAN serves as a vital resource for people affected by COVID-19 by connecting them with a network of attorneys who can provide pro bono legal assistance. The COVID-19 Advocacy Center is a hub for advocates to learn about opportunities to engage with public policy and connect with their elected officials.SOURCES:Mel- 066 The Teeth Episode!!
01:00:22||Season 2, Ep. 66This week, the Gal Pals are grinning ear to ear and excited to teach you all about... teeth!! Miranda unpacks the history of the Tooth Fairy, why kids lose their teeth, and what to do with those pearly whites after you-- I mean the "Tooth Fairy"-- carefully extracts them from under the pillow! Then, Mel delves into some common dental displeasures, including cavities, root canals, and more! Mix it up with some mayhem stories about those chompers and this episode will surely leave a smile on your face!! America's Tooth FairyAmerica's ToothFairy: National Children's Oral Health Foundation (NCOHF) was founded in 2006 as a collaborative effort of clinicians, academicians, corporate leaders and caring individuals to address the children’s oral health crisis.SOURCES:Mel- 065 Restless Leg Syndrome & Bullying
01:01:22||Season 2, Ep. 65In this week’s fun and informative episode, Mel dives into the strange sensations of restless leg syndrome, giving listeners the lowdown on this common but quirky condition, while Miranda opens up about the tough topic of childhood bullying and how moms can empower their kids to navigate it. The dynamic duo is also joined by a special guest who’s in the thick of pregnancy and dishes on the unexpected comments and side-eye she’s been getting from strangers. It’s a relatable and hilarious chat that every mom will appreciate! Grab your beer, wine, or soda that's gone flat because it sat on the counter too long while you simultaneously cleaned the house and entertained the kiddos, and join us for another great episode!! #bullying #restlesslegsyndrome #pregnancy #stompoutbullying #parenting #momfails #momlifeSPOTLIGHT:Stomp Out Bullying Miranda- 064 A Growth Mindset and Measles!!
01:04:42||Season 2, Ep. 64How many times has your grocery store pick-up messed up your order in a major way and caused cataclysmic calamities?? Mel shares about her recent experience, which resulted in a surprising amount of free cheese! Then, Miranda walks us through how we can help our kiddos cultivate a "growth mindset," which is proven to increase perseverance and persistence. Lastly, Mel uncovers some recent scary trends about measles, which is on the rise in the United States. Learn about this tragic disease and the importance of prevention on this week's episode of the 4M Podcast!!SPOTLIGHT:https://vaccinemakers.orgThe Vaccine Makers ProjectThe Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) is committed to public education about vaccine science via scientifically supported, historically accurate and emotionally compelling content. To this end, the VMP has developed a variety of school-based curricula to educate students about how the immune system works, how diseases develop and how vaccines work to prevent them.SOURCES:Mel- Miranda- 063 (Re-Release) First Responder Illnesses and Parent Teacher Conferences!
01:06:26||Season 2, Ep. 63(Re-release) On this special episode, join Mel & Miranda as Mel discusses illnesses often faced by first responders, and the long-term impacts still felt by those who survived and responded to the 9/11 Tragedy over 20 years ago. Miranda shares some tips on how to prepare for a successful parent- teacher conference... even though she may have missed one or two on accident... oops! SPOTLIGHT:World Trade Center Health Program The WTC Health Program is dedicated to helping those who were there during and after the attacks of September 11, 2001. The Program provides services to individuals who meet their requirements. Feal Good FoundationThe mission of the FGF includes educating elected officials and private entities on the various problems, concerns and issues faced by First Responders in their everyday duties. The FGF is therefore dedicated to advocating for First Responder rights and illuminating, to proper authorities, the serious issues they encounter. SOURCES:Mel- Miranda- 062 The Third Trimester and VBACs!
01:04:33||Season 2, Ep. 62This week on the podcast, we’re diving into the final stretch of pregnancy—yes, the third trimester! We’ll cover everything from your baby’s growth spurt (and the epic hiccups that come with it) to what’s happening with your body as it prepares for the big day. Plus, Mel unpacks the mystery of VBACs: what it’s like to go for a vaginal birth after a C-section, and weighing the pros and cons so you’re totally in the know. Tune in for a blend of laughs, real talk, and all the info you need to finish your pregnancy journey strong!Spotlight:Every Mother Counts Mother Counts’ mission is to make pregnancy and childbirth safe, equitable, and respectful for every mother, everywhere.Sources:Mel- 061 Family Meetings, Cholesterol, and Hurricane Headaches!
59:55||Season 2, Ep. 61Welcome back, Mayhem Mommas!! This week, hear Mel share her recent misadventures driving back from Ohio in the midst of Hurricane Debby, aka Debby Downer! Next, Miranda discusses a corny, yet beneficial topic in the world of parenting... family meetings! What are they, why should you have them, and what should you talk about to make sure your fam is all on the same page when the calendars and the chaos collide. Lastly, Mel delves into a medical mystery we hear a lot about, but may not fully understand-- cholesterol! After this episode, you'll be able to rattle off the nuances between HDLs and LDLs, and maybe even triglycerides! Grab yourself a heart-healthy snack (like oatmeal with some almonds) and let's dive in to learn more! #cholesterol #hearthealth #familymeetings #parenting #motherhoodSpotlight: The American Heart Association From humble beginnings, the AHA has grown into the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. A shared focus on cardiovascular health unites our more than 35 million volunteers and supporters as well as our more than 2,900 employees.Sources: Mel-