
cover art for Me Or Farage In Rochdale! | Putin’s Visit To North Korea and President Kim

MOATS with George Galloway

Me Or Farage In Rochdale! | Putin’s Visit To North Korea and President Kim

Ep. 354

On this Moats, George Galloway talks about his upcoming Piers Morgan knockout, ahead of their upcoming interview. Will the US big enchilada fight the election behind bars? After Biden’s big cognitive decline, who could possible lead the Democrats limping into this years election?

Putin’s visit to North Korea and President Kim. Flags and modernity despite sanctions. Preconceptions blown. Donald Courter reports.

Israel is poised to invade Lebanon but is Israel ready to fight Hezbollah if it can't take Gaza? Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi gives the Middle Eastern perspective on the prospective invasion from Israel

Donald Courter: Award Winning Journalist, Political Analyst, Host of The Revolution Report and Director of ‘8 years before’

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Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi: Professor of English Literature and Orientalism at the University of Tehran 

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