MN Sports Variety Show
Vikes Eeking them Ws out
Ep. 43
All the MN Sports, plus Thanksgiving, house-hunting, Low T, and movie reviews
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41. SAD and Kids Playing Parents Sports
55:50||Ep. 41All of the MN Sports plus Seasonal Affected Disorder, kids playing sports that their parents played, TV and Movie Recommendations40. Red Wave Reaction
44:57||Ep. 40All the MN Sports plus reaction to tRumps re-election and the corresponding red wave. We also discuss leaving Twitter and give movies, tv shows, and podcast recommendations.39. All Hallow's Eve
59:28||Ep. 39All the MN sports plus Halloween, wife out of town, Movie and TV recommendations38. Hit a Skid
51:41||Ep. 38All the MN sports, Variety; youth on YouTube and concert-going as an older adult, TV/Movie Recommendations and reviewsWinnersville USA
44:51|Loons, Lynx going for a Championship, Vikes go 5-0; how'd we get there, Wild win, Gophers huge win, Variety; Pen pal in prison, Wife's away, TV and Movie Reccomendations36. Four and OH!
48:42||Ep. 36All of the MN Sports; variety top 10 TV episodes of all-time per Rolling Stone; TV, podcast and movie reviews35. Keep Skolin'
50:45||Ep. 35Loons Win, Twins nose-dive, Gophs lose, Lynx and Vikes dominate; Variety: allergies; TV Movie reviews34. Orchard Meal Prep
47:01||Ep. 34Loons, Twins, Gophers, Vikes big win, Lynx, Apple orchards, Family meal planning, Books, movies, TV recommendations