
cover art for White Horse Dark Night

Michael Harding

White Horse Dark Night

Here's a few more stories and reflections from the years gone by, but here too is a reflection from the heart; my heart to your heart, which sums up for me everything I hold dear about the wonderful powerful mid winter festival of Christmas.

Hope it lifts you up and the you have a wonderful Christmas. Blessings. And thank you for your support during the year.

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    This begins with a strange dream. And the dream drew me into a meditation on a very special aspect of Buddhist thought; The great Wish that all beings would achieve bliss. Even the rabbits on the lawn. 
  • The Bridegroom and the Wine

    Lovely story I heard during the week about a Jewish wedding tradition. And then I was thinking of two icons that can help during times of war and destruction. One is the icon of the Bridegroom. Find it. And spend time with it. And the other is the Turin Shroud. Astonishing image. Forget if it's authentic or not. Someone made it. And it is the most amazing and serene icon of the dead Christ. This is a must. Don't lose your balance during times of troubles. Know that Christ descends into hell. And light will emerge from darkness. Blessings and have a great weekend. 
  • The General in Fanad, and loneliness on the beach

    This is the beginning of June, so much to say about the beach, and how to drink wine. Every Wednesday in the Irish Times at the moment, so I have a column in here too at the beginning. Hope you enjoy. 
  • Let Go !

    The biggest thing about life is simple. Take God as a dimension of your being. And stop driving the train. Let Go. Let God. Here are some thoughts on what religion I should belong to, and on the ultimate answer; just be where you are and let go the anxiety.
  • Me and You and a Fly

    ok. So it was a lovely day in May. And a fly came in as I was about to begin the podcast. And so I went off on a different track. But I hope you like it. IT's all about Grace, and that's not an easy thing to talk about. So let's see if this works.
  • I have Covid. Perfect Timing!

    it's Ascension Day. And I just came back from a big walk in Spain. And what did I bring home with me? Yes, that thing!Covid.Join me in the darkness and enjoy. And mind yourself.
  • Looking back on Life

    Am on the Camino this week. It's Good Friday in Orthodox tradition. Am sending all my followers love and blessings. More next week.
  • The Upper Room

    I'm enjoying working on these mediations in the days after easter, and will be walking the camino from Tui to Santiago between April 27 and May 5. What does it mean that I am here. What does it mean that you are here. What does it mean if the clock ticks or doesn't tick. Let's explore that today. My walk on the Camino will coincide with the Orthodox period of Holy Week. Looking forward to it. Might send you random dispatches on the road.