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SOUTHRIDGE CHURCH with Micaiah Irmler

Vital & Viral

Season 2022, Ep. 20

Have you ever met a person that you thought rubs you the wrong way? When you were growing up did a parent ever say that your friends are rubbing off on you? There is a Greek word Jesus used in John 3:22 called ‘diatribo' which means to literally rub off on someone. Jesus idea of discipleship was for Christians to rub off on one another. We invite you to Join us over the next 6 weeks as we learn what discipleship is all about and how it’s about forming relationships that rub off on others in a positive and powerful way.

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  • 113. You Can't Buy Happiness

    Our teaching series called What Happy Couples Know is more than a teaching series about romantic relationships. Join us for this weeks message as we learn that in relationships you can't buy happiness.
  • 122. We Need to Talk

    I have a personal question to ask; have you ever gone back to a bad relationship? Why is it that we do that? How is that we tell ourselves we would never go back but somehow we do. Join part three of our series What Happy Couples Know we are going to see that we make bad picks when we are in bad places. 
  • 121. Red Flags in Relationship

    Ever wonder why seemingly strong and great looking relationships suddenly separate? Are there any indicators about the health and strength of a relationship? Join us this sermon as we going to talk about the Red Flags in Relationships.
  • 120. Love Isn't Blind

    Does it ever seem like every couple around you has it all together, while you can't even agree on what's for dinner? Wanna know the secret? Join us this online for a brand new teaching series called, "What Happy Couples Know."
  • 119. The Emptiness of Easter

    Looking around at the world we find ourselves in this Easter; we see a lot of emptiness. We see the emptiness everywhere. We see the emptiness in people, online posts, and in our power to change things from empty to filled and fulfilled. Come join us at Southridge Church as we discover the Emptiness of Easter and why that’s a wonderful thing that can forever change our lives.
  • 118. Welcome the King

    The kingdom they expected. The kingdom he established.
  • 117. Supernatural Synchronicity

    What do you do when what you wanted to happen doesn’t? Now, imagine for a moment, the thing you’ve been wanting to happen was something God promised would happen. What do you do then? Do you keep waiting? Do you keep trusting? Or do you give up hope? Join us this Sunday as we continue our series Flannelgraph Gospel and see what God has to say about unmet expectations.
  • 116. Break the Mold

    Actor Brad Pitt was once asked about the election process and what he thought of it. He said, “I spend my life pretending to be other people why should my opinion matter.” So many people today aren’t professional actors but they still spend their lives pretending to be other people instead of who God made them to be. When it comes to your identity you have either forgotten who you are, forsaken who you are, or you are faking who you are. Listen in now as we find out who you truly are. 
  • 115. Faith that Withstands Power

    Did you ever get to go camping as a child? One of my favorite parts of camping was the camp fire. Something so amazing about its glow, warmth, and the way it made marshmallows taste so much better! I also remember throwing anything and everything into the fire to watch it burn until one time my dad put a cup with some water into the fire and we watched to see what was going to happened. I expected the cup to burn but it didn’t. The cups without the water burned up immediately but the cups with the water didn’t burn. We are all going to sadly get burned in life. However the people that make it through the fire is because of what is on the inside. Join us this Sunday to learn how faith helps you make it through the fire.