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Mental Health

End Rasicm in all sport

In today's episode of Mental Health, I'm going to be discussing the racial injustice that these three incredible young Black players faced after the England final against Italy about three weeks ago. Their names are Marcus Rashford MBE, Jaydon Sancho, and Bukayo Saka; and how the world of social media and people in political power need to get their security system to tighten and enforce tighter laws against racism.

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  • Imran's Mental Health

    Mental health:A journey into the life of a personal trainer and his mental health.Khan is a professional boxing coach and a qualified level 3 personal trainer In this podcast we talk to him and get to know how he has been coping during the lockdown and what does he advise other personal trainers.
  • 1. James' Mental Health Story

    18:46||Season 1, Ep. 1
    On today's episode of my podcast Men's Mental Health, I'll be interviewing a great colleague and an even greater friend on his views on men's mental health from both a personal and professional side.We spoke about how mental health can be affected by the impact of coronavirus, the lockdown and isolation; how activities that we used to take for granted are no longer possible, such as playing sports or going to the gym, seeing friends and family and opportunities for social contact. The anxiety experienced by some around catching coronavirus or loved ones catching it. Stress caused by employment and financial issues, especially for those unable to work during the lock down periods. We also talked about the reasons why men in particular may be reluctant to talk openly about issues with their mental health such as embarrassment or appearing weak or maybe feeling like they may be made fun of. Or people may feel reluctant to talk about mental health problems if they do not understand the issue themselves and are maybe confused as to why they experience certain feelings or emotions. In my opinion talking about mental health problems shows a strength of character and bravery. The first step towards making things better is acknowledging there is a problem and seeking support to manage it. Finally, you asked me what my advice would be to anyone experiencing mental health problems and as I mentioned, the first step is acknowledging the problem and asking for help and/or support. There is no shame in acknowledging a mental health problem and there are services available to help, especially for those who may not have friends or family they can talk to. It is ok not to be ok, and opening up about mental health problems is just as important as seeking help for physical health problems. The first step can be the hardest, but is the first step towards hopefully making a positive difference.
  • 1. Stu's mental Health issues

    21:21||Season 1, Ep. 1
    in this evening episode of men's mental health I'll be interviewing my partner Stuart and we'll be talking about his mental health during the lockdown and prior and how him being an essential worker for a brand supermarket has impacted on his mental health.He talks about his techniques, and how he has learnt to deal with his mental health and stress levels; from yoga to playing his guitar to meditating.
  • Imani Health and Religion

    In today's episode of mental health, I have a previous guest by the name of Imani, and we are going to be discussing our thoughts and feelings around the subject of how religion and mental health go hand-in-hand together.
  • 1. Janet's Brave story on mental Health

    24:48||Season 1, Ep. 1
    On last week's episode of Mental Health, I was happy to interview a previous work colleague of mine by Janet and we were discussing Janet's mental health issues and Janet's mental health fluctuated during the lockdown period.Janet will also be discussing methods she used to bring her out of dark periods of depression
  • Chris Taylor Mental Health

    In today's episode of mental health, I'll be interviewing a fellow colleague on his Mental health through the current pandemic and his going to be explaining how his getting into reading again
  • 1. Sabrina's Mental health & Fitness durning the lockdown

    19:13||Season 1, Ep. 1
    on last week's episode of mental health, I got a chance to interview my Zumba teacher and I asked a few questions about the pandemic and how it's affecting her Mental, Physically emotionally
  • Walking Through The Wilderness

    In today's episode of Mental Health I will be talking about getting through hard times in life and on how to deal with difficult situations.
  • growing up in a Polygamous family & memtal health

    In last week's episode of mental health, I was discussing with my Uncle what it was like for him growing up in a polygamous household and how loved growing up in that environment.