
Pre-Nicene Perspective

Historical and current events analyzed from the Pre-Nicene Christian perspective

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  • 23. Hijacking the Blood of Newborns: Church Issues Guthrie Test Warning to Christians

    Four years after banning RNA injections, is recommending parents expecting the birth of a child to invoke a religious exemption against the Guthrie test (heel prick test) which involves the use of a lancet to collect blood from the newborn. Once again we find evil hiding in plain sight and the ramifications are stunning. Show notes below: Very First Bible:

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  • 20. The Very First Bible: Official Content Guide

    As the faithful yearn for unedited, authentic scripture and canon, we explore the history and contents of the first Christian bible ever published. Produced in conjunction with the Marcionite Christian Church (, this special episode serves as the official content guide and overview of The Very First Bible 144 A.D. The Very First Bible: ⁠⁠Diocletian persecution: First New Testament: Marcion’s Scriptural Canon by Jason D. BeDuhn:'s_Scriptural_Canon_by_Jason_D_BeDuhnSaint Marcion: Gospel of The Lord Audio: video version of this episode: TIMESTAMPS: ⁠00:00:00⁠ - Intro ⁠00:00:53⁠ - Renewed interest in Pre-Nicene Christianity ⁠00:02:44⁠ - Theological inconsistencies ⁠00:03:36⁠ - Saint Marcion ⁠00:04:43⁠ - Gospel provenance answered (not Luke) ⁠00:06:21⁠ - Content overview ⁠00:08:26⁠ - Evangelion (The Gospel of The Lord) ⁠00:09:42⁠ - Apostolicon (Epistles of Paul) ⁠00:10:24⁠ - Prologues ⁠00:11:01⁠ - Vatican links to first bible ⁠00:12:23⁠ - Erasure of first bible history 
  • 17. Pre-Nicene Mass: 2nd Century Reconstruction and Walkthrough

    Today we reconstruct mass just as it would have been celebrated in the 2nd century by the Pre-Nicene Christians and as outlined in the liturgical guide 'Mass, Baptisms and Prayers of the First Christians,' published by the Marcionite Christian Church ( Overview: In many ways, this mass is reflective of the widespread persecution endured by the Pre-Nicene Christians from 33 A.D. - 325 A.D. as more often than not, it would be celebrated underground, in caves or private homes and away from their enemies. At the time, all Christians had but one bible - The Very First Bible of 144 A.D. and it would have accompanied parishioners during mass. It was traditional that Saturday be a day of fasting and mass be celebrated on Sunday beginning at dawn with a Service of the Word. ⁠#prenicene⁠ ⁠#liturgy⁠ ⁠#apostlepaul⁠ ⁠#mass⁠ ⁠#communion⁠ Pre-Nicene Mass: ⁠⁠ The Very First Bible: ⁠⁠ Liturgical Guide Free Ebook/PDF: ⁠⁠ Pre-Nicene Christian Ecclesia: ⁠⁠ PCRN Radio: ⁠
  • 15. An Apostle's Chilling Warning About Reading The Old Testament Books

    KJV Very First Bible Testament Amalek Reach A Fork In The Road Christian Church Christian Ecclesia
  • 15. Back To The Pre-Nicene Past: Deconstructing the Calendar Era Error

    The shape and motion of the earth, the origin of life, who is God and what is his name? These are all big concepts to be sure - but what about another one? What about what year is it, really? Buckle up for an explanation that may have you celebrating like it's 1995 - again. Divinity and the Magic Bullet of Bethlehem: The Very First Bible: Christian Church: Volunteer to help establish the new Pre-Nicene Christian Ecclesia outreach office in Argentina - send an email to outreach (at)
  • 14. A Blinding Veil Is Being Removed From Judeo-Christians

    As genocide is invoked in their name, Judeo-Christians are making a clean break from Yahweh the desert war god and its death cult. What began as a brief comment from Israeli PM Netanyahu regarding a link between a Torah character named Amalek and the ethnic-cleansing of Palestinians has ignited a firestorm of theological controversy. In today's episode we explain the far-reaching consequences. Netanyahu/Amalek: The Very First Bible: 'Whose God?' series illustrates the difference between Yahweh and our Christian God: Marcionite Christian Church: Bishop Eusebius: Marcionite Church Urges Prayers For Baptized Palestinian Christians: All Pre-Nicene Perspective episodes: Prayer for the Deceived:Our Father, revealed to us only through your son Jesus Christ, into your hands alone I commend my spirit.In my innocence I trusted, and the enemy of all mankind took advantage, leading me astray. Truly penitent, I now pray for your forgiveness.I now renounce and rebuke all that is not of Christ and ask you to send your Holy Spirit for guidance and spiritual discernment.I pray your will be done. Amen.
  • 12. Only ONE Church Knows Why Jesus Never Wrote A Single Letter

    It's a question that Christian churches and denominations of all stripes would rather you didn't think about, much less ask out loud. It's a question that theologians and biblical scholars have struggled to answer for millenia, and none with any success. How is it that a man who thousands of books, billions of words and millions of letters have been written about could himself have not written down a single word or letter?The Gospel of The Lord: Christian Church: Christian Television: Inscription Bearing the Name of Jesus: Library Links to Marcionite Church: Did the Gospel of The Lord Come From?